Author Topic: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]  (Read 39585 times)

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [12/3: Sierra Rebels and the Heir Poll]
« Reply #105 on: December 04, 2013, 05:22:40 PM »
Hidden Chapter: The Coven of Immortalis

There was an old record player sitting in the corner of the room, weathered and worn from days gone past. But it played a tune through it's brass horn, proving that it wasn't to old to bring a little sound to the otherwise silent room. But the melody it played would send shivers down the spine of any normal human. Haunting and mysterious, and certainly nothing to dance to. And yet, there she was, a bright and cheery looking young woman swaying her hips and swinging her arms in a hypnotic sort of way.

She seemed out of place, that happy little fairy. Young and naive, but she was the oldest one there. Possibly the wisest, should she let it show. Older and wiser than the werewolf that turned his attention on her and spoke.

"Eveline, turn that noise off."

"And sit here in silence like the rest of you? Not exactly my style, Addicus" Her dancing continued.

An orange, translucent hand came down on the record player, halting the music and it's owner said in a gentle tone, "Maybe you should sit down, Evie. I don't think this is an appropriate time."

The one called 'Evie' stopped dancing and pouted, a saddened look in her eyes "Malcom...fine!" Eveline stamped her feet and fell down into the open seat beside the couch the other two stern looking men sat on, "All of you. BORING." Besides the werewolf sat a man in attirre brighter than the fairy's. Shades of orange and maroon draped over a muscular body. He let out a bored sort of sigh.

"Boring or not, that tune was dreadful. I'd bind myself back to my lamp before I listened to that. Or watch you dance to it." A little smirk crossed his lips as he spoke, knowing full well the fairy would be angry.

She sat up right for a moment, ready to retaliate with an equally abusive remark and perhaps a fairy trick on top of it, but was silenced when a dark-skinned woman snapped her book shut. The sound resonated through the room and they all looked down, expressions of guilt on their faces as if they were to be reprimanded by a teacher. They knew better than to cross her, less they be subjected to the angry glare of the woman's glowing red eyes.

"400 years. That's how long we've all known each other and worked as a group....I should think you'd be able to deal with each other with a little more civility than this."

Malcom floated up behind where the fairy sat, reaching down to take hold of her arm. Her tensions left her as she felt, or rather sensed, the touch of her closest friend. The other two looked at one another and sighed, settling back into their seats and saying nothing to the vampire beside them.

"Sorry, Illythia." Said Eveline.

The sound of the door creaking open made them all look up, and through it walked a familiar looking woman, as well as a dazed looking man who didn't seem to belong among these mystical "people".

"My, my, what a pleasant surprise. Haven't seen you in, what's it been now, 80 or so years, Isadora? And who is this?"

The genie scoffed, waving his hand in dismissal, "What does it matter who he is? Why is SHE even here? Honestly, Isadora, you think after that zombie stunt you pulled in Monte Vista you can just walk back up to us and call yourself a member of the Coven again?"

Illythia placed a hand on the Genie's arm as she stood from her seat, "Don't be so harsh, Franco. Everyone has their moments. Besides, she's accomplished quite a bit since Monte Vista. Haven't you dear?"

Isadora simply nodded, not entirely to fond of being spoken down to, but accepted it nonetheless. Any other response and she'd be out the door before she could even explain herself. In her mind, she could only wonder what the Coven had accomplished without her. A genie, a werewolf, a fairy, a ghost, and a vampire---they were the leaders of their individual races, speaking for the masses and thriving to bring them all together. But without Isadora, without the witch, what were they? What were they without their leader? Illythia was nothing in comparison to Isadora, regardless of how she may act.

"Now. Is this him?"

"Marc Brandt. Isabelle's first husband, fresh from After World. A little shaken, but otherwise unharmed."

Marc swallowed hard---only a few small fragments of his memory remained. Gasping for the last pieces of life as Isabelle stared him down in that accursed box in the basement, another woman reaching out for him, and then arriving here and standing among strangers.

Illythia nodded, "Marc Brandt of Twinbrook. We are The Coven of Immortalis. You're never to speak that name again unless we say, unless you'd like to return to a cozy little spot in the After World. We're nothing but rumors to the outside world, and they must never know we're real. I'm not sure what all Isadora has planned for you or us, but at this point, the wisest thing for you to do would be to just quietly obey. Your help must be needed. Are you willing?"

In a cloud of confusion and fear, there wasn't much for him to say to the enigmatic woman and her companions. What did they want with him? What could they want from him that they couldn't easily acquire themselves? Surely these people...these beings didn't need the help of a human. But considering they were at least partially responsible for his second chance of life, it only seemed fair to repay them in whatever way he could manage.


Illythia smiled, "Good boy. Now come here. This isn't going to be short affair. I need to guarantee your...longevity."

Marc wobbled a few steps away, dizzy from the bite. Dragged from the After World and converted to a vampire...his head was spinning. Illythia stepped past him and moved to Isadora. Her glowing eyes trained on the woman she hadn't seen in so long.

"Alright, Isadora, our dear leader. He's turned, you're here and you've coaxed Isabelle into abandoning her permanently juiced state in Bridgeport. But you realize what you have to do if you're going to go any farther with this, don't you? You have to make her trust you."

Isadora crossed her arms over her chest, "She already does trust me. But, her son has already used that Time Machine to figure out who I am, so it's only a matter of time before he tells her."

"You might want to get to her first. So she'll trust you."

"That's not necessary...she already does. How could she not?"A smirk crossed the witch's face, "After all. We're family. You have to trust family."


"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [12/4: Sierra, the Coven & the Heir Poll]
« Reply #106 on: December 06, 2013, 01:25:25 PM »
Important Annnouncement

Not sure if you remember, back when I moved the Moraes from Twinbrook to Monte Vista, they were almost lost. They made it into the simbin, but the save file they originated from got erased. I was able to start them up and put them into Monte Vista. Saved the family to the simbin again today, closed out the game, started it up again and their save file was gone. Opened up the new town...and there was no family in the simbin. So, unfortunately (somehow), my entire family is just gone. Completely wiped from the face of SimNation and, as a result...cannot be continued.

For those of you who wanted to know, Regina and Sierra were tied in the poll and I would have flipped a coin to decide which of the two became heir, because there's to many people in the household for it to have been both of them. Also, Isadora was Isabelle's Great Grandmother who just never died and the theme I had planned was that someone from every generation gets rejected by Isabelle in some way and is recruited by Isadora and the Coven (Marc was killed, Regina/Sierra not getting picked as heir, ect) and rise up to take Isabelle down. By the time this happened, Isabelle would have resurrected each heir from every generation and moved them all into one household to train their magic and go against Isadora and the Coven, also, Rufus and Isabelle were going to get married (If that doesn't make you feel better Eld, idk what will) was going to be a whole big beautiful thing. But, computers suck.

So I'll be starting a new legacy! Hopefully within the next few days if I don't get to swamped by finals. Thank you everyone who commented and read and supported me through this slightly choppy story, I promise the next one will be better. And, the Moraes will be deeply missed. Isabelle was the most gorgeous found I'd ever made.

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #107 on: December 06, 2013, 02:36:57 PM »
I was thinking if that was her as she looked so much like Izzy I went with most-be-a-good-twin thing lol. I'm devastated by the news, it's happened to me and I know how you must be feeling. So sorry and I'd really love for you to return with Izzy or at least some of the characters again in future. *hugs* <3
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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #108 on: December 06, 2013, 03:29:30 PM »
I was thinking if that was her as she looked so much like Izzy I went with most-be-a-good-twin thing lol. I'm devastated by the news, it's happened to me and I know how you must be feeling. So sorry and I'd really love for you to return with Izzy or at least some of the characters again in future. *hugs* <3

I was sort of rooting for Sierra the whole time because I would have loved to do a plot with Isabelle back on her old stomping grounds (Bridgeport). So sad >.<

I've got an idea for the next legacy. If I can make it work, we'll get some old faces! =D. I may or may not have backed up Isabelle and Sierra when they were made.
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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #109 on: December 06, 2013, 03:49:36 PM »
I'm so sorry to hear that! I wish you the best of luck with those files and starting a new! I've been struggling with glitches in my game for ages but I can't say I've ever had something so bad happen!

Maybe you could always bring Isabelle back in one way or another... it's such a shame to see they've all disappeared! Oh well, I'll be on the look out for any new story you bring! :) Take your time though, if you've got real life situations to handle then put those first because... well... they're real life situations!

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #110 on: December 06, 2013, 06:31:17 PM »
That's awful! I'm so sorry. Do you plan on starting another project/story?
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #111 on: December 06, 2013, 07:10:54 PM »
So sorry to hear about what happened, Mizzilee. Evil computer sucks most of time! My former legacy attempt also end up tragically in generation 4 just because the evilness. No, I won't insist again, it’s alright and it’s okay. Sometimes I can be a reasonable reader too. It's not good for your health when you obsessed too much XD

It would be good if Isabelle and Rufus could make some appearance, even just a cameo. Oh, I also loved Regina, so if there's cameo of her. I would like to see that and the rest of family of course even they just mentioned by name. I would like to see your next creation, so… I’ll be waiting and I’ll reading. Good luck!
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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #112 on: December 06, 2013, 10:12:14 PM »
I'm so sorry to hear that! I wish you the best of luck with those files and starting a new! I've been struggling with glitches in my game for ages but I can't say I've ever had something so bad happen!

Maybe you could always bring Isabelle back in one way or another... it's such a shame to see they've all disappeared! Oh well, I'll be on the look out for any new story you bring! :) Take your time though, if you've got real life situations to handle then put those first because... well... they're real life situations!

Be thankful for glitches rather than a complete meltdown! It really is the most unpleasent thing to happen in a Sims game. Yes, real life comes first! I HAVE to pass my statistics class more than I need to post a story. If I can find Isabelle saved in the SimBin, she might make an appearance and I'm fairly certain I saved a copy of Sierra as well when I gave her her makeover. So they could make cameos or more.

That's awful! I'm so sorry. Do you plan on starting another project/story?

Yes I will make another. I'm working on it as we speak (well, in my mind. Not so much in the game as I haven't had the heart to open it and see if I can figure out what glitched it.

So sorry to hear about what happened, Mizzilee. Evil computer sucks most of time! My former legacy attempt also end up tragically in generation 4 just because the evilness. No, I won't insist again, it’s alright and it’s okay. Sometimes I can be a reasonable reader too. It's not good for your health when you obsessed too much XD

It would be good if Isabelle and Rufus could make some appearance, even just a cameo. Oh, I also loved Regina, so if there's cameo of her. I would like to see that and the rest of family of course even they just mentioned by name. I would like to see your next creation, so… I’ll be waiting and I’ll reading. Good luck!

I was just messing with you, dearie. You're one of my favorite readers, I can't help but pick at you XD But yes EVIL COMPUTER. It so sucks really. I'm terrified of having to reinstall everything and lose all my beautiful CC.

Regina wasn't saved unfortunately. =/ Last time the Moraes were backed up was when Edwin, Demelza, and Damien were kids. So Regina isn't there. I have an idea of how to go about this next story though, so hopefully it'll work out for the best!
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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #113 on: December 07, 2013, 10:04:52 PM »
I believe that I haven't commented yet :P

So sorry to hear that, Mizzilee! I hope that you would come up with another project. This is such a shame for a beautiful story with unique characters going to waste just because of the stupid computer!
It seems computers have some issue to us as Simmer. They won’t let us to having fun!  >:(
Hoping that there will be recurring characters as cameos for another project!

Good luck and I'll be reading ;)
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Re: A Slew of Letters: The Morae Legacy [Important Announcement]
« Reply #114 on: December 08, 2013, 11:20:04 PM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard at the request of the author.  This thread can be revived at any time by contacting a Moderator.
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