Updated the first post with a table where I will later add links to the correct posts in the tread.
I know I wrote I was nearly done with the challenge, but I got so hit by bugs I decided to do a redo.
So must of my stuff is now planned out, let the quest for me completing a dynasty start.
After commenting Nutellas 4x4 dynasty I discovered I had not posted my sims yet :O! So im doing it now.
Let me present to you, the Stars!
Isla Paradiso Founders:World Settings:
Summer 28 Days.
Lunar cycle 10 Days.
All occult allowed.
Leo Stars:Traits: Ambitious, Loves the Outdoors, Gatherer, Loves the Heat, Daredevil
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Lifestate: Witch
Eta StarsTraits: Ambitious, Loves the Outdoors, Gatherer, Loves the Heat, Star Quality
LTW: Swimming in Cash
Lifestate: Witch