Author Topic: Testing, Testing,1,2,3.....Jayli, Chapter Four: Elderhood  (Read 64241 times)

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3..... Jayli, Chapter One: Why I Hate My Life
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2013, 04:51:44 PM »
Jayli is pretty; she doesn't deserve any love from Wyatt. As Wyatt he should looking the one he love most his own. Oh, she should seek her prince charming instead.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
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2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Karma
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2013, 10:45:25 AM »

My honeymoon was amazing.

Guillermo talked me out of working on my supermax, telling me I could break for a few days.

He was very persuasive. 

Instead, I worked with a different manner of potions while he fished.

We took pictures, too; one cop went in the museum,and the other one went on the island house.

Mostly we just engaged in........recreational activities.

You know,like fishing and reading and watching TV. Duh.

In three days we were back home, and the endless cycle of skilling continued.

Along with potty training Wyatt.


  Don't let Peg fool you. Me and Mom potty trained Wyatt, and I taught him to talk.

"Me Jayli. Jay-lee."
".....Close enough. You Wyatt. Why-et."
"Why-at. Why why hwy why. Heh heh."

Sometimes Wyatt will give me this look. This look where he seems to be saying, 'I know nothing and you know everything. You are the coolest person ever.' Just this look of total adoration and innocence.

It scares the crap out of me. What if I do something wrong and, like,I dunno, drop him or something? What's going to happen to him then? What's going to happen when he grows up and realizes how crappy life is?

For now I'm trying my best to preserve that innocence. I'm trying to keep him happy and loving as long as possible. We spent the first of what I hope will be many Spooky Days together. Well, it was almost Spooky Day. Close enough. We'll get it right next year.

However, the universe was conspiring against me.

It's really hard to keep a toddler giggling and bubbly when your Mom-his "Mawga"- just died.

We went home the minute Peggy called me. She was crying so much over the phone I could barely understand  her.

I put Wyatt to bed, his eyes half closed. When I turned to leave, I heard his little baby voice go, "Jay? Where Mawga?"

"She.....she's not here, sweetie. She's gone."

"Is she coming back?"

"No, baby."

"Did I do something?"

"No. Never. Go to sleep, hon. We can talk in the morning."

He gave this tiny yawn. "Okay Jay."

A lot of stories here talk about people dying at happy events. Some say it's the wheel of the world turning, or someone pushing back at us. I say it's karma. Peggy and Guillermo spent their time frolicking off in the wilds while Mom watched their son. So Grim lashed out at them and took their babysitter so that Peggy has to spend some time with her own kid.

It's not fair. He didn't just take something from Peg and Guillermo; he took something from me and Wyatt, too. And we didn't even do anything!

The next time Grim shows up, I'm throwing on of Peggy's potions at him. Hopefully the one that makes bees attack him.

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3..... Jayli, Chapter One: Why I Hate My Life
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2013, 10:47:03 AM »
Jayli is pretty; she doesn't deserve any love from Wyatt. As Wyatt he should looking the one he love most his own. Oh, she should seek her prince charming instead.

Both she and Wyatt are getting a very interesting life. Stay tuned!!  ;)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Karma
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2013, 01:57:06 PM »
Peggy and Guillermo better take care of Wyatt before Jayli runs off with him o.o
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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Karma
« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2013, 06:33:31 PM »
Peggy and Guillermo better take care of Wyatt before Jayli runs off with him o.o

Shhh!! Don't give her any ideas! XD

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Karma
« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2013, 06:35:00 PM »
Oh, no it seems someone will make someone child become a hostage and threat his parents for a ransom of banana split ::)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Peggy, Chapter Five: Holidays
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2013, 08:13:39 PM »
Oh, no it seems someone will make someone child become a hostage and threat his parents for a ransom of banana split ::)


Peggy, Chapter Five: Holidays

Fall is definitely my favorite season.

Especially now, after a death.

Fall is the tie we let all the annoyances of the previous year sort of fall away, so we can create new grudges when we're all cramped together during winter. It's the time we prep everything for winter.

Its the time we spend with family.

"This is Jesse."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mm hm. One day he's gonna be like me. He likes the pumpkin."
"Well thanks Jess."

It's the tie we do nice things for others, so we don't have to do Snowflake eve last-minute shopping.

It's the tie we discover things about our selves.

I really think you should go with the longer hair."
"Sure, maybe. Hey, do you want to go to prom?"
"I can't, actually. I have a present to work on."
"Oh. Okay."
"And I like someone else."

It's the time we're grateful for nearly any kind of warmth.

"Didn't we go through this yesterday?
"Wait, I have an idea-what if we leave it?"
"Peg, it'll burn the house down."
"Oh. Right. See, this is why I married you."
"That and you were desperate."
"Don't you have homework to do?"

It's the time we throw parties and potions.

"Shazam! Now we're friends."
"Oh. Okay. Hi. My name's-"
"Not the time. NEXT!"

And, just like spring, it's the time things change.

"Happy birthday son! I made you a key lime pie."
"Oh. Um.  Thank you charred, half naked man."

"Alright, kid. Your Mom and I flipped for it, and I won, so I get to help you with your clothes."

"Can I-"
"Pretty please?"

Eventually, they agreed on this:

And I got to say, he is DEFINITELY my kid. The lips, the face shape, the eyes, the face-all mine.

It took him and Jayli nearly two hours to fix outfits that were both orange and tasteful.

Except for that one. I reused to let my son wear orange for formal wear. Bleh.

Any guesses on his supermax? *wink*

Oh, and Wyatt wants me to post this. I think it's a blank photo, but he was insistent.

Something about Jesse getting another step closer?

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Peggy, Chapter Five: Holidays
« Reply #37 on: November 29, 2013, 03:02:02 AM »
Those were funny moments; I love how the story description and the screenshots look different. It looks serious but when you take a look into the screenshots. It doesn't ;D

Hmm, I just need to wait for what coming next.
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Peggy, Chapter Five: Holidays
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2013, 05:06:31 AM »
I agree completely with Luna. This chapter makes me smile, it's funny! Story description and the screenshots look different ;D

Something about Jesse getting another step closer?

I just wonder about the last part. I have no clue  ???
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Peggy, Chapter Five: Holidays
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2013, 08:41:40 AM »
I agree completely with Luna. This chapter makes me smile, it's funny! Story description and the screenshots look different ;D

I just wonder about the last part. I have no clue  ???

Jesse (the imaginary friend) became 'real' in Wyatt's sight. So he's another to step closer to being really real.

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Peggy, Chapter Five: Holidays
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2013, 09:07:37 AM »
Wyatt hair is adorable, is that hairstyle bought from the sims store?  My game toddler never have that hair choice.

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3.....Peggy, Chapter Five: Holidays
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2013, 09:44:44 AM »
Those were funny moments; I love how the story description and the screenshots look different. It looks serious but when you take a look into the screenshots. It doesn't ;D

Hmm, I just need to wait for what coming next.
Thanks. I love doing that.  ;D

Wyatt hair is adorable, is that hairstyle bought from the sims store?  My game toddler never have that hair choice.

His toddler hair is from the store, and his kid hair is from generations.

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3....Wyatt, Chapter One: Family
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2013, 06:44:00 PM »
My name is Wyatt Frond. I have one mom, one dad, two half siblings, and one sort of cousin.

"And that was when the cops showed up."
"Mmmhmm. So, I shimmied up the palm tree, and tried to jump to the next roof."

Jayli is super cool. She helps me with my homework and my chores and stuff.

Sometimes she goes off on her own, though. She'll write sappy love poetry for some girl.

S'okay, though. When she does that I just hang out with Jess.

"Yee haw!"
"I'm bored."
"Oh. Okay, what do you want to do?"
"Hmmmmm.....what if we hotwire a car?"
"We don't have a car."
"How bout a boat?"

I always feel like Jess and Li would get along.

"Hey kid, how'd you do this?"
"Jesse had some matches. He wanted to set the whole tree on fire, but I got him to agree to just the leaf pile."
"Huh. Well, nice job to both of you."
"Keep him out of my room, please."

"Wanna help me and Jess catch critters?""
"Yes. Yes I do."

The orange terrarium is my new chipmunk Summer, and the blue one is Jayli's squirrel Winter.

Lately Mom's been doing something Li calls 'binging and purging.' She'll go out and harvest a bunch of ingredients, then make as many elixirs as she can, then sell em all in one big batch.

"No! Dang it..stupid.......urgh! I will nab thee, flighty creatures of alchemy!"

I just think she's nuts.

Oh yeah, and she totally freaked when this happened:

"Hey kid!"
"I finally figured it out! The potion!"
"Geez, dude, calm down. That's creepy, how did you jump like that?"
"I dunno."

Just like that, I got another cousin. Jesse Frond.

Jayli said Mom almost had a cow. Jess and I thought a cow would be awesome, and we told Li, but she just cracked up.

"See, Wyatt? All we have to do is make your Mom really surprised again, and then we get a free cow!"

"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?"
"She might throw bees at us."
"Oh yeah."

Thankfully, Mom let Jesse stay. She also got him a bed, so now we're roomates.

Well, y'know, and we made a billion promises to be good forever.

I have this weird feeling that Jees'll mess that up.

Ah well. Even if the rest of my family's a little evil, I'm here to keep em from going too crazy.

After all, that's what family's for. Keeping your cousins from getting arrested.

(Watcher's note: I love the photo booth pictures Wyatt, Jayli, and Jesse took.Eeeeeee!!!!)

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3....Wyatt, Chapter One: Family
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2013, 10:50:52 AM »
It's fun playing with Pets? I never play with small animal like Chipmunk or Squirrel in my game ;D

Oh, no... It seems I know where this will be going ::)
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

My story:
For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3....Wyatt, Chapter One: Family
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2013, 02:09:12 PM »
I love Wyatt's way of telling the story. I'm not a big fan of orange but it looks good on him, I'm sure even his formal wear would have been ok.
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