Author Topic: Descendant bug?  (Read 12724 times)

Offline Jazz Iguana

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Descendant bug?
« on: October 24, 2013, 09:22:08 PM »
Hey guys! Haven't been on here in awhile. I hope i'm still welcome.

So I bought Into the Future a couple days ago. I'm really enjoying it! This is the first expansion in awhile where I felt overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you can do/see. It runs relatively well for a new EP, haven't had very many problems aside from these couple things.

I sent my one sim over at first just to get a lay of the land. And the really strange thing is none of my descendants are showing up, even though i have two kids (from two different mothers) in the present. Whats weird is - there's descendant families of both my kids moms but other then that there's no family sir name. Anyone else having this mixup? And is it because my sims not married? That wouldn't make sense though because both my sims kids have my last name.

I also seem to be having another bug where once i returned back to the present with a plum bot that i spent a good hour customizing. And he basically changed out of nowhere to a random other plum bot and all his trait chips where deleted (i spent forever getting those darn chips). One second i'm sending him home, the next second hes a completely different robot. Now im afraid to go back to the present :(

If anyone else is experiencing these issues let me know!

Offline Pam

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Re: Descendant bug?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 01:12:20 AM »
Sure you're still welcome!  Just please stay with the default font.  (I fixed it.)  :)
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Re: Descendant bug?
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2013, 10:10:26 AM »
I also seem to be having another bug where once i returned back to the present with a plum bot that i spent a good hour customizing. And he basically changed out of nowhere to a random other plum bot and all his trait chips where deleted (i spent forever getting those darn chips). One second i'm sending him home, the next second hes a completely different robot. Now im afraid to go back to the present :(
I have a similar problem too. When I travel to the present, my plumbot randomly changes his apeearance. >:(

Offline Perturbee

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Re: Descendant bug?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2013, 05:33:44 AM »
I find that the descendant system is bugged or poorly designed.

My Sim started off with the poverty/homeless challenge, she was able to travel to the future once finishing that.
She was single (and poor), her descendants were poor too. Once my Sim got rich (through lottery, bot making and painting) her descendants didn't change at all, just showing as "rich" but still living in the same house with the same "poor" looking furniture.

When she was able to, she "Reset the Time Continuum", which resulted in having no descendants at all.

Now I'm trying to have her marry someone from the future, then bring the couple back and into the future again to see if there will be any descendants. I don't have any hopes on succeeding. So many bugs again!

Offline igor140

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Re: Descendant bug?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2013, 10:11:36 AM »
that definitely sounds quirky, and i guess i've been fortunate not to have some of these issues.

about the names, i'm a little confused about that as well.  i have a female sim who had an entire three generations of sims living in one massive house in the future.  the thing is, she hadn't had any children at that point... and while they were flagged as her descendants, they had the father's name, even though they had never been married, never had a kid; never even been in a relationship.  now she has a kid... and i have yet to see if that has affected the future, but i don't think it has.

what seems really weird to me is that in my case, the descendants (without any actual genetic basis) are named for the NPC father.  in your case, the descendants are named after the NPC mothers.  you would think it would go by either mother OR father, not the proximity to the PCs. 

i haven't been able to take more than one sim through the portal at all. 

on an only slightly related note, i can confirm that the offspring of a future resident has the "future sim" trait.

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Descendant System
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2013, 03:40:02 PM »
I'm investigating this system for the Guide, so thought I'd share some of my preliminary findings here so you guys can decide what is/isn't a bug. The descendant system is quite simple, but has a mechanic you wouldn't necessarily expect it to rely so heavily upon: Traits in the Household. Most would just think simply if we have a family of 8 we will have a lot of Descendants. That is true in a nutshell, but you can have many more or many less based on Trait compositions in the household.

Some traits are positive influence, while others are negative. The sum of all trait scores for a single Sim determines the size of the Descendants' household, while there is some random chance of another outcome - 25% that you have an Elderly household in the Future with a childless Sim. There is a 15% chance of a Same-sex couple living there as well as a 25% chance of a Single-parent Household, which are outside the rest of these factors. Given I doubt Traits in the Household changed much, then this could explain why some people don't see the changes they'd expect out of Descendants. Maybe something significant has to change (bump to the next threshold or household worth) to get them to be randomized again.

I will ultimately use this list for the Guide but will post it here to help people make significant changes to their Household Sizes. Note that there are some Lifetime Rewards you can choose that affect your Household Trait score. Once your Sim has the LTR, it's effectively a Trait.

Household Sizes on Trait Score:
-3000: 0, -2000: 1, -1000: 2, -500: 3, 0: 4, 500: 5, 1000: 6, 2000: 7, 3000: 8

Examples: -2500 would result in 1 descendant, +250 would be 5 Descendants.

Trait Positive Scores:
Brave: +250
Charismatic: +250
Dramatic: +250
Family-Oriented: +1500
Flirty: +250
Friendly: +250
Great Kisser: +250
Hopeless Romantic: +500
Irresistible: +500
Lucky: +250
Nurturing: +1500
Party Animal: +250
Perceptive: +250
Social Butterfly: +500

Trait Negative Scores:
Absent Minded: -250
Childish: -250
Commitment Issues: -1500
Coward: -250
Daredevil: -250
Dislikes Children: -1000
Diva: -500
Grumpy: -500
Hot-Headed: -500
Inappropriate: -250
Insane: -250
Loner: -500
Mean-Spirited: -500
Shy: -250
Snob: -250
Socially Awkward: -250
Unflirty: -500
Unlucky: -500
Workaholic: -250

LTR Positive Scores:
Attractive: +500
Carefree: +250
Disciplined: +250
Engaging: +250
Excellent Groupie: +250
Eye Candy: +250
Fast Metabolism: +250
Fertility Treatment: +250
Jock Influence: +250
Master of Seduction: +500
My Best Friend: +250
No Jealousy: +250
Observant: +250
Raised by Wolves: +250
Young Again: -250

Hidden Traits:
Mummy: -3000
Simbot: -3000
Wished for Beauty: +250
Wished for Happiness: +250
Wished for Large Family: +2000
Wished for Long Life: +500

Gameplay Testing Results:

Made a Single Sim with Hotheaded, Meanspirited, Unlucky, Dislikes Children, and Commitment Issues for -4000. Upon arrival in the Future, no Descendants.

Added a Sim from town, because of cheating I had to travel back and forth. This Sim had traits to hit a high number, +4000. She had 8 Descendants as expected, while Carl Tester still had 0.

I then married the two Sims. Their Trait Scores were then combined, resulting in 5 Descendants (got it to the 0-500 range).

I wondered if we can have more. It is clearly on an individual Sim level, unless two Sims get married. I did not see the Time Continuum change for the initial Test Sim until he Married his wife.

I went back to the menu and reloaded the save before the quick marriage. Upon giving the original Sim positive score traits reaching over +4000, unmarried, he had 8
descendants living at precipice parkway, while Dahlia's decendants lived in another house on precipice parkway. There were 16 total Descendants, both on the same road.

Conclusion: Maybe there's a reason the future felt a bit sparsely populated to me. It is clear that the population rises with Descendants, and the more unmarried Sims with positive traits you have in your Household, the more Descendants will populate the future. I am not sure on a max, but theoretically under perfect conditions there could be 8 households with a total of 64 descendants with 8 unmarried adults with almost all the same traits.

Funds and Wealth Now, there is an entirely different effect from Traits that places a modifier on your household funds that will determine one of four roads they'll live on, gradually moving up to wealthier areas. If you have not crossed over one of the thresholds for worth (150k, 200k, 300k, 400k)  then the street they live on will not change. It doesn't look like Home value matters as much as cash on hand. This is speculation on my part based on the game stating Use Active Household Home Lot Value = False.

Examples: Losers and Absent-minded Sims will have a -150% reduction in Funds, maybe they're losing it all the time. Childish -0.5, perhaps from overspending. They are added up to a final multiplier that could be positive or negative, resulting in more or less funds for the future family. So, just because your Sim is Absent-Minded doesn't mean they will necessarily be poor, they may also benefit from Frugal or other Traits that give a positive increase in the Funds multiplier, while their Funds may also be high enough to be Rich despite a lot of negative multipliers. Most of these make sense and I"ll go into detail on the Descendants Guide that I'll be making for the EP.

Offline athena

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Re: Descendant bug?
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2013, 10:26:51 PM »
This descendant thing is a mystery to me. I've had one Sim go to the future, he's a five star celebrity, wealthy, snob, genius, with commitment phobia. In the present, he is living with his two unmarried (like him) brothers in a very big house, they have 700k simoleons in their family funds. Anyway, my Sim went to the future and he met with a single eldery female descendant who is middle class, but lives in a nice house. It's a mystery to me how my Sim had a descendant, since he is not married and has no intention of starting a family because of his commitment phobia trait, does that mean he will have a child in the future? He also met people in the future with the same last name as him, but they are not in his descendant list. Are they descendants of his brothers? Can the Sims only see direct descendants? Are the future families of their siblings not counted as descendants? Such a mystery this is. Please share your thoughts and experiences, thanks!

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Offline Pam

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Re: Descendant bug?
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 01:31:38 AM »
This descendant thing is a mystery to me. I've had one Sim go to the future, he's a five star celebrity, wealthy, snob, genius, with commitment phobia. In the present, he is living with his two unmarried (like him) brothers in a very big house, they have 700k simoleons in their family funds. Anyway, my Sim went to the future and he met with a single eldery female descendant who is middle class, but lives in a nice house. It's a mystery to me how my Sim had a descendant, since he is not married and has no intention of starting a family because of his commitment phobia trait, does that mean he will have a child in the future? He also met people in the future with the same last name as him, but they are not in his descendant list. Are they descendants of his brothers? Can the Sims only see direct descendants? Are the future families of their siblings not counted as descendants? Such a mystery this is. Please share your thoughts and experiences, thanks!

If your single Sim has a descendant, then yes, he will eventually have a child someday, at least in theory.  I had a single Sim travel to the future and find a household of five descendants.  What's even more fun is that if you control your Sim to have a child, the descendants you first found will be replaced by a different family because you changed your Sim's future when the child was born.

And, yes, I do believe the Sims with the same name must have been the descendants of your Sim's brothers.  I imagine if you took the brothers to the future, you'd be able to see those Sims as their descendants.
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