Author Topic: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]  (Read 39583 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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I want to see torture! Punishment! But don't let Marc get away, divorcing him would be too easy on him, ohhh that jerk!

Offline Mizzilee

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Go, Izzy! Why, if that Pansy was not pregnant I'd slap her and Marc D:<

I forgot to mention earlier, you did a clever thing taking screenshots of the mysterious woman from behind so we don't see her face. I'm hoping we found out who she is soon.

I didn't include that screencap, but Izzy took care of slapping both of them. Repeatedly. Of her own will and of my command. I'm glad you found it clever! Those caps take me the longest, I swear, becase if I do it at the wrong angle her face will be shown and we can't have that yet!

I want to see torture! Punishment! But don't let Marc get away, divorcing him would be too easy on him, ohhh that jerk!

Your bloodlust is soon to be satisfied.  ;D I'm a bit ahead of the story and, trust me, she's put Marc to good use.
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

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Offline Eldridge

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I haven't check it out for a moment and there we are, two updates already. Whee XD


Haha, I always wonder why children always have that kind of expression when they aged up. Oh, my favorite is Delmeza, she is adorable and I just happens love her hairstyle and another one is Marrick. He such a good kid and responsible for his age. Oh, see! Marrick just adorable to say something like that to his father!

Is there any way to change the combined last name in Nrass setting? Well, I don't mind usually but quite bothered by just looking at it. I just want one family last name for the townies. Example: Erik Darling married Agnes Crumplebottom = Agnes Darling.

Oh, Marc! Why you >:(


Well, at least both of them deserved such a fate. Now, now Marc you just have no idea when making someone angry ::)
Marrick is so precious and he is nice kid, I love him <3
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Just so you all know, I've modified the first post to include the family tree as well as a summary of everything that's happened in the story so far.

Roar by Katy Perry is basically the theme of this story. There's no denying it.
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Mizzilee

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I haven't check it out for a moment and there we are, two updates already. Whee XD


Haha, I always wonder why children always have that kind of expression when they aged up. Oh, my favorite is Delmeza, she is adorable and I just happens love her hairstyle and another one is Marrick. He such a good kid and responsible for his age. Oh, see! Marrick just adorable to say something like that to his father!

Is there any way to change the combined last name in Nrass setting? Well, I don't mind usually but quite bothered by just looking at it. I just want one family last name for the townies. Example: Erik Darling married Agnes Crumplebottom = Agnes Darling.

Oh, Marc! Why you >:(


Well, at least both of them deserved such a fate. Now, now Marc you just have no idea when making someone angry ::)
Marrick is so precious and he is nice kid, I love him <3

If that's a usual thing I never noticed it. I was zoomed in close and when I saw that, I got a couple stares in the Student Center when I cracked up laughing. Personally, Edwin and Marrick are my favorites! Maybe I just like boys. I don't know. As for the last name thing, I'm sure there is a setting but the Mod is so vast in it's capabilities that I have yet to find it. If I have a problem with names I'll either change them in CAS or you can change their names at City Hall.
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Mini-Update | 10/29: Isabelle Reborn]
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2013, 05:01:40 PM »
04: Not Much Ado About Twinbrook (Part 1)

Within a day or so Spring finally fell over Twinbrook and the snow began to melt into the grass, leaving behind a glossy green shine. With the new season came Isabelle’s renewed sense of self.  Isabelle was quick to set some ground rules for Marc, who continued to live a blissfully domestic life of leisure with the deep fryer

“I would love to just stick you out on the street to join the population of homeless Sims that Story Progression didn’t purge, but your mistakes deserve a more severe punishment. You don’t have to be responsible for the kids, in fact I'd prefer you stay away from them. Which shouldn't be a problem considering how little you actually care for them."

"You will be responsible for cleaning, potty bag changing, newspaper recycling and all the other mundane chores I was doing before you pulled this stunt.”

“You can’t make me do anything, Iz. I’ll just leave if I have to.”

“Story Progression doesn’t affect active households, genius. You can’t move out of your own free will. You’re going to make it up to me, starting with divorce and continuing with this.”

After being cursed by his ex-wife, Marc set right to cleaning and repairing the broken shower Marrick managed to bust in his constant showering after failed potion experiments. Speaking of the eldest son, his teenage birthday came on the first day of spring. He turned out so incredibly handsome. Miz may have a crush.

Marrick: But aren’t you like…28?
Miz: 22! Age ain’t nothing but a number
Marrick: But I'm only 16. And I’m also a video game character…
Miz: Ugh, details details.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Marc returned to his duties, baffled by just how apparently Evil Isabelle had become. It shouldn't have been much of a surprise--Isabelle had been Evil from the start, just smothered by life in suburbia. Shortly after Marrick aged up, Isabelle quit her job at the Bistro and found employment at the local criminal warehouse. It helped teach her a thing or two about revenge. Combine that with the dog-eat-dog mentality that came with growing up in Bridgeport, there would be little to stop her. Newly employed, Isabelle set off to exact a bit of revenge on someone. A practice run of future ventures, so to speak.

Recognize this one? This is a Young Adult Zo Whelhoff, the little girl who booed and heckled Isabelle at the karaoke bar back when she was pregnant with Marrick.

“Hello, Zo.”

“Ms. Morae? I haven’t seen you in years…Sorry I forced you into labor at Mick’s that night. I really didn’t mean to I was just--”

“It’s…alright.” Isabelle made herself say. What Miz didn’t show was that not a day after Marrick was born, Isabelle got the wish to go back to Mick’s where Zo agained booed her. At the park the day after Marrick’s child birthday, teenage Zo Whelhoff used the ‘scare’ interaction on him for no apparent reason. Needless to say, Isabelle was not pleased with the girl (And Miz is ashamed because she lost the screencaps of these events)

 “I heard you joined the music career?” Isabelle said, trying to change the topic, “Planning on putting some big shows? I hear crowds love the pyrotechnics.”

“Yeah! I hope to be. I’m a little tired though and it is late. You can show yourself out, but thanks for coming by, Ms. Morae. It was nice seeing you.”

“No problem…”

Pyrotechnics indeed. After Isabelle left her ‘friend’ a gift, she headed straight home, pleased with herself. Only to find a line of people trying to get access to Damien’s crib. Isabelle set her froggy ex straight.

She defrosted him not to long after the children aged up (which was literally happening while Isabelle cast the spell) without a birthday cake or fanfare because Miz is very forgetful.

Demelza: Watcher help us! With Miz in charge, we're never going to get any birthday cake.
Miz: First off, I AM Watcher. Second off, I'll keep better track, I promise.

As you can see, Demelza and Edwin ended up with Marc’s hair coloring—black with blue highlights. Damien still had that bright blonde hair and, with his skin tone, (that came from nowhere) his lips look blue. Between the three of them, Edwin is probably the cutest, though none of them can top Marrick in the looks department. Now that her children were sprouting up all around her, Isadora’s words of legacies and heirs ran rampant in Isabelle’s brain.

But this time, Isabelle was not willing to let Isadora continue to guide her steps. If this was meant to be her legacy and her story, then she would tell and direct it. But with Isadora nowhere to be found, she couldn’t very well relay that information right away. Instead, she settled down at the table and put a bit of time into debating who among her children would be the heir.

Marrick, her first born and the one she still called her baby. He loves his mother and cared for her when the triplets were babies. He’s concocted more Mood Enhancer potions than could possibly be healthy and is loyal and loving in every sense of the word not only to his mother, but to his siblings as well.

Demelza is a fiery girl who reminds Isabelle most of herself. A sharp tounge and a quick wi, offset by an artistic soul. More often than not she’s at her easel or pestering her brother Damien in the way that sisters do. She's Isabelle’s only girl. It would be hard to ignore her in the selection.

Edwin is a bit of a ragamuffin. He digs around in scrap piles and uses the scraps to create things on the Inventing Table—A boy bursting with ingenuity and creativity. Resourceful and eccentric, if not a little Hot-Headed like his mother. He also reminded Isabelle much of Marrick when he was younger, being loving and caring, but also quite awkward in an adorable sort of way. Anyone would be lucky to marry a grown up version of him and bring in the next generation.

Damien is an enigma. He’s so unlike the rest of his family that Isabelle had to stop herself from wondering if he really was her’s. Damien enjoys the blocks, he enjoys the chess table. Things that are logical and make sense. He’s very precise and curious, but his brain seems to shut down if something just doesn’t’ compute. With bright blonde hair, and gentle, observant eyes, he could bring great things to the Legacy in addition to striking features.

Selecting the Heir was not going to be an easy task.


Marrick Morae: Teen; Genius, Clumsy, Perceptive, Adventerous; LTW Undecided
Demelza morae: Child; Artistic, Virtuoso, Rebellious; LTW: Undecided
Damien Morae: Child; Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Hydrophobic; LTW: Scientific Specialist
Edwin Morae: Child; Eccentric, Hot-Headed, Clumsy; LTW: Undecided
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 04 | 10/30: Anti-Twinbrook]
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2013, 11:21:34 PM »
I love all of those beautiful children! It's so unfortunate that their father is such a moron...
Marrick has got to be one of my favorites, though I must say I'm such a sucker for blondies. All of those children are so beautiful, thankfully they can attribute that to their mother!

Honestly, if I were to try to punish Marc I would set up a dungeon for him. Drop some old, rotten food down for him to fill his appetite (or some poison apples).
I loved the bit with the fire, oh that girl will pay for booing Isabelle! It's unfortunate there are no more toddler sims for him to clean up after, I guess we'll have to find him another dirty job.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 04 | 10/30: Anti-Twinbrook]
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2013, 06:31:37 AM »
Miz, you're not the only one to fall in love with game characters xD Marrick is gorgeous *drools* Stupid Marc, you deserve worse than being Toadified and turned to ice - he's becoming a male version of Cinderella only he deserves his fate!
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 04 | 10/30: Anti-Twinbrook]
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2013, 08:53:43 PM »
Marrick is so.... *faint of adorableness* and he's handsome when he's teen! Well, you're not only one who fallen in love with video game character, you got friends here :P

Well, if that in my case. I'll let Marc fall in love with ugliest Sim that he ever known and the worst part is the partner is male, muahaha! Then he will be beaten up everyday and live miserable ever after ::)

That was a nice way! Putting fire in someone house! Oooh, this is my favorite part and I even more satisfy when the target is dying... miserably! Demelza is my favorite when she was a toddler, but I love Edwin more when he is a child. Well, it hard to choose because there are three children that already become my favorites here :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 04 | 10/30: Anti-Twinbrook]
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2013, 11:47:48 PM »
I love all of those beautiful children! It's so unfortunate that their father is such a moron...
Marrick has got to be one of my favorites, though I must say I'm such a sucker for blondies. All of those children are so beautiful, thankfully they can attribute that to their mother!

Honestly, if I were to try to punish Marc I would set up a dungeon for him. Drop some old, rotten food down for him to fill his appetite (or some poison apples).
I loved the bit with the fire, oh that girl will pay for booing Isabelle! It's unfortunate there are no more toddler sims for him to clean up after, I guess we'll have to find him another dirty job.

It is unfortunate. Funny thing is, Marc kept trying to  make passes at Izzy even though they were mad at each other. Flirty trait.  ::) I REALLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND where on earth Damien got his blonde hair from. No idea at all. Maybe there's someone in Marc's family tree because it certainly didnt' come from Izzy's side of the family.

Oh trust me, I'm pretty far ahead in game now and Marc has been well punished. Don't you worry about that.

Miz, you're not the only one to fall in love with game characters xD Marrick is gorgeous *drools* Stupid Marc, you deserve worse than being Toadified and turned to ice - he's becoming a male version of Cinderella only he deserves his fate!

Isn't he? I can't get over it. Wait until you see the rest of them. Izzy's genes are amazing. I guess Marc had something to do with it as well but...mostly Izzy.

Marrick is so.... *faint of adorableness* and he's handsome when he's teen! Well, you're not only one who fallen in love with video game character, you got friends here :P

Well, if that in my case. I'll let Marc fall in love with ugliest Sim that he ever known and the worst part is the partner is male, muahaha! Then he will be beaten up everyday and live miserable ever after ::)

That was a nice way! Putting fire in someone house! Oooh, this is my favorite part and I even more satisfy when the target is dying... miserably! Demelza is my favorite when she was a toddler, but I love Edwin more when he is a child. Well, it hard to choose because there are three children that already become my favorites here :)

Marc's got something worse coming for him. I know I keep saying that but when you see it, you'l know.

No one died during the fire Izzy set at the house. Well, not that I know of. The Whelhoff's kicked her out for being 'innapropriate' after she set the third (yes third, there was no cap of it, but she put one in the kitchen too) fire. Edwin just keeps getting cuter and cuter, it's amazing. I've never had such beautiful children in this game.
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 04 | 10/30: Anti-Twinbrook]
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2013, 11:11:39 PM »
This is the last chapter of Twinbrook! I've already decided where they go and who ends up as the heir, but next time we have a move/heir selection I'll consider putting up a vote.

05: Not Much Ado About Twinbrook (Part 2)

Story Progression reported that Pansy had given birth to a baby boy named Rufus and married Newton Baker. And not only that…

She’s literally living two houses down from Isabelle. That pretty much breaks the ‘Don’t’ come within 20 miles of my house’ rule.

Isabelle was not pleased. Marc on the other hand.

“M-Marc?! What happened to you?”

“Isabelle happened. She’s angry about the baby.”

“I’ve been hoping you’d come see him. He’s so small.”

“I can’t let him see me like this…I need a lover’s kiss to change me back, and I obviously won’t find that at home.”

“Marc, I’m married now!”

“Just a kiss! We don’t have to be together…but I can’t do anything to take care of our son if I’m like this.”

“Alright…one kiss.”


“I don’t know what happened! It was supposed to change me back…”

“You turned me into a toad! How am I supposed to face my husband and our baby?! Go home!”

Marc was cursed to be a frog for an eternity it seemed as not even Pansy’s kiss could turn him back. But later that evening, something happened that turned him back into a human.

The following day, Isabelle took notice of her ex-husband’s appearance. He wasn’t a frog anymore. Something, or someone had changed him back without her knowledge.

“Who uncursed you? You went and saw Pansy didn’t you!”

“Ye—No! I mean, yes I did go see Pansy. She does have my son after all. What’s the sudden change in attitude, Is? Last night you were--”

“I think being a toad made your brain a little smaller than it already is. You can be human all you want, but you’re still in debt to me. As soon as I’m done with this town, we’re leaving.”

“I can’t leave Pansy and Rufus. And he has as much a right to become heir as Marrick, Demelza, Edwin, or Damien does.”

“No he doesn’t. He’s YOUR son. Not mine.”

The following day brought the Twinbrook chapter of Isabelle’s story to an end. Four Promotions at the criminal warehouse later, she was offered a job transfer to anywhere she wanted to go. Promising to get back to them, she accepted the offer. But before she left town, she had a few targets that needed to be put in their place.

First, Amy Bull-Duar, who had on several occasions attempted to make a pass at Marc while he was out in town. Amy had been originally dating Marc before Isabelle moved to Twinbrook, then she married Mary Baker, and eventually moved on to Juan Duar, with whom she has two children.

Then there was Shark Racket

Another unmentioned enemy of Isabelle’s, Shark is just an overall unpleasant man who took to much joy in heckling Isabelle and scaring her half to death at the Library.

And last but not least, there was little Pansy Coddle-Baker. Isabelle had plans for Pansy, the first of which was dropping in to say ‘hi’.

“What on earth…who hit you in the face with a Toadification Curse?”

“Your husband did. He came by and asked me to change him back, only it backfired.”

Isabelle’s eyes narrowed a bit, not out of anger, but out of puzzlement. If Pansy failed to uncurse Marc, then who had?

“Ex-Husband, for one. And you’re lucky I’m in a good mood, I can fix that for you.”

“Why are you helping me? After I supposedly ruined your marriage?”

“I’m not helping you. I just don’t think a woman as pretty as you should be forced to have a frog face until someone defrosts you.”

“Defrosts me? What are you---!”

“A frozen mother is no mother to a child. Come here, sweetheart. Aunt Izzy is going to take very good care of you. You’ll even get to see Daddy.”

And with that, Isabelle had exacted her revenge upon the few members of Twinbrook that had wronged her in one way or another. Marc would be happy to see that he was going to have his son, though probably a bit confused as why Pansy willingly handed custody over to him. The confusion didn’t last long—he was too happy.Before leaving the town, Isabelle made a brief stop at the Library of Antiquities to retrieve her family’s files from the Archives. Isadora didn’t appear when she did, a fact Isabelle was thankful for. Though she knew she hadn’t seen the last of the woman.

According to the files, her mother and grandmother had driven into Simslaus Creek because they were en route elsewhere. There was no point in remaining in or returning to Twinbrook. Where they were going and why, the files didn’t say. But they did say where they had come from: Monte Vista. So Isabelle knew that the next piece she needed to unearth her family history was there. If she could backtrack far enough....


So, before I let you lovely readers go, a story of miracles that just goes to show that I really am meant to finish this story:

When I was at this point in my game and writing up the chapters, I had finished taking and saving screenshots and I moved the Morae’s to the SimBin for transport to the next town and just for general safekeeping in case something happened. And then something happened. I was in a rush to get home from school that day and I made the mistake of doing a hard shutdown on my computer while the game was running. I had saved first, then shut the computer down. But the Twinbrook save file of the Morae Legacy still managed to be completely wiped. Thankfully, I was able to open up Monte Vista and they were settled safely in the SimBin! The only thing I lost was that there was an extra scene in this chapter that didn’t make it in because the file was wiped before I could get to staging it and getting the screenshots. Anyway, the Morae’s are off to Monte Vista!

And one final note! Thank you so much Pixelen for sharing the Photoshop Action she used for her screencaps so I could use them on mine. I definetely reccomend you go check out her Disney Legacy. It's fabulous!
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Eldridge

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 04 | 10/30: Anti-Twinbrook]
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2013, 11:28:40 PM »
Ah, that was a nice way to put as an ending. Even that I feel sad that I will no longer see Twinbrook again, too bad that must be end this way. I guess Twinbrook is not for you, too many bad memories. But, Monte Vista is fabulous it's an excellent choice! Can't wait to see the family there! No wonder that your screenshots have some effect that adds more touch to the story. Thank you, I might want to check the story that you mentioned later ;)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 04 | 10/30: Anti-Twinbrook]
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2013, 12:11:28 AM »
Ah, that was a nice way to put as an ending. Even that I feel sad that I will no longer see Twinbrook again, too bad that must be end this way. I guess Twinbrook is not for you, too many bad memories. But, Monte Vista is fabulous it's an excellent choice! Can't wait to see the family there! No wonder that your screenshots have some effect that adds more touch to the story. Thank you, I might want to check the story that you mentioned later ;)

Honestly I wish I could have stayed in Twinbrook longer, but for plot reasons they had to go. And moreover, the house they were living in was glitched beyond belief. They all kept falling through the cieling and getting stuck places. And on top of THAT Pansy was actually glitched and living at the house as well and she was hitting on Marc and just...ugh. Problems. I'm not sure what caused it. I've sinced move the family back in to Twinbrook and test played and everything was working so it was just a stroke of bad luck.

But don't worry. Isabelle says a lot of things about not returning, doesn't mean it's true.  ;)
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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 05 | 11/2: Goodbye, Twinbrook]
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2013, 04:08:10 AM »
I wonder why Isadora kissed Marc, he should have stayed a Toad xD I was surprised that Izzy decided to take Rufus with her, hope she doesn't turn out to be an evil stepmother type, lol.

I love Pixelen's story, and the action really works well here.
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Chapter 05 | 11/2: Goodbye, Twinbrook]
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2013, 06:14:56 PM »
Stealing her child? I love it!

I can't wait to see everyone in action! Isadora is upsetting me - trying to save Marc from his fate of being a toad... forever!