I never knew this thread existed.. if I did I would've posted on it ages ago.
Anyways, my request is..
- a two-story (if possible to fit everything into just two, of course..) modern legacy mansion for 15 SummerHill Court in SV.
- I'd like it to all look modern, but open also. Preferrably the colour of the house on the outside to be white.
- with 8 uniquely decorated bedrooms (maybe either 6 or all of which have ensuite bathrooms, if possible?)
- 2 living rooms with an open and nice feel to them
- a swimming pool (I don't mind if this is on the roof or outside)
- a dining room, with lots of nice flowers
- a downstairs bathroom
- a kid's play area (outside, or if there's not much space to put it outside I don't mind there being a playroom inside instead, but I would prefer a kid's play area outside for the jungle gym, etc.
- a museum for sculptures and pictures with an easel and a sculpting station there, too.
- one laundry room, or maybe two (i.e: one upstairs and one downstairs)
- possibly a 'skilling' room where my sims can practise their skills..
- a kitchen which I prefer having the dining room inside, so they are the same room.
I have only got a laptop where my graphics are all low and medium so maybe that'd be helpful so whoever the builder is can bare in mind that the house needs to be big enough but not to make my laptop lag.. although, if you have a look at my Dreamer legacy (in my sig), the house there is like what I want (except not good enough, I don't think
.. I made it), vis-a-vis the style (not the proportions or anything like that: I think it's horrible!) except it has two less bedrooms.
I don't really mind too much about landscaping but I still like plants outside the house, and I'd like enough space somewhere for (quite a small) garden as one of my sims is a gardener. But, I'd like it all to look quite modern and high tech-ish. I don't mind most of the stuff being the most expensive items, in fact I usually prefer it that way.
I also quite like plants inside the house, but not too much. I like to put magazines and the little orchid plant things on the dining tables, and I don't mind mood-lite candles, too, for the dining one.
I'd like, if there is enough room, an area with some picnic benches and a grill. Also, an outdoor chess table and an area to 'chill' outside. With loungers and such. There is no priority, just anything that fits.
I don't mind. Also, even though I mentioned earlier that it may be helpful to look at my Dreamer house, please try to make it not look like the house. I have tried to make it look like what I want but it just isn't what I want.
I don't really have any particular colour scheme except for 4 of the bedrooms which are:
the master/main bedroom - black and red. But not gothic-like. I want it still looking nice and open but with hints of black and red. (mainly red)
The other bedrooms are: sea foam, purple and gray. (my sim's favourite colours)
I don't mind about skilling items in the bedrooms if there is a skilling room, but I'd like the master one (red and black one) to be very open and for a family-oriented and hopeless romantic sim. I want there to be a romantic atmosphere about that particular room.
The sea foam one belongs to an athletic genius who is also friendly and charismatic, so if it could be made a sort of open and friendly room with a mini living room type of feel to it as well as a studying area.
The purple one belongs to an insane genius robot cross breeder. So if it could be not just purpler, but lots of colours and mixed up and eclectic and insane, that would rock.
The gray one belongs to a kleptomaniac thief and I'd like it to be all minimalistic but kind of stylish also.. I'd like that picture with the girl in diamonds there, please. I also don't mind if this particular room is rather small.
Thank you so much.
And sorry for this huge thing.