Author Topic: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3  (Read 43692 times)

Offline doriankoeuf

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Alice In Wonderland 2.2
« Reply #105 on: June 30, 2014, 12:38:15 PM »
*bounces on toes* Will we get more soon? I'm kind of in a Disney Sims withdrawal 0_0

Offline Pixelen

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #106 on: July 06, 2014, 11:16:42 AM »
I like Alice. There's something about that defiant look in her eye on the last picture. It's an interesting take on the character with her being a little unusual and others thinking she's a bit mad.

She is very defiant! Thank you, I'm trying to make her understandably insane, she's had a difficult time of it with Aurora being cursed and taken away, and being the "ignored" child, so she invents an escape in Wonderland, which we'll get to see more of soon. Thanks for reading!

I feel a disturbance in the Arthur-verse.

Great story by the way. I love it!

Haha, really? Well... there isn't. He's pretty boring as a character. I'm sorry! I actually realised the other day that it's going a bit down the route of a matriarchy here, completely accidentally! I guess I just prefer the princesses and writing women :P I'm glad you like it nonetheless!

I love that Alice goes to the white rabbit for assurance on whether or not she's mad. >.< Hahaha... This chapter is more on the fun side, which I think comes with Alice's personality. You're really doing a great job with her. :) Not in a very commenting mood right now, but I still love your work and am really looking forward to what you've got in store for us. ;)

Well seeing as he's her closest friend... which I agree is pretty weird! Haha yeah it's nice to have some less dramatic chapters from Alice every now and then, though that soon will change! Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it and even though you weren't in the mood it's still a great comment! Haha.

*bounces on toes* Will we get more soon? I'm kind of in a Disney Sims withdrawal 0_0

You will indeed! Next chapter is up! Hope you enjoy reading it and thanks for sticking around :D


Sleeping Beauty 2.3: Once Upon A Dream

Hi guys, thanks for being patient! I only have time to work on this story at the weekends so expect an update (at least!) every Sunday. I'm going to try and make that my thing. Story Sunday! So here's chapter 3 of generation 2 from Aurora, hope you like it!

I waited and bode my time before a suitable moment happened when I could leave the cottage without Flora, Fauna or Merryweather noticing. They all worked, but at different hours and Flora always worked from home as a gardener.

One evening Merryweather was working, Fauna was visiting a friend and Flora had gone out to collect some Wolfsbane. It was the perfect opportunity.

I headed out to a nearby secluded park. No one would find me here, and it was pretty enough to look around for a while and not get bored.

I immediately came across a wild horse. I don't know why, but animals really seemed to like me. I liked them a lot too, why wouldn't I? They were often my only choice for company; the birds and squirrels that gathered outside my window.

I went further still down the path, near to where the trees and bushes were thicker. It felt good to be outside for a change.

I surrounded myself with foliage, breathing in the clear air. I had a few hours here. I could probably explore until nightfall.

I had just been wandering around, enjoying my solitude for an hour or two when a boy approached me. He looked about sixteen, like me. I had the weirdest feeling tugging on my brain that I recognised him, but I couldn't place him anywhere.

"You look lost. Are you alright?"

"Fine," I replied curtly, trying to get him to leave before he got me in trouble by telling anyone. "Thanks. Not lost, just looking around."

"Well," he replied doubtfully, "you might want to go home soon. It's not safe to be out in the dark on your own like this."

I avoided eye contact. "Okay, thanks. Goodnight." He could give my aunts a run for their money.

I started to walk further down the path before I noticed him turning around to follow me.

"...What are you doing?"

"Just making sure you get home okay."

I sighed. "I'll go home when I feel like it, thanks." I couldn't help but get a bit irritable.

He shrugged. "Fine by me. I'll just accompany you until then."

Seriously. This guy was getting on my nerves. I advanced on him confrontationally.

"Why do you care what happens to me? We've never even met before."

He blushed for some reason, his eyes travelling downwards to the pavement. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen before. I can't just leave you here on your own. If anything happened to you...." he trailed off awkwardly.

Now it was my turn to be uncomfortable. I'd never even talked to a boy before. I didn't really know how to respond. Suddenly I became aware of every millimeter between us.

"Well... fine. I guess you can stay with me if you want." Some extra protection might not be a bad idea, and this boy seemed to be trustworthy.

We roamed around the gardens, slowly getting to know each other. It was really strange, I really did have the feeling that I'd met him a long time ago. I suppose that can't have been true though, seeing as I'd lived inside with my aunts for all my life.

At one point we sat down to look at the stars and he put his hand on mine. I let him. It was warm and comforting.

Several hours had passed, and I knew I had to go home now or risk being caught. He seemed disappointed.

"When can I see you again?"

"I don't know. My aunts are very protective."

"Well, where do you live?"

"Just a cottage in the woods, you won't find it." I gestured vaguely. "Look I really have to go, I'm late."


And then he pulled me in for a kiss. I was stunned, my heart racing.

"What's your name? Mine's Phillip." he asked urgently.

"Briar Rose."

And then I flew home.

I got back just in the nick of time, with seconds to spare before I heard Merryweather returning from work. I knew Fauna and Flora couldn't have been far behind and I should probably head up to bed, but I was so happily tired that I collapsed on to the sofa and fell fast asleep.

I didn't get in trouble, though my aunts did wonder why I hadn't gone to bed sooner. I told them I had fallen asleep accidentally waiting up for them, which I did feel guilty about. But I knew they wouldn't understand if I told them the truth.

Now that I'd had a taste of real freedom, my days seemed to crawl by painfully slowly with the pattern of homework and tutoring from Fauna, cooking with Merryweather and helping Flora with the gardening. I really wanted to see Phillip again but I wouldn't have another chance to sneak out like that any time soon.

One afternoon however, there was a knock at the door. We rarely got visitors, so this was unexpected. I went to see who it was.

It was Phillip. I tried to contain my shock, and keep my voice down. "What are you doing here? You're going to get me in trouble!"

" I had to see you again, Briar Rose. I found your cottage!"

"I am happy to see you, but you have to leave now. I'm sorry."

"But why?" he asked worriedly, trying to take my hand. "I really wanted to see you."

I pulled away. It was best that he didn't get involved.

"Just go, Phillip. Please."

"But when can I see you again?"


I walked back to the cottage without looking back, trying to ignore the stinging of tears in my eyes.

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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #107 on: July 06, 2014, 03:52:44 PM »
Aurora has such an interesting face. I like it quite a lot. Where do you get the outfits that looks so much like the ones from the movie? You're doing a great job!

Offline Malley

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #108 on: July 06, 2014, 07:14:37 PM »
Love your story!  I grew up watching all of these stories, so seeing it in Sims style is pretty awesome  :)  Excellent job so far.  Bookmarked for sure!

Offline brainofivane

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #109 on: July 06, 2014, 07:42:06 PM »
Awww... I'd actually forgotten the way Aurora and Phillip met in the Disney film. This brings back so much memories. I almost want you to do every single Disney animated flick there is! (Well, actually not almost. I REALLY want you to simify all of it.) I can't even wrap my mind around how you're going to pull off Hunchback! I'm sure you'll do fine though and I'll enjoy being able to see it.

Again, another lovely chapter that makes me want to rewatch those uber nostalgic Disney flicks! :) This is practically Disney promotional material... maybe you should get paid for this or something.. >.<

Offline doriankoeuf

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #110 on: July 07, 2014, 01:29:21 PM »
This is practically Disney promotional material... maybe you should get paid for this or something

^ I was thinking exactly the same thing! Thanks so much for this bit of loveliness in my morning, Pixelen; you never disappoint!

Offline Pixelen

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #111 on: July 09, 2014, 06:41:53 PM »
Aurora has such an interesting face. I like it quite a lot. Where do you get the outfits that looks so much like the ones from the movie? You're doing a great job!

Thanks! Yeah she definitely got her dad's nose haha. I actually like it too though, I like faces that are a bit quirky and not 'cookie-cutter' beautiful, although that is the Disney way! As for the clothes, SO MUCH GOOGLING. Luckily a lot of the stuff is period/medieval themed but it works for Disney, and then there's just the fact that I browse CC a lot anyway so I can figure out what will work! Plus some lovely people out there have made actual Disney-themed stuff, like Sil Fantasy's blog which is amazing!

Love your story!  I grew up watching all of these stories, so seeing it in Sims style is pretty awesome  :)  Excellent job so far.  Bookmarked for sure!

Awesome, glad you like it! And same here, I grew up and loved them and when I saw the Disney challenge I couldn't resist! Thanks so much, and thanks for commenting!

Awww... I'd actually forgotten the way Aurora and Phillip met in the Disney film. This brings back so much memories. I almost want you to do every single Disney animated flick there is! (Well, actually not almost. I REALLY want you to simify all of it.) I can't even wrap my mind around how you're going to pull off Hunchback! I'm sure you'll do fine though and I'll enjoy being able to see it.

Again, another lovely chapter that makes me want to rewatch those uber nostalgic Disney flicks! :) This is practically Disney promotional material... maybe you should get paid for this or something.. >.<

Saaame, I pretty much have the films on in repeat in the background while I'm playing and there's so much stuff I forgot about! It's a good way to get my Disney nostalgia on though! Mate, I'm PLANNING on doing all of them! I have an insane spreadsheet with all the families mapped out, and then I keep remembering more films and wanting to add them too! I'm excited for you guys to see them. Hahaha oh my god I wish! Seriously... if anyone has any contacts at Disney I would highly favour that idea!

^ I was thinking exactly the same thing! Thanks so much for this bit of loveliness in my morning, Pixelen; you never disappoint!

D'awwww you guys. I'm glad I brightened your morning, reading your comments does the same thing for me!

Here's part 2!


"Who was that?" Fauna asked me distractedly as I went back through the door.

"Just someone trying to sell their wares. I told them we weren't interested."

"Good girl." she replied fondly. "You've grown up so fast."


"We have a surprise for you." she grinned excitedly, leading me into the kitchen.

"Surprise!" Flora and Merryweather exclaimed when they saw me. "Happy birthday!"

Of course, in all the confusion I'd forgotten that today was the day I turned eighteen.

They'd made me a cake, decorated with balloons and even seemed to have sewn me a beautiful pink dress. It was so lovely I wanted to cry. I pushed the bitterness about Phillip to the back of my mind.

"Oh wow. It's wonderful, thank you so much!"

I blinked for just a moment, and when I looked again I could have sworn the dress had changed colour to dark blue. I noticed Flora give Merryweather a murderous look, and wondered what had transpired between them.

But soon enough, I looked again and everything had gone back to normal. My mind must have just been playing tricks on me!

I willed myself to be happy and celebrate with my Aunts. I really was happy about finally being an adult, and being able to make my own decisions.

We ate the cake, which (being made by Fauna) was... interesting to say the least. All I'm saying is there's a reason why Merryweather is the cook in the family and not Fauna!

I washed up the dishes, feeling Merryweather's eyes on me but not noticing her distraught expression. I had no idea what was in store.

The next day I got up bright and early, heading out to the woods. I was hoping to see Phillip again, although I doubted he'd be there. It was really my only chance of being able to communicate with him.

He was there, and he'd grown up into an adult too. A very handsome one. I gulped.

Nervously, I approached him. He dismounted from his horse.

"Phillip, I'm so sorry." I began. He was looking at me like he couldn't decide what emotion to settle on. "My aunts are really overly protective, and if they'd found out about you they'd never let me leave the house or go anywhere ever again. If I wanted to see you again, you had to go. I just said those things to make you leave. I'm sorry."

"I'm glad you're here." he replied slowly. "But I really didn't know what to do. I'd spent all that time tracking you down..."

"I know, I know. I really am so sorry." I squeezed my eyes shut to steady myself.

And then I felt his hand in mine. "It's okay. I'm just happy to see you again. Although this situation with your aunts might be a problem."

I sighed. "Tell me about it. Don't worry, I'll figure something out."

"We'll figure something out." he corrected me gently.

I smiled, holding him close to me. He made me feel so safe and comforted, more than my aunt's strict rules ever could, though I felt bad for thinking that way. I knew they were trying their best, but it was having the opposite effect on me.

"Do you ever feel like we've met before?" I murmured happily.

He raised his eyebrows playfully. "Of course we have." he replied smoothly. "Once upon a dream."

I pulled away coquettishly. "That's not a real answer, Phillip. What kind of girl do you take me for?"

"A mysterious one." he grinned.

"I really should go now. I don't want to get in too much trouble."

His smile faded. "When can I see you again this time? And don't say 'never!'"


"Much better."

After one last kiss, I pulled away. He mounted Samson and rode away, while I walked home dreamily, my head still in the clouds.


Phillip rode home, meeting his father Hubert outside.

"Phillip, my boy! I was wondering where you'd got to."

"Great news father! I've met her. I've met the girl I want to marry!"

"Well that's great news Phillip, but -"

"We've met before, I'm sure of it. I mean, I don't even know who she is really, but it feels like we've known each other for a long time!"

Hubert was getting distinctly uneasy. "You don't know who she is? Your mother and I have been planning your marriage for some time Phillip, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable -"

"Of course I know who she is, her name's Briar Rose and she lives in a cottage in the woods with her aunts!"

Hubert made a strangled noise. "She's not even royalty?! Phillip, I really think we ought to talk to your mother about this..."

"Oh nonsense, she's better than a royal! I have to go and make the arrangements, father. Goodbye!"

"Oh dear." Hubert said faintly, getting a distressing feeling that this was not going to end well.

"What did he say?!" his wife Arabella squawked from the stairs.

"Oh dear." he repeated, the knot in his chest worsening considerably.


Oh Hubert! Such a fun character! I decided to leave out the "Skumps" scene though because... yeah. Weird. Anyway, hope you guys liked it, thanks so much for reading!

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Offline Malley

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #112 on: July 09, 2014, 08:47:29 PM »
Great chapter! I love the photo of Phillip's mother on the stairs at the end. She looks like she's throwing a tantrum back there ;)

Offline brainofivane

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #113 on: July 10, 2014, 08:26:20 AM »
Saaame, I pretty much have the films on in repeat in the background while I'm playing and there's so much stuff I forgot about! It's a good way to get my Disney nostalgia on though! Mate, I'm PLANNING on doing all of them! I have an insane spreadsheet with all the families mapped out, and then I keep remembering more films and wanting to add them too! I'm excited for you guys to see them. Hahaha oh my god I wish! Seriously... if anyone has any contacts at Disney I would highly favour that idea!

That's good news!! Haha... *imagines the complicated spreadsheet* *amazed by your planning and organization*

The song played in my head the moment "once upon a dream" was mentioned. And I could practically hear the intonation in the movie when Phillip said, "I've met the girl I want to marry!"

So much nostalgia... even with the dress turning from pink to blue... would be amazing to have the dance scene in Sleeping Beauty where Aurora's dress kept changing from pink to blue to green.

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #114 on: July 16, 2014, 02:19:37 PM »
Sooo Story Sunday went well haha, only three days delayed! Sorry guys!

Great chapter! I love the photo of Phillip's mother on the stairs at the end. She looks like she's throwing a tantrum back there ;)

Thank you! She certainly is haha, no peasant girl can be good enough for her precious Phillip! She's a hilarious Sim, always stomping around throwing fits about everything.

That's good news!! Haha... *imagines the complicated spreadsheet* *amazed by your planning and organization*

The song played in my head the moment "once upon a dream" was mentioned. And I could practically hear the intonation in the movie when Phillip said, "I've met the girl I want to marry!"

So much nostalgia... even with the dress turning from pink to blue... would be amazing to have the dance scene in Sleeping Beauty where Aurora's dress kept changing from pink to blue to green.

Yay! I've tried to plan it... but you never really know how these things will turn out! Aw that's great, I'm happy it gave you nostalgia :D That picture where Aurora is holding her hand away from Phillip haughtily was so perfect, I was really happy when she did that in-game! Haha I'll give it a go, oh dear my CAS screen won't like that... thanks again for sticking around and commenting! :D


Meanwhile, I had made it home and was heading through the front door when I was immediately accosted by my aunts.

"Briar Rose, where have you been?! We were so worried!"

"Oh sorry, I was just out in the garden..."

"We know that's not true. Flora was just out there looking for you. Where have you been? It's too dangerous for you to go wondering outside on your own!"

I sighed, knowing I'd been caught. "Fine, I went to the park nearby. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

She gasped. "After all the time we spent planning this birthday party for you, I can't believe you would just disrespect our wishes and go out without even the courtesy of telling us where you were going!"

"Oh, like you would have let me go if I'd asked? I'm getting so sick of being cooped up in here. I hadn't even talked to anyone else before I met -"

Her expression darkened. "Who? Who did you meet?"

"A boy, okay?! I met a boy. And he's my age, and he really likes me, and I'm seeing him again whether you like it or not!"

"No you're not." Flora interrupted sharply.

She looked at Fauna and Merryweather meaningfully, and they nodded.

"It's time to tell you. We can't have you running around outside in plain sight with some boy you don't even know. Your parents would be so worried about you."

"Why? Who are my parents? You never talk about them."

She inhaled deeply. "Your real name is Aurora. And you are the princess of Sunset Valley. Your parents are Cinderella and Malcolm Disney."

It felt like the world had been tilted on its axis. It was so unfair. I was just getting freedom and getting to know Phillip and now they told me this?

I took sharp breaths, trying to steady myself. "Why didn't you tell me any of this before? Why are you waiting until now, when I was finally starting to be independent?"

"We had to. Because today is your 18th birthday, we're taking you back to your parents. To live in the castle, where you belong. It's safe now."

I couldn't believe it. For years all I'd wanted was to have free will, and now that I'd finally achieved it, it was being stripped away from me.

"Why is it only safe now that I'm 18? Why couldn't I have gone back before?"

They glanced at each other. "You had a curse put upon you that would be annulled by your 18th birthday. It was dangerous for you to be alone before then."

"I... I just can't believe this. I can't believe you lied to me for all these years. Why can't I remember anything about them?"

"We had to put you under a memory charm, Briar - Aurora. It was the only way to make sure you were safely hidden. We can remove it now."

With a wave of their wands, the three sisters unlocked the part of mind I'd locked away. The part that tugged at my unconscious sometimes, and vaguely reminded me that they were fairies, that my parents loved me and only wanted to protect me, and that an evil woman had cursed me as a child.

"It's time to get dressed. We're taking you there tonight."

Numbly, I did what I was I told. In the room I'd grown up in, surrounded by all my childhood toys, I put on the dress.

Wearing the dress Flora had sewn, or rather created with her magic now that I realised it; and my tiara that the fairies had conjured up, I think I was supposed to feel like my old self again - a princess. Instead, I just felt like an imposter.

All I could do was stare outside the window, and wonder if I would ever see Phillip again.


Poor Aurora, nothing seems to go right for her! At least she'll get to finally go home and see her family. Or will she?

Offline Malley

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #115 on: July 16, 2014, 08:57:22 PM »
Poor Aurora! I can't imagine how difficult it would be to find out that the life you've been living for the past 18 years is a lie. And on top of that, finding out that you're royalty too! Looking forward to seeing how you play out this next part with Maleficent :)

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #116 on: July 16, 2014, 09:55:46 PM »
Yaaay! We're gonna get to see Alice! I mean... yay Aurora gets to go home or whatever.

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3
« Reply #117 on: January 16, 2015, 08:18:50 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity. Pixelen, you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

