My name is Wyatt Frond. I have one mom, one dad, two half siblings, and one sort of cousin.

"And that was when the cops showed up."
"Mmmhmm. So, I shimmied up the palm tree, and tried to jump to the next roof."
Jayli is super cool. She helps me with my homework and my chores and stuff.

Sometimes she goes off on her own, though. She'll write sappy love poetry for some girl.

S'okay, though. When she does that I just hang out with Jess.

"Yee haw!"
"I'm bored."
"Oh. Okay, what do you want to do?"
"Hmmmmm.....what if we hotwire a car?"
"We don't have a car."
"How bout a boat?"
I always feel like Jess and Li would get along.

"Hey kid, how'd you do this?"
"Jesse had some matches. He wanted to set the whole tree on fire, but I got him to agree to just the leaf pile."
"Huh. Well, nice job to both of you."
"Keep him out of my room, please."

"Wanna help me and Jess catch critters?""
"Yes. Yes I do."

The orange terrarium is my new chipmunk Summer, and the blue one is Jayli's squirrel Winter.
Lately Mom's been doing something Li calls 'binging and purging.' She'll go out and harvest a bunch of ingredients, then make as many elixirs as she can, then sell em all in one big batch.

"No! Dang it..stupid.......urgh! I will nab thee, flighty creatures of alchemy!"
I just think she's nuts.
Oh yeah, and she totally freaked when this happened:
"Hey kid!"
"I finally figured it out! The potion!"
"Geez, dude, calm down. That's creepy, how did you jump like that?"
"I dunno."
Just like that, I got another cousin. Jesse Frond.

Jayli said Mom almost had a cow. Jess and I thought a cow would be awesome, and we told Li, but she just cracked up.

"See, Wyatt? All we have to do is make your Mom really surprised again, and then we get a free cow!"

"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?"
"She might throw bees at us."
"Oh yeah."

Thankfully, Mom let Jesse stay. She also got him a bed, so now we're roomates.

Well, y'know, and we made a billion promises to be good forever.

I have this weird feeling that Jees'll mess that up.

Ah well. Even if the rest of my family's a little evil, I'm here to keep em from going too crazy.
After all, that's what family's for. Keeping your cousins from getting arrested.
(Watcher's note: I love the photo booth pictures Wyatt, Jayli, and Jesse took.Eeeeeee!!!!)