Author Topic: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?  (Read 4141 times)

Offline Antalia

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Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:14:47 AM »
I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I'd like some help with this if it's possible. Recently when I've been viewing this site, I almost always have an ad on my screen saying "Male Gamers Only", "WARNING: MEN ONLY ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK".

I find it exceptionally irritating. This is why, if you'd like to know:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I am clearly the wrong demographic for the ad (the game company says it is meant to attract 14-18 year old boys--I am not one). I have fiddled with my ad settings to try and get rid of it, but that doesn't seem to help--the ad still pops up almost every time I view a page on this site. Is there anything I can do to block it? I'm happy to view anything else.

Thank you for your help.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 06:17:58 AM »
I think you need to have 50 posts for the ads to be reduced, I know they irritated me too D:< I'm sorry the stupid ad offended you so much =[
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Offline Antalia

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 06:46:28 AM »
Will 50 posts also remove the ads from the guide site ( as well? That's where I see this one the most.

Edit: Strangely, on the forum, I mostly seem to get nice ads for things like wedding rings, television sets, and clothes. I don't mind those!

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 07:28:23 AM »
Antalia, I'm so sorry about your experience!  I've sent a message to Carl about it.  He will definitely want to know this is happening and will be able to take are of it.  He can also answer about the 50 posts.  I don't believe that's the case, but he can say for sure.  There is one ad here on the Forum that goes away after you become a member, but I'm not positive about anything else.

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Offline Antalia

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 07:49:26 AM »
Thanks, Pam, I appreciate it!

Offline Carl

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 07:53:01 AM »
50 posts removes both top ads from the Forum (one on topic, one on header) but leaves the forum box. If I could, I'd remove most of them for our members with over 50 posts on the guide as well, but it's not possible as the guide is basic html for the most part and not integrated with the Forum that way.

An issue with online advertising these days is how tracked we are by companies and as you seem to notice, stereotyping gamers as men is an issue, showing these horrible MMO RPGs that are sucking men in with images of scantily clad women. They gather information about sites you visit etc and some advertisers may target you based on that. Not suggesting you go to for men only sites (obviously not, given you're female) but some other criteria (demographics, location etc.) may flag you to get ads like that, all around the web for anyone who is using common ad networks for their ad delivery. For the most part, I see ads for webmasters and gaming when I visit the Guide but I'm not much into surfing the web these days so they have less to go on, other than knowing I need web hosting :P Essentially, you could just be getting it because you are a gamer and they don't know your gender.

If it is a Google ad, they offer you options to avoid this stereotyping and help customize the ads you are shown. Follow this link and look at Manage your Ad Settings - you can disable categories yourself that way.

One thing you can do for others, is tell me in PM the site it's showing you so that I can try to block it in google and other sites we use for advertising. If you feel the ad is safe to click, I can block their entire domain from showing on our site - but only if it's a google ad. I find those types of ads inappropriate for the Guide obviously, but cannot exert control until I've seen it come up. We used to get these sleazy ads for a game that included lots of cleavage and were all over the site, with complaints coming in constantly. They made like 30 domains to make it so that you had a hard time blocking them.

 I'll investigate categories on a couple of our ad partners and see if I can disable anything that might look like it could lead to ads of this nature. It puts the bad rep for showing it on the webmaster, when I wish that advertising companies would hold higher standards and not allow ads that could be seen as sexually suggestive on the web when they don't really know who's on the net - but TV is pretty much worse, so it's not getting better in the industry. I saw a Hot Pockets commercial that was overly sexualized just yesterday, with the pretty woman expected to make me want to go out immediately to buy microwave food and I am sure I would find women lining up to meet me at the check-out. I'm sure we can all agree that 30% extra pepperoni and a better crust is hard to resist.

I'll do what I can on my end and load some pages to see if I can get it to come up; If you can and feel safe, click the ad to get their domain name and give me the opportunity to block it if it is indeed possible to do so.

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2013, 08:01:52 AM »
Oh yes, and everyone might benefit from this and it works on every site - sometimes you will see AdChoices in the top right corner of an ad. You can choose to opt-out of certain things there, which can help you control what categories of ads you are seeing. This depends on what ad network is serving it, however. Many have no such options.

Update I found the ad you found upsetting and removed it through Google. Thankfully they let me view the last 500 or so ads that have appeared. This was for some MMO as I suspected.

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Offline jesirose

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2013, 09:31:52 AM »
Update I found the ad you found upsetting and removed it through Google. Thankfully they let me view the last 500 or so ads that have appeared. This was for some MMO as I suspected.

I appreciate it. I also saw that ad and found it distasteful. I am glad to know it won't be back.
- Jessica

Offline Antalia

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Re: Is it possible to block an irritating ad when viewing this site?
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2013, 01:54:07 PM »
Thanks, Carl. It sounds like you got it - I PMed the link and a screenshot just in case.

