So does that mean it's the opposite then Metro ? Do you mean then that immortal 1 can max logic, but as long as it's not supermaxed then immortal 2 can also max it themselves or maybe even have it as their supermaxed skill ?
I thought that all immortals are only allowed to touch a duplicate skill providing they don't take it all the way up to level 10 ?
*Is confused now* Please clarify, thanks.
I'm running out of ways to try and say what I've been saying all along in a new way.
But, I'll try.
First of all, no skill is totally off limits whether an immortal maxes or supermaxes a skill — in other words, an untouchable. That does not exist. Everyone clear on that? Something as big as that would be in the rules. It's not.
Second, an immortal's SuperMaxed skill creates two restrictions on other immortals — let's say an immortal SuperMaxed Logic. Okay, that means that any other immortals cannot SuperMax that skill and that for the immortal who maxed Logic to keep his Supermax skill unique, then no other immortal can max Logic. But, they can invest points up to 9 with no issue. Those two restrictions are kind of the same thing—you obviously would not be able to SuperMax a skill without maxing it too but I want to distinguish between the terms so players understand.
What might work best if anyone is still confused is to give me concrete examples of what you want to do. Several of you have done and it's the best situation because I can specifically say, "yes that works," or "No, that won't fly because of..."