Author Topic: Plumbot career questions / bugs  (Read 3335 times)

Offline Darien

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Plumbot career questions / bugs
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:20:47 PM »
So, the description of the Office Drone chip says that it "allows your bot to advance through its chosen profession". My plumbot joined the Astronomer career, but was stuck at the 1st level for days. He didn't get promoted, even though his performance bar was full. Only after I gave him Sentience, he finally started getting promotions. Is the Sentience trait chip necessary for advancing through a career (kinda makes sense, but still) or is this another bug?

Another problem is that in the future my plumbot seems to be able to join only the new careers introduced by the EP - Astronomy and Bot Arena. Others are not available. In the present he can join any of the rabbit-hole careers.

