Author Topic: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge  (Read 3765087 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7680 on: March 29, 2013, 07:31:00 AM »
Any thoughts/suggestions on this weirdness?

It is week one of the 2nd winter season of my Immortal Dynasty. I have two teens and 1 child in my family (as well as adults and an elder). On Monday (day child aged up from toddler) it was declared a snow day, but bus turned up and took the two teens to school. It dropped them out at school, and then they kind of just stood there, until I sent them home. Tuesday was declared a snow day as well, and the bus turned up again. Previously, I had issues of the bus never turning up in this file, now the issue is that the bus always turns up.


Offline Seabody

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7681 on: March 29, 2013, 07:45:49 AM »
Any thoughts/suggestions on this weirdness?

It is week one of the 2nd winter season of my Immortal Dynasty. I have two teens and 1 child in my family (as well as adults and an elder). On Monday (day child aged up from toddler) it was declared a snow day, but bus turned up and took the two teens to school. It dropped them out at school, and then they kind of just stood there, until I sent them home. Tuesday was declared a snow day as well, and the bus turned up again. Previously, I had issues of the bus never turning up in this file, now the issue is that the bus always turns up.


Suggestion: Back up the file at this point (preferably, move a save pre-snow-days to a safe place). Play through until you reach a normal day and see what happens. It could just be a little scripting error that causes the bus to appear, but just in case, back it up.
That reminds me, as soon as De Arbol is back from Uni, I need to back up my save. I only have one backup pre-Uni, which, in the event I needed to, would take me back to a week or so before he left. It might even be before Serrano became immortal (fingers crossed it isn't)

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7682 on: March 29, 2013, 11:09:35 AM »
If it's not making you fail anything, than there is no reason for you to go to an earlier save.   Having a backup is always good but continue the dynasty as it is.

It's better the bus shows up than not shows up at all as far as I'm concerned.   It could just be the driver isn't getting the phone call from the school.   I had that happen one year in middle school.  Bus showed at the house and honked because I wasn't coming out. 

If there is any other problems that is affecting your game play, then we'll come up with a solution.
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Offline Shirin

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7683 on: March 29, 2013, 11:50:03 AM »
Also, just because it's a Snow Day doesn't mean your kids can't go to school. Every time in my Life States when my kids got the notice, I manually clicked on the "go to school" button in their school panel, and they went.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7684 on: March 29, 2013, 03:21:28 PM »
Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions. :)

As I said, it was weirdness. I was just curious about it. Gen 3 is the logic supermax, and he has knocked over the "20 hours of tutoring kids" logic challenge by tutoring his future wife.

Earlier in the file, the school bus wasn't showing up at all and I was manually sending the kids/teens to school. There was nothing that should have been causing the bus not to turn up. Then of course there were the times when I had them drive to school, I clicked on 'go to school' and they'd get back into the car, drive home, miss the bus and either drive/cycle/fly their way back to school.

I am not concerned by it, and I am not going to do anything but continue on with the game file at this point.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7685 on: March 30, 2013, 01:48:26 PM »

College Opportunities: I know the new University social/day job/dare opps aren't countable for black ops because they are like travels opps. However, I just got a University opp, but it's not in the University opp panel. It's in the normal opportunity panel where career ops would normally go. It's called "Create Concepts." So, are university opps that show up in the regular "home ops" panel countable?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7686 on: March 30, 2013, 03:20:38 PM »

I sent my heir and her brother to University and saved right before graduation because I had heard there were some issues with it. Well, it's true! There were so many sims they couldn't get in the door to graduate and neither of them received their extra trait slot. Can I go back to the save and re-do the graduation ceremony, or am I just out of luck with the trait thing?

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Offline Tilia

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7687 on: March 30, 2013, 03:24:29 PM »
I sent my heir and her brother to University and saved right before graduation because I had heard there were some issues with it. Well, it's true! There were so many sims they couldn't get in the door to graduate and neither of them received their extra trait slot. Can I go back to the save and re-do the graduation ceremony, or am I just out of luck with the trait thing?

I could be wrong, but I've only gotten the extra trait from Level 8 with a social group, not with a degree.

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7688 on: March 30, 2013, 03:26:59 PM »
I could be wrong, but I've only gotten the extra trait from Level 8 with a social group, not with a degree.

I've definitely gotten an extra trait from a degree before.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7689 on: March 30, 2013, 03:33:19 PM »

I think you're so supposed to get one of each. Both kids already got one from being nerds, but I was hoping to get them a seventh trait from the degree, too. Mostly for funsies and more developed personality. I guess I could always save up LTR points and buy another degree? Does anyone know if that will give an extra trait?

Offline sunshine_2406

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7690 on: March 30, 2013, 03:39:49 PM »
If i remember correctly, completing another degree is the same as reaching the top of another social group in terms of trait. It gives the option to change it, which in your case would let you pick a new one.
From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I've been told what I must do and who I must be. I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot. I've been accused of being Alice, and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here.

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7691 on: March 30, 2013, 03:40:46 PM »
I have been able to get up two extra traits in a sim--one social group, one degree. I'm not sure if that's what you're referring to, Sunshine, but it's what I've seen in-game.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline sunshine_2406

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7692 on: March 30, 2013, 03:42:02 PM »
No I mean that say I reach the top of the nerds and then jocks, reaching the top of he second one allows me to change my trait from reaching the first one. Not allowed obviously in this challenge though.
From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I've been told what I must do and who I must be. I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot. I've been accused of being Alice, and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here.

Offline samoht04

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7693 on: March 30, 2013, 05:14:52 PM »
You get one extra trait for a social group and an extra one for a degree. So in total a Sim could have 7 as long as they have a degree and have been at the top of one of the social groups.
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Offline Seabody

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7694 on: March 30, 2013, 11:10:33 PM »
College Opportunities: I know the new University social/day job/dare opps aren't countable for black ops because they are like travels opps. However, I just got a University opp, but it's not in the University opp panel. It's in the normal opportunity panel where career ops would normally go. It's called "Create Concepts." So, are university opps that show up in the regular "home ops" panel countable?

I have also gotten one of these wishes. It fired when I left my second class on my second Monday in term. My Sim majors in Communications and the op was "Write a Book".

