Author Topic: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge  (Read 3767753 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10335 on: July 23, 2015, 01:30:11 AM »
Yes, provided the bar is at the same length (or longer) than other best friends, 'old friends' count as 'best friends.

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10336 on: July 23, 2015, 12:20:15 PM »

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Offline Gwendy

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10337 on: September 15, 2015, 12:16:10 AM »
Hey, everyone, I'm thinking about starting up a dynasty again, and I was wondering if the Sim Game Selector 3.0 mod (to unselect the ITF expansion) was okay to use. Tia tells me that it is, as long as I didn't put ITF back in later on, but I just wanted to make sure before I did anything.
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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10338 on: September 25, 2015, 11:43:46 PM »
Sorry for the wait. Amazing what can slip past my radar.

Insert joke here about how mum knows best about these things, but yes...mostly. You can use the Game Selector to make any selection of any EPs/SPs, as long as the selection remains consistent throughout your dynasty.
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Offline Squark

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10339 on: September 27, 2015, 03:48:05 PM »
So, after a long break, I'm considering trying the Immortal Dynasty Challenge again. One question- Is replacing Sunset Valley's stadium with the one from Starlight Shores acceptable?

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10341 on: September 27, 2015, 04:03:40 PM »
Are you trying to add the big venue?
Indeed. I am thinking that gen 5 or 6 might be a magician, and sunset Valley is hilly enough that it's hard to place the 64x64 Big Show Venue.

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10342 on: September 27, 2015, 04:31:18 PM »
I don't know if they'll allow this or not. I recently completed the magician career just using Flying V's. So if they don't let you place it, you do have options.

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10343 on: September 27, 2015, 05:16:08 PM »
No replacing the venue. And I've topped the Showtime professions with just Performance Park. You'll be fine.
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Offline Squark

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10344 on: September 27, 2015, 06:23:25 PM »
No replacing the venue. And I've topped the Showtime professions with just Performance Park. You'll be fine.
Fair Enough. There's a somewhat confusing statement on the matter in Ricalynn's post on edit town in Dynasties, which is why I asked. I guess the intent is the substitution can be made on a case by case basis.

(Relevant Quote)
Can I use Edit Town to replace the City Hall in Sunset Valley with the combination one from Bridgeport?
 --No. This is to be done on a case by case basis with approval from Metro, Ratchie, Pam or myself. Some rabbit holes can be replaced if there is a bug involved or to add something to the town. With the exception of empty lots, all other lots from a town must remain unchanged until such a time as your Sim family owns it and then makes changes via build mode.  If you want to combine rabbit holes just to create more room for other buildings, think of what buildings have no value to a dynasty.  Extra libraries, gyms, casinos and parks don't actually help with skills or requirements most of the time so if you still need room for lots that do help with requirements, think about trimming those down first.  Example of allowed replacements:  You can replace the stadium in Sunset Valley with the Binder Clips stadium from Starlight Shores because it's both a stadium and a big show venue. Or if you are experiencing the combined building bug - you can ask permission to replace the combined building with two separate rabbit holes.
Dynasties are about strategy and part of that strategy is the town you choose.   All towns should still look like themselves once you've left Edit Town to start playing your game."

Offline Trip

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10345 on: September 27, 2015, 07:22:08 PM »
Rica's given a lot of conflicting statements on that rule. I don't really feel like searching every dynasty thread for them, and I can't really ask her now either. Basically, I can't remember us allowing that in practice, and I want to err on the side of "nope."

The combined rabbithole thing is a little different, but it's pretty rare for it to be it allowed in an Immortal Dynasty. If it comes up (next to impossible in Sunset Valley), we'll discuss it then.
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Offline Squark

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10346 on: September 28, 2015, 11:11:08 AM »
I wasn't disputing your ruling, and I'm sorry if it came off that way. I was just trying to explain why I was asking (And it turns out I asked last time because of that same passage).

Anyway, I've started my dynasty now, but I've got a technical request- I was experimenting with MoveObjects On, and used it to move a sculpting station that had a sculpture in progress because I didn't want it outside. I didn't realize this would leave the sculpture behind, so now I have a partially chipped away block of clay on the lot I can't delete. Do I have permission to enable buydebug and testingcheatsenabled to get rid of it, or do I need to just leave it off in a far corner of the lot/bury it in a basement where it won't be an eyesore? I can post a screenshot of the issue if you'd like.

EDIT: Speaking of screenshots, does the site still have a gallery, or do I need to upload images to an image hosting site?

Offline Trip

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10347 on: September 28, 2015, 11:55:06 AM »
You can use cheats to delete it. You shouldn't need buydebug, but testingcheats -> shift+ctrl+click the block and delete it.

You have to use an external image host. We used to have a gallery hosted by Carl, but it stopped accepting new submissions and members sometime last year. I'm pretty familiar with Imgur, if you have any questions about that. And plenty of people here have knowledge on other hosts.
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Offline Squark

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10348 on: September 28, 2015, 12:48:22 PM »
Hmm... I'm not able to interact with the lump of clay outside of build mode, and clicking on it in build mode only moves it around. Ah well. Cautionary tale, I guess. I'll just hide it in the roof where it will be out of sight.

I appreciate your assistance. :)

Offline Annabec

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10349 on: September 28, 2015, 12:55:48 PM »
Can you put it back on the sculpting station? That's worked for me in the past, and you can delete/finish it from live mode