Why am I so late in posting this? Several reasons, really. Lots of health issues, family stuff, terrible computer; but I'm back, baby! (For realsises this time. I have the next few chapters typed up, and will be posting them over the next couple of days to make up for the long hiatus.
Peggy, Chapter Ten: And You Guys Winder Why I'm So CrabbyHave I ever told you how loud this house is? No? Well, let me explain.
I woke up to a loud squeal, followed by several loud voices. At first I thought someone was being attacked. Nope-it was just the most ridiculous argument ever that took place in the dining room, a.k.a, the place RIGHT NEXT TO MY BEDROOM.
"Y'know, this really just proves that Wyatt's the guy in the relationship." Jayli pointed out.
"What?! No he's not."
I waited for them to be quiet.
"He totally is!"
"No he is not, I'm the guy." Jesse said easily.
I stuffed a pillow over my head.
I heard the fridge door open. "For the record-I'm the guy." Bottles clink.
This wasn't working.
"See? Even Wyatt agrees."
"I am not a girl, okay? I'm just fabulous. And wombat like."
"Excuse me-" I poked my head of my room to see Chandell raise her hand and wait for everyone's attention-"As the leading expert in psychology here, Jesse is definitely the girl."
Wyatt and Jayli high fived.
"Although technically you're
both 'the guy, since-"
"Excuse me!" I called. They all turned. "I'm trying to sleep. Kindly go somewhere else."
Jayli looked down at the juice in her hand, than back to everyone else. "You guys feel like hitting up Paradise Pub? I'll be designated driver."
"You're a parent now, you don't get to do that Jess."
"So are you, Mr. Dynasty Heir!"
"Guys, we're all parents."
"Thanks CD, now I feel old. Old and-"
"What is going on right now?!," I interrupted Jesse's tirade with a higher than normal voice. "Seriously, what's going on, are all of you juiced or something?"
"I'm a little buzzed," Jayli admitted, draining the rest of her glass. I opened my mouth to retort her sassiness, when a grinning Jesse held up his left hand and my jaw dropped and all thought disappeared.
Jesse whispered, "Hey Wyatt? I think we broke your mom."
"I heard that!"
It wasn't like I could actually sleep after
that big announcement, so I made myself some coffee-chocolate, (coffee with chocolate in it; there's probably a real name for it ending in 'chino' but I don't care,) and sat in my room with Charlie, my latest turtle. We watched the snow fall.
It's really quite pretty.
Georgia came running downstairs this morning at 7 am sharp yelling "SNOW DAY SNOW DAY SNOW DAY!!!!" She also made us muffins; I think that was partially to apologize for waking up her up her sleep-deprived 'Parentals.' (It's what she calls the kids. Apparently, it's short for 'Parental Units' which is short for 'Madre, Dad, Tío Wyatt, and Aunt Jayli.')
She might've put something in them though, since Jesse, Jayli, Georgia, and I got into a snowball fight that lasted-what, three hours? We only stopped because Jesse had to go to work. (It was actually really fun to be included. Don't tell them I said that, though; I need to maintain my 'crotchety elder' status.)
Wyatt also rode on Margarita for the first time in nearly a year. He makes time to spend with her every day, of course, but she doesn't get nearly as much attention as she used to.
I, meanwhile, have been hard at work on 'Operation: Pollination.' (It rhymes!!! How cool is that?!) The details are top secret, but the gist of it is that I throw procreation elixirs and love spells all over the place. I have to be careful, though. Since Gullermo died, there's been some weird glitch in the family tree, and he's no longer registered as Rubiseils brother or Carolina and Everado's father. They aren't registered as Wyatt's uncle or half-siblings either.
It has created some very awkward moments. Let's leave it at that.
Oh, speaking of family-look at this!!
Pablo aged up. Isn't he so cute?! (Jesse, Chandell, and I called it even; I had been included in the bet at the last minute, and voted that he would look exactly like Wyatt. I still think he does, but I got vetoed, since Pablo has Jayli's coloring.)
I mean, I don't much like nooboo's, personally; they're a little creepy. However, I can still appreciate the fact that my grandson (that felt so weird to say,) is going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up. We now return you to our regularly scheduled story.
Okay, so me being woken up by various household shenanigans is starting to become a thing. The low buzz of a chainsaw pulled me awake the other night, and since I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to just find the source of the noise and freeze whoever was making it. (I realize now that this is not a good plan, but I was tired. Shush.)
I pulled on some clothes and left my room; the only person on the floor was Chandell, so I headed upstairs. When I passed her, I got an earful of mutterings about 'DNA replication' and 'deathfish' and 'tRNA' and a bunch of other stuff that I was too cranky to understand.
The noise on the second floor suddenly stopped . I didn't care; I pulled my wrinkly old body and saggy hip joints up the stairs. There were voices coming from Pablo's room, and a low grating sound. I eased the door open just a tad
What? I have just as much right as anybody else to eavesdrop.
Oh please, don't give me that look.
So anyway-Jayli was tuning the chainsaw, making sure it ran properly or something. She moved the razor chain with her finger, checking for imperfections as Pablo babbled to his doll.
"Who's that?" Jesse asked. He added a small line of black under the portraits chin.
"This is Frieda," My grandson, (gaaahhh, i feel so old), said proudly.
Thank the Watcher, it's a girl this time. "She play with Evil while sleep."
"Who?" Jayli picked up an oil can and dripped some along the chainsaw's teeth.
"Georgia's bear."
"She named it evil?"
"Well, his full name is Evil McFluffenstien."
"Yeah, Frieda likes him," Pablo affirmed.
Jayli snorted. "This is too weird."
"Wyatt said some real similar stuff about you when he was a toddler."
"Aw, maybe they'll get married when Pablo grows up. More Imaginary Friend blood in the family."
"Ugh. We'll all be old by then."
"Ah, don't worry. Between the two of us, we'll all look awesome."
Jayli grinned and revved up the chainsaw. I closed the door softly and went back downstairs.
My memory of the next few events is a little fuzzy, since I am unfortunately old, but I remember Jesse stopping me after dinner a few nights later.
"Um." He scratched his head awkwardly. "So, like.... Wyatt's always wanted a surprise birthday party, right? So...I'mgivinghimasurpriseweddingandIkindneed-yourhelp." He said it all in one big rush, twisting his hands together and not looking me in the eye.
"You what?"
"I'm giving him a surprise wedding and I kinda need your help," he repeated it slower. "We're all leaving at 4:30 tomorrow to set up the park, and-"
"Why the-you know what, sure, why not. It's not like I barely get any sleep anyway!"
"So....is that actually a yes, or-"
"For crying out loud, yes I'll help. But I swear, I am soundproofing my watcher-forsaken room afterwards!"
The next day, Jesse, Chandell, Georgia, and I all piled into a cab as quietly as possible and zoomed to the Plaza. Jesse immediately snapped into 'General Mode.'
"Okay." He clapped his hands together. "Peg, I need a snowman over there please. Maybe some snow angels. Chandell, you're on snowboarding duty. Georgie, I want you to make an igloo riiiight....there. We need to make this place look fun as possible, since winter is a horrible season but a lovely wedding time, which shouldn't really make sense but it does."
"So what're you gonna do, Papi?"
"I am going to make the best Watcher-darned hotdogs you will ever eat. Now let's go, go, go!!"
Jayli showed up with Pablo right before the wedding began. She practically fell out of the car, she was moving so quickly. "Wyatt's right behind me!," She called. "Places!!"
When Wyatt got out of his own cab, not spewed two minutes later, the entire park hushed. The only sound heard were his boots crunching against the snow and befuddled question of "What?"
Jesse gave him a lopsided grin. "Remember how you always wanted a surprise party? Well, uh-" he gestured behind him. "I managed to get you a surprise wedding on your birthday, does that count?"
All Wyatt could do was stare.
For like, five minutes. Then somebody yelled "GET ON WITH IT!" and the boys hastily moved into place.
"I, uh. I actually don't have anything prepared-," (the crowd chuckled a little at Wyatt's nervousness,)" but, uh. I love you. I-I think I loved you from." He cleared his throat, and tried again. "I think I've loved you from the second you tried to convince me to hot-wire car. Uh, the first time, when we kids, not the like, eight times after that."
Jesse, a man, who I have never seen show any emotion but happiness and anger, was actually tearing up. "Dang it Wyatt, m'gonna start crying."
Wyatt grinned. "I think you're allowed to at a wedding."
Jesse gave him a watery chuckle. "Watcher, you always know the right thing to say, don't you? You-ugh. You are the only person in Simnation who is willing to put up with me, and-and I really, really hope that I make you as happy as you make me." He snuffled a little and wiped his nose on his sleeve before reaching a hand into his pocket. "So-what is it, with this ring I wed thee or something?" His hands shook as he maneuvered the ring onto Wyatt's finger.
Wyatt's grin softened in a dopey smile. "Close enough." He took the offered ring and slid onto Jesse's finger. "With this ring, I wed thee. "
Okay, so maybe I cried a little bit. Can you really blame me?
It made me think, though. Guillermo and I-sweet Watcher, I don't know. We didn't cry at our wedding. We didn't go on dates or play chess or talk late at night. We just sort of.....existed in the same house. And woohooed. A lot.
Am I regretting my life? No. That isn't the right word. I just-geez, I dunno. It's more like-it's more like if I had the chance to do it over again, I would want to get to to know Guillermo. Really, truly, actually get to know him.
Ugh. All the introspection is making my head hurt.
But oh yeah-the person who yelled at the wedding?
Totally that guy behind me. See how suspicious he looks?