Sleuth: But for Mojo to shirk his Dynasty tasks won’t help Radar. It will only harm Mojo himself. And us.
James: Aye, Sleuth, you’re right of course. But it’s about loyalty and the bond those two have.
Christie: So what are we going to do?
Sleuth: Maybe if we talk to Mojo -
James, sharply: No! None of us will talk to him, is that clear?
Christie: But why not?
James: Because he sees us as having a vested interest, which of course we have. Anything we say is just going to sound like we’re acting out of selfish interests.
Sleuth: Is there nothing we can do?
James: There is one person Mojo will listen to. He’s the only one.
Sleuth: Who?
Wimsey: You mean Radar?
James: Yes.
Christie: But why would Radar try to persuade Mojo? Radar has nothing to gain!
James: That’s precisely why he’s the person Mojo will listen to.
Sleuth: But Radar has always been just as irresponsible as Mojo! We’re doomed!
Wimsey: Well, I’ve noticed that Radar has become much more disciplined since his last birthday. He spends a lot of his time meditating these days, hadn’t you noticed? I’ve had some very deep conversations with him lately.
Christie: Do you really think Radar can persuade him?
Sleuth: Do you think Radar wants to persuade him?
James: I don’t know. I just know he’s our only hope. And that, my friends, is why we are meeting here in the Gallery of the Mortals. Because the future of our Dynasty depends completely on the actions of a mortal who cannot be part of the Dynasty and will not benefit from it.
Sleuth: And if Radar can’t - or won’t - persuade Mojo, then what?
James: Then, children, our Dynasty will be over. Now, I think there’s nothing further to be said on the matter. If you’ll excuse me, the robot fish are waiting for me in the Science pond.
The meeting ends.