I would like to pose an idea for a residential build. If someone feels inspired by it, I'd love for you to attempt it. Multiple attempts might be needed, as this house would eventually be featured in my story "Seasons of Change". I want to find what I'm looking for.
EDIT: I forgot to mention what the exterior should look like. I do not want a modern style. I'd like a traditional American style, possibly Cape Cod.
I want a house with four bedrooms, each inspired by one of the seasons. The rest of the house needs to be kind of indifferent in color choice, but inviting and family-oriented.
EDIT: I need a master bedroom in addition to the seasons bedrooms. It should be neutral.
Lot size can vary, but I preferably want a 30x30, 40x30, or 30x40.
Price need not exceed $150,000.
I have all expansions, plus High End Loft and Outdoor Living.
If there is anything I have forgotten, please mention it to me.