New Addition
Check...Check... 1,2,3. Hi, Aurum’s speaking here. Nice to see you again.
In the last update, I was getting married to Rubisel. And we are doing the ‘trying to have a nooboo’ program.
Quite a lot of things happened in these last few months. I’ll just summarize those as detailed as possible. If there is anything I miss, just blame my hormones.
Okay. First, reader, this is Haku Kaiwi.
He is a guy I met at the salon. He was working there as a tattoo stylist. As seen at his visible skin; lots of tattoo there. The guy seems to have good genes though, so I moved him in. The word dynasty lured him in fast enough.
Though this becoming quite a hot debate between me and my watcher. She said that if I moved him in, it will soon be full house and the next generation will be in trouble. What kind of trouble could have happened, right? My watcher is such an exaggerator.
Rubisel also got his promotion in the Law Enforcement. He is now a Patrol Officer.
Right on the same day, Rodolphus also had his birthday.
Goodbyyyyyye cocoon. Welcome toddler training.
I also got invitation to my boss house party, again.
At the party I met an annoying guy: something-something Alto. People said he is a big shot in this country but, whatever. I don’t care. He is annoying.
Around the midnight, I spun into maternity clothes while practicing apple making magic.
Hmm, could I make money by selling poisonous apple to evil Queen? I wonder....
What do you think?
Apparently, thinking too much about apple could make you got a glitching sleep.
As weird as it is, the next day, I still got a call to go to work. The driver even came by to get me. I don’t know what’s wrong. I have already called the Bistro and told them I take maternity leaves.
Cursed it. I’m sure this must be my watcher revenge or something, because I don’t listen to her telling me not to ask Haku to moved in.
On the same cursed day, I, once again met another rude guy.
After work, me and Chandell go to library on purpose of skilling. We were reading some books, we anjoying our time and not disturbing anyone.
And yet, here this guy, taking photos of us in such a close proximity and without consent at all. He even dare to asking bunches of questions and even disturbing our skilling even more.
Yup. Those are all about the family members step, not step, step-step? Yup, pretty much so.
Now, who have I missed? Ow yeah, Haku.
Well, let’s be honest about him. At first, actually I initially look for someone to paint portrait and/or sculpt. As mean spirited guy as he is, he was really totally hard to ask to moved in, so in the meantime, I make a plan B : that is to ask Rubisel to learn painting. By the time Haku finally moved in, Rubisel is just one more level from painting portrait and Chandell is at level 3 of sculpting, so he ended up as a consignment store seller, the resort manager, the underground movement checker (by this, I mean the town Don, Alto), and flirting with any girl he likes.
Yeah... Not too wise according to me. Really. I mean, sleeping with the Don favourite latest mistress? Not the smartest move really. I think... I have no idea how this would turn out.
What do you think?
Well, the reports finished. Aurum Sanguinem out.