Chapter Eight - Letters To Janet part 2 & Showtime
Dear Janet,
You don't know how devastated Anarkali was to find her husband missing, it broke my heart to see her cry. I thank you for the amnesia potions, no one remembers a thing, of course, but I didn't take mine in order to remind myself how this dynasty could almost have been over.
Anarkali chose her intended spouse from the short list of compatible males left in Sunlit Tides. She called Martin Pepper, an original townie I was surprised to find out, and threw a potion at him - she's been doing that to all us.

Having moved him in, he had a swift makeover before she proposed.

We all sat down to watch the wedding, my second time was just as tearful as Anarkali's first wedding. They looked so perfect in their Indian themed outfits, I'm sure you'd have shed a tear too.

It didn't rain this time, but as the sun rose slowly over the horizon, Anarkali and Martin were a happily wed couple.

I pray nothing like this happens again. Love,
Elysium.Martin didn't have long before his elder birthday, so after everyone had congratulated them, Anarkali and her husband spent their first night as a couple with chimes ringing in the distant.

Just as Ely had posted her letter to Janet, she heard the dreaded sounds of Grim's approach. She ran to the living room where everyone else had congregated to find her beloved Gilberto was leaving her.
Elysium: Gilberto! No, wait-!
Gilberto: It's OK, love, I'm happy to go. Take care of my girl, Martin. Len, Kyoko, Gene, you have my thanks for helping this dynasty along.

The imminent arrival of a new baby somewhat brightened the hopes of the Chant household. Both parents read the pregnancy books, and Ely was also on hand to give out advice.

It was as Anarkali was reading the Tragic Clown potion book when she went into labour. After huffing and puffing by herself, she welcomed a baby boy into the world. She named him Shotaro - Sho for short. He immediately cried, long and loud wails that hurt her ears.

Martin took on the role of full time babysitter as Anarkali gardened and locked herself in the alchemy room making even more potions.

It was a relief when Sho and Martin's birthdays coincided. It was a small family affair with the remaining Granthams.

Gene took this time to chat with her sister, Katherine - Sophie was too busy playing in the sandpit.

Pillow fighting with her dad like old times.
Gavin: Not so hard, my love, I'm an old man now.

Martin: Smile for the camera, baby.

Note: I didn't not plan for Sho to have blond hair and when I saw that I squealed like a fangirl xD