I was checking world requests since I like playing with CAW, and wanted to check with Simstar, "smalish" island is probably meaning small map, but it is nearly impossible to place more than 40 mostly large lots in small map and make a theme with it and make it look nice. Would it be OK to make a medium sized world for this request?
Also, for both world requests, is it important to have all opportunity related buildings? Meaning, if I put BP bookstore and spa, you won't be able to finish guitar skill challenges, etc. so if you want to have SV rabbitholes (for opps) it would leave bars and apartments from BP.
I will probably try o create 2 types of Islands, one with big city feel and one with SV feel.
Calgary Rose, does it matter if bars are custom made without CC items of course? You limit to 3 story buildings and I'm not shore I get it right, but it seems like you want to have features but not necessary the look of buildings in BP. And is it OK to be medium size world?
I can't promise when will it be done, but I really need a break from dynasty and challenges so I'm on this at the moment.