Author Topic: The Disney Legacy: Sleeping Beauty 2.3  (Read 43729 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.11
« Reply #75 on: March 25, 2014, 07:28:15 PM »

And here I was thinking the third baby would be Ariel, like the mermaid! You got me!  ;) I assume Alice is from Alice in Wonderland? I guess that's why she's wearing blue.

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.11
« Reply #76 on: April 22, 2014, 10:01:48 PM »
GRRRR. Photobucket is such a life ruiner. I saw this in the boards and got through the first few updates but then Photobucket thwarted me. Do you know when the bandwidth limit is up? I'd like to come back and finish reading it. The beginning was wonderful. What filtering program do you use for your pictures? They look gorgeous.

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.11
« Reply #77 on: May 25, 2014, 06:11:31 PM »
I know I suck, I'm sorry! kaseofhearts, thanks for reading, I love your Eterna Sisters story! Photobucket is so annoying, I think it's fixed now, mostly everything has been reuploaded to imgur but a few of the chapters are still on there. As long as it doesn't get too popular it should be fine! I use Photoshop for filtering, with 2 actions; the one for day is action 15 by Miss Etikate at Deviantart. She has since taken down her DA account but I have uploaded it here if you want to use it. The one for night is Lovely action by orangetopatos.

Why's Alice wearing blue? What an odd one!
And here I was thinking the third baby would be Ariel, like the mermaid! You got me!  ;) I assume Alice is from Alice in Wonderland? I guess that's why she's wearing blue.

Yep, you're right! Alice is destined to be a strange one from the start... it didn't feel right to have her in the traditional pink!

So Cinderella had just had Alice, here is the next part:


Alice was growing up so fast, and it was now her turn to have a birthday! Even Lassie came in to celebrate with us.

She grew up into an inquisitive little toddler, always questioning the world around her. She still loved the colour blue!

Whilst Aurora and Arthur would often play together, making up stories in the dollhouse -

- Alice was... different. She always seemed to play with her toys in unusual ways.

But she was a lovely girl, and she was the light of my life along with Aurora and Arthur. I was a lucky woman indeed.

The children loved the nursery, and were always having fun playing in there.

Sometimes though, Alice just preferred to sit in her crib and stare up at the ceiling. She sure had an overactive imagination, always babbling on about things that weren't there.

Nonetheless, we adored her, and Malcolm was a doting father as always.

Lassie in particular got along really well with Alice, those two were always up to some mischief together!

Malcolm loved golfing out in the garden. He was getting really good at it too!

Drizella visited one day. She'd gotten pretty old, and came to apologize about how she'd treated me when I was under Regina's reign. I told her all was forgiven. I was far too happy these days to hold a grudge! She was excited to meet the children.

Yep, they were all special little kids.

Arthur soon learnt to talk. He loved talking about exciting things like rocketships and dragons!

And Aurora and Alice were hesitantly becoming friends. I'm not sure either of them knew what to make of the other!

We bought all of the kids cuddly toys, but Alice strangely wouldn't go hug her little white rabbit. Instead she used to talk to it, like she thought it was alive. It was so cute!

I won't lie, there were times it was hard. Malcolm had received another promotion and was now vice-president. It was getting more and more difficult for him to book time off work, but he managed somehow.

And good thing too, because Aurora's birthday was fast approaching!

She grew up into a lovely young lady. She had such beautiful blonde hair! And she was really creative. She absolutely loved to paint.

And sleeping too! Some days, I swear, it was like she never wanted to wake up.

Malcolm and I were extremely lucky, and we knew it.

One night, we were cuddling in bed, just chatting as usual, when his voice suddenly turned serious.



"I have some news to tell you."

"Okay... good or bad?"

"Both, I suppose."

I turned to face him properly.

"What is it?"

"My father died."

I gasped. "Oh my goodness. Are you okay? I mean, I know you weren't close anymore, but..."

"I'm fine, thank you. Obviously, you know, I'm upset, but we had drifted apart... anyway, the reason I'm telling you is... well, now that both my mother and father are dead, that means the role of the King goes to me."

"So that would make me..."

"A Queen." he finished. "How do you feel about that?"

"Does it change anything?"

"Not really. But we should have some sort of ceremony to announce our coronation."

"Oh. So... that means our children are princes and princesses?"

He smiled. "Yep. Exciting, isn't it?"


He kissed my hand. "I love you, my Queen."

"I love you too."

We thought our story was nearly over, but it had only just begun.

And the worst was yet to come.


*gasp* Maleficent! Yes, a new Disney villain is on the horizon, and only bound to cause trouble for Cinderella and the Disney family. What will happen next? Tune in to find out next time! :P

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.11
« Reply #78 on: May 25, 2014, 10:21:55 PM »
Oh my goodness! I love this story! I can't believe I just discovered it, since I'm completely obsessed with Disney.  The toddlers are all super cute.  And oh my gosh, Maleficent! :O Things are about to get interesting...

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.11
« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2014, 11:53:02 AM »

Excellent! Nice surprise ending there, but I guess I should've seen it coming, what with Aurora and all. Maleficent looks really good, too.

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.12
« Reply #80 on: May 30, 2014, 06:44:26 PM »
Oh my goodness! I love this story! I can't believe I just discovered it, since I'm completely obsessed with Disney.  The toddlers are all super cute.  And oh my gosh, Maleficent! :O Things are about to get interesting...

Aw thank you! Me too, and I don't think anyone had ever made a proper true to the Disney version of the Legacy before so I thought why not give it a go! Haha indeed, danger looms...

Excellent! Nice surprise ending there, but I guess I should've seen it coming, what with Aurora and all. Maleficent looks really good, too.

Haha yup, I don't think I realised quite what an undertaking I was doing here with all the villains and supporting character involved. Why do I always make things so hard on myself haha! Oh well I am enjoying writing it so far :D Thanks for commenting!


Cinderella 1.4: Hail To The Princess Aurora

After Malcolm's shocking revelation that we were to have a coronation and become King and Queen, life mostly carried on as normal for a while in the Disney household.

Except the dress code! Malcolm said, at least to the public, we should start looking like a King and Queen.

Aurora was painting something new everyday. She was a very talented artist for her age and we hung her paintings up around the house with pride.

Malcolm endeavoured to teach Arthur to walk, something he picked up very quickly!

And Alice was her unusual self still! I think she thought the xylophone was a yummy snack rather than a musical instrument. It seemed like, to her, everything was labelled "eat me!"

Lassie was as faithful as ever, still bringing in the newspaper each day for Malcolm and I.

But Bruno was still my best buddy!

Aurora had to start going to school and she was very nervous about it! But our little ray of light soon started making friends.

I would take Arthur for walks around the castle grounds, which he absolutely loved!

He was constantly trying to grab things, what a headstrong little tyke!

We built Aurora a little castle treehouse in the garden, fit for a princess.

And I taught Alice to talk, which didn't help much with making sense of her nonsense ramblings! But at least we could understand them a little better now.

We decided to get a parrot. I was just happy to have more animals around the house!

The time seemed to fly by and soon Arthur had grown into a child! He loved his castle and dragon themed room.

He and Aurora were very good about doing their homework. I felt a glowing sense of pride when I realised we had raised them so well.

Bruno and Lassie started to get on very well.

Very well indeed. In fact, they soon become mates! Malcolm and I were so happy that we'd soon have little puppies scampering around the house!

A new family moved in next to us at Sunset Valley, we hadn't met them yet but they must have been very wealthy to afford such a nice castle!

Coincidentally, so did three elderly women. I heard rumours that there was something strange about them...

One of them wore green and loved children and animals.

One wore pink and loved gardening.

And one wore blue and favoured pursuits of the mind. I vowed to visit them when I next had a chance. It was always worth making new friends!

Alice was soon learning to walk. She was growing up so fast!

And Arthur loved listening to bedtime stories about heroes and quests.


That's it for now, I will update soon! Thanks for commenting :) Oh and also the fairies were made before Supernatural came out so that's why they have CC wings :D I updated them to real ones as soon as I installed it!

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.12
« Reply #81 on: May 31, 2014, 07:40:08 AM »
I luv this story so far! this so cute! I love Maleificent's outfit you've dun good with outfits so far  ;D

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.13
« Reply #82 on: June 01, 2014, 10:00:32 AM »
I luv this story so far! this so cute! I love Maleificent's outfit you've dun good with outfits so far  ;D

Thanks! I'm trying to keep is as close to the Disney versions as possible which involves a lot of CC hunting! Thanks for reading and commenting :)

Without further ado...


It was soon time for Lassie to have her puppies!

She only had one, and it was the cutest little white puppy with a brown snout. We named him Lancelot.

The kids adored him.

But not as much as Aurora loved to paint, especially princes and princesses!

Lassie seemed very happy and proud of her little son.

It was soon time for Alice to grow up. We threw her a little birthday party.

The whole family gathered around to watch her age up!

(I love this shot, it's so colourful and Disney-esque, haha.)

And here she is! She was still pretty odd. It often seemed like she was off in a little world of her own.

We invited the new neighbours over to get to know them. Turned out they were a King and Queen too, albeit of another town. They were named Hubert and Arabella Court, and their son, Phillip seemed to get on very well with Aurora (even though she turned up a nightgown!) Typical of our little sleeping beauty.

The mother, Arabella, cornered me in the bathroom and asked what I thought of an arranged marriage between them. She seemed like quite a snobby woman, very concerned about class. She reminded me of Regina! I suppose she wasn't too bad though, she was only trying to look out for her son. I replied saying thank you for the offer, but we let Aurora decide for herself what she wants. She seemed quite put out by that!

Alice seemed nonplussed by the whole affair.

She often pulled the funniest faces! And when you asked her why, she would say the strangest things, like "I just imagined what would happen if all the plants came alive and started talking. I think it would be rather horrible". I often didn't know what to reply. And she never wore the clothes I would put out for her. She even wore pyjamas to school sometimes!

Lancelot was having fun scampering about the house. He and Arthur seemed to be best buddies.

Malcolm got a promotion from all the campaigning he was doing. I can't say I liked his new career outfit! Drizella would have said it matched my brothel dress, let's put it that way.

I finally had some time to go and visit the three women. They turned out to be fairies! At first I couldn't believe it when I saw their wings, but I supposed after some thought my mother and father's ghosts were no less strange! They were very nice. I met Flora, who explained to me that they were sisters who were born as fairies.

I also met Merryweather, who was a lot more hot-headed than her sisters! She was still very kind and friendly towards me, however.

I invited them to the coronation party we were having soon for Aurora, since she was the eldest. They excitedly agreed!

One day I heard rumours that an even stranger woman came to visit the three fairies. Apparently she wasn't very pleasant, as the arguing could be heard throughout the entire street.

Still, generally things were pretty idyllic in Sunset Valley.

Aurora and Alice were becoming fast friends, despite their differences. I think Alice was slightly jealous of Aurora as she was the eldest and therefore first to receive the coronation. Alice also had a tendency to fade into the background, being always so quiet and thoughtful whereas Aurora was always centre of attention, showcasing her talents.

Soon it was time for the coronation. Malcolm and I would officially be King and Queen, and Aurora a princess.

I felt very mature and regal sitting on my throne! Aurora seemed very nervous.

Things went off without a hitch, but Alice kept saying she had a feeling something was wrong.

I originally thought she was just jealous and trying to disrupt the proceedings, but she seemed very serious about it.

Even my mother's spirit appeared, looking sorrowful which added to the foreboding feeling I had.


Ooh, wonder what's going to happen next? Well. I guess it's pretty obvious :P Thanks for reading and please drop a comment if you feel so inclined!

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.13
« Reply #83 on: June 01, 2014, 10:14:29 AM »
That last pic looks like the mother is gonna haunt the throne  :P (how often do u hav to deal with that?)

Offline Pixelen

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.13
« Reply #84 on: June 01, 2014, 11:27:16 AM »
That last pic looks like the mother is gonna haunt the throne  :P (how often do u hav to deal with that?)

Haha, actually never, Cindy's parents are pretty well behaved! They just show up every now and then but it's usually at critical moments in the story so it's actually quite helpful.

Offline brainofivane

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.13
« Reply #85 on: June 09, 2014, 09:22:46 AM »
Oh my goodness. I have no words.  :o Let me just take a deep breath...  *breathe in, breathe out*

I am amazed by how you pulled this off. The level of detail is astonishing and utterly brilliant. The sets and clothes are just perfect for what you're trying to do. I'm so glad I found this. I was so disappointed to find out that there weren't any more chapters! I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.

I am just... flabbergasted. This is a Sims 3 masterpiece.

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.14
« Reply #86 on: June 10, 2014, 11:32:58 AM »
Oh my goodness. I have no words.  :o Let me just take a deep breath...  *breathe in, breathe out*

I am amazed by how you pulled this off. The level of detail is astonishing and utterly brilliant. The sets and clothes are just perfect for what you're trying to do. I'm so glad I found this. I was so disappointed to find out that there weren't any more chapters! I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.

I am just... flabbergasted. This is a Sims 3 masterpiece.

Awww, thank you so much! That's like the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, haha. I've been trying hard to match the Disney scenery and outfits so I'm happy you think they're working! I'm uploading the next chapter right now. Seriously this comment made me smile so much, thank you!


The three fairies arrived and gave their blessings to Aurora, and Drizella showed up as well.

We were crowned, and our children officially became princes and princesses.

Unfortunately, someone wasn't very happy about the good news.

The strange woman who we'd heard all the rumours about just seemed to... materialise into the ballroom, in a blaze of fire.

I heard Merryweather mutter "Maleficent" under her breath. I gave her a curious look.

"Well, isn't this charming!" Maleficent exclaimed with a sweeping gesture of her hands. "I have to say, I'm a little hurt I didn't receive an invitation."

"I'm sorry," Malcolm said politely but firmly. "But only friends and family were invited."

"And you consider these fairies your friends, do you?" Maleficent said sarcastically. "Despite only having just met?"

"Maleficent, leave these people alone. They've done nothing to you. Please, I know we've had our differences, but leave the past where it belongs". Flora pleaded.

Maleficent's fist clenched tightly around her staff. She appeared to want to say something, but held herself back. Her face relaxed into a cruel smile instead.

"Of course I will - once I have taken what you took from me!" she snarled. "What a darling little girl... a shame she won't live beyond her 18th birthday!"

A stone dropped in my stomach. No. This couldn't be happening.

"Not my daughter." I begged. "Please, don't harm her." I turned to Malcolm, who looked just as shocked as I felt. He was frozen.

With a wave of her staff, Maleficent declared. "The deed has been done. The child will prick her finger on a spinning wheel on her 18th birthday... and die!"

Before any of us could utter another word, she disappeared in a hiss of smoke.

The room fell silent. I wanted to cry.

"We're so sorry." Fauna said passionately. "We wish there was something we could do".

"Why can't you?" Malcolm asked angrily. "You're fairies, for goodness sake. Surely there's something that can be done to help her."

"We can't meddle with death magic." Flora said mournfully. "That's how we got into this mess in the first place."

"But there is something!" Merryweather piped up.

My spirits lifted - they were going to save her!

"We can alter the curse so that Aurora will fall into a deep sleep, rather than die."

They sank again. That was hardly any better. Our daughter would still be gone, albeit in another way. But I suppose out of the options it was the best thing to do.

"Can't we just destroy all the spinning wheels?" Malcolm asked desperately. "There must be a catch."

Flora shook her head slowly. "Maleficent is quick witted. She will have already accounted for that. She will have one hidden away, or simply conjure another."

Malcolm looked crestfallen. He turned to me. "Then there's only one way. She must sleep instead."

I nodded at Merryweather, who with a wave of her wand performed the deed. That was all we could do for now. Unless...

"What if she never pricks her finger in the first place? What if we hide her away somewhere?"

They nodded thoughtfully. "That could work."

I glanced at Malcolm. He shrugged, but looked relieved. I knew he agreed with my idea.

"Then... can she stay with you? You could protect her with your magic better than Malcolm or I could."

The three sisters looked at one another. "It's our fault you're in this situation. So... yes. We can protect your daughter until the time is right."

Aurora, who had been quiet until now, looked up at Malcolm and I. Her lip was quivering, but her expression was brave. "I'll do it. I'll go."

Our brave little girl.

I hugged her goodbye, Malcolm looking on gravely.

"We love you. It won't be long before we can see each other again. And at least this way... you'll be safe."

She squeezed me tightly. "I know. I love you too."

She said a heartfelt farewell to Malcolm, Alice and Arthur, and walked up to the fairies.

"I'm ready."

"Where will you go?" I asked anxiously.

"We'll take her to our cottage we have hidden deep in the woods. We'll place protection spells around it so Maleficent won't be able to find it. She'll be safe there, disguised as a normal girl."

I nodded, trying to keep a brave face for Aurora. I smiled at her. "See you soon."

She smiled tearfully back. And then Aurora walked out of the castle, the three fairies close behind, shielding her.

That was the last time I saw my daughter before her 18th birthday.


:( Sad chapter! Hope you enjoyed it nevertheless, and the next part will be from Aurora's point of view.

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.14
« Reply #87 on: June 10, 2014, 04:38:14 PM »
Omg omg amazing chapter!

Offline brainofivane

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.14
« Reply #88 on: June 10, 2014, 08:47:42 PM »
I loved Aurora in this chapter. I like that she braved it and did what was necessary in spite of her fear. I like that she heard the whole thing and knew what was at stake. Of all the Disney princesses, Aurora is probably the one I have the most trouble liking (in the films). I don't know... I just find her bland. At the risk of talking Disney blasphemy, I actually find myself liking Maleficent more than I like Aurora. O_o (Am I being a bit twisted?) Anyway, I like her more here. Aside from her being gorgeous, I like how you're developing her character. Alice too! (Though she isn't in this chapter too much...)

Oh well... That's a mouthful, but yeah... I'm eagerly awaiting how this legacy unfolds!

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Re: The Disney Legacy: Cinderella 1.14
« Reply #89 on: June 11, 2014, 05:02:35 AM »
I didn't comment on this before? Huh, woops, I have read it at least.
Anyway, it looks absolutely smashing. I love your screenshots and the editing you've done on them (at least I believe I see editing - if I'm mistaken, sorry about that!) Anyway, yes, it looks gorgeous! The amount of time you must be spending finding CC is breathtaking. I like CC as much as the next guy but I'm just not patient enough to look for the amount you have. Brava! :)