He made it! Andrew is a World Renowned Surgeon and can do pretty much whatever he wants to do.
Garrett likes to play the guitar in the bathroom. It must be because it's a large bathroom.
Swimming in the rain. Swimming is how Jewel has gained most of her athletic skill. As you can see, even rain doesn't stop her.
Garrett and his date are going to the Prom. That's some formal outfit you have on there, Guadeloupe.
I'm thinking we might have a very large household in the next town. I don't think that I am going to want to leave either of these boys behind in Hidden Springs.
Chandler likes singing to his Imaginary Friend. But, that "Friend" is NOT going to be part of the family in the next town.
I just got a notice that Charles Winterly and Ella Carlisle are having a baby. Ah, that Winterly name...sigh.
I sent Chandler to take a class in writing. I figured he might as well get a start on the skill. Anything to get him away from that doll!
I almost feel sorry for the paparazzi standing around in the cold and rain waiting to get a glimpse of a celebrity.
Andrew and Jewel are still in love with each other and are always kissing and hugging.
Both boys have birthdays today. First, Garrett.
Chandler is actually looking pretty handsome as a teen.
This is Stella Vanderberg-Anderson. She was his friend in elementary school and is now his girlfriend.