Author Topic: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge  (Read 3765084 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7515 on: March 18, 2013, 08:53:42 PM »
I already know i'm going to eventually have to get a new laptop that is waay larger...some sort of gaming one probably. Especially because every few real time minutes, my Dynasty file will freeze for a couple minutes, and second generation isn't even a child. Plus, i'm not planning for Photography or Nectarmaking to be supermaxes, and the only one that can take on Martial Arts is my founder, considering his supermax is Athletics.

That could also be your settings and the fact that you're in Union Cove.   Have you done a resetSim lately?
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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7516 on: March 18, 2013, 08:58:05 PM »
That could also be your settings and the fact that you're in Union Cove.   Have you done a resetSim lately?

That is possibly true. A massive resetsim helps with the lag in Union Cove?

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7517 on: March 18, 2013, 09:08:53 PM »
That is possibly true. A massive resetsim helps with the lag in Union Cove?

If it's due to a routing failure of some Sim stuck somewhere, it could make a huge difference.  That's what helps with China and Hidden Springs sometimes.
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Offline Crystal_Talian

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7518 on: March 19, 2013, 01:10:34 AM »
Hello, I had a question regarding "edit town". A couple of them, actually. Sorry if they're been answered before, but I didn't see them in the first or the detailed edit town posts.

1. Are we allowed to add any EA created lots? Even unnecessary ones like the cat park and such?
2. Are we allowed to delete or move residential lots? At least, if they are empty?

The posts I looked at just mentioned community lots, so I wasn't sure about residential ones.

Offline Shirin

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7519 on: March 19, 2013, 01:44:03 AM »
1) Yes, as long as you use Edit Town only at the very beginning of the Dynasty, or whenever a new expansion is released and you've installed it, your only opportunity is very next time you load your game.

2) Only if they are empty lots. If they are empty houses only, then no.

Offline Turoskel

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7520 on: March 19, 2013, 04:47:31 AM »
The other day I was looking in my saves file at how big parts of my ID file are, and I noticed the TravelDB package is about 38KB in size. Why is it so big if they haven't even traveled anywhere?

Photos are also stored in TravelDB, camera, prom pics and photobooth pics, that's how I got my avatar by extracting the photobooth pic from TravelDB.

Just had a look in one of my saves to see if smart phone pics go in as well, they do and so do greeting cards, so that is one reason your TravelDB grows even if you haven't travelled.

Offline melonBANANA

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7521 on: March 19, 2013, 09:16:09 AM »
Hello again!

I have a question/comment about the dresser issue. I know we aren't allowed to use the dresser, except on the day of the Sim's birthday. Now my question: what about the founder? Where I first place her in town, could I waltz over to a dresser and add a few outfits, or would that be considered breaking the 'no using dresser' rule? I ask because some Sims don't start off right at the beginning of their Young Adult 'phase' when you create them in CAS. I've had Sims start off only a few days before they were going to age up to Adult.

Also, was the rule put in place because the dresser would reset the Sim's age to the beginning of whatever age they were at? Like, a Young Adult a few days away from being Adult would suddenly go back to the beginning of their Young Adult stage? Because I've used the dresser in another game, and my Sim who was 20 days away from being an elder was suddenly only 5 days away. Meaning I've lost 15 days just by using the dresser.

I just wanted to now if it was just a bug I got or if other people had the same problem. Needless to say, I probably won't use the dresser if it's a bug (or I might wait until it's fixed to start) but I figured I'd ask.

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7522 on: March 19, 2013, 09:32:15 AM »
Hello again!

I have a question/comment about the dresser issue. I know we aren't allowed to use the dresser, except on the day of the Sim's birthday. Now my question: what about the founder? Where I first place her in town, could I waltz over to a dresser and add a few outfits, or would that be considered breaking the 'no using dresser' rule? I ask because some Sims don't start off right at the beginning of their Young Adult 'phase' when you create them in CAS. I've had Sims start off only a few days before they were going to age up to Adult.

Also, was the rule put in place because the dresser would reset the Sim's age to the beginning of whatever age they were at? Like, a Young Adult a few days away from being Adult would suddenly go back to the beginning of their Young Adult stage? Because I've used the dresser in another game, and my Sim who was 20 days away from being an elder was suddenly only 5 days away. Meaning I've lost 15 days just by using the dresser.

I just wanted to now if it was just a bug I got or if other people had the same problem. Needless to say, I probably won't use the dresser if it's a bug (or I might wait until it's fixed to start) but I figured I'd ask.

Dresser rule was lifted several days ago but yes it was because it was age reset bug.   Although it always gave days not took them away.  Although most of the time it ended up being reset by a quick save or switching between the inventory tab and the information tab.   
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Offline melonBANANA

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7523 on: March 19, 2013, 09:56:49 AM »
Dresser rule was lifted several days ago but yes it was because it was age reset bug.   Although it always gave days not took them away.  Although most of the time it ended up being reset by a quick save or switching between the inventory tab and the information tab.
Thanks. I'll check things out in another saved game. ^^ I found it weird that it took away some days. But I'll see if saving and/or switching between information and inventory fixes it. Or well, I will if it happens again.

Offline Darkeroid

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7524 on: March 19, 2013, 10:25:42 AM »
Hi everyone! I have a question.

In the main post it says that we are only able to have the sims with usual life length in our household. Can I have a ghost or a witch as a spouse? Also can my founder be a ghost or a witch?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7525 on: March 19, 2013, 10:26:30 AM »
Hi everyone! I have a question.

In the main post it says that we are only able to have the sims with usual life length in our household. Can I have a ghost or a witch as a spouse? Also can my founder be a ghost or a witch?

Hello!  It also says in the original post if ghosts or witches are allowed.
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Offline Darkeroid

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7526 on: March 19, 2013, 10:29:26 AM »
I know. But it says allowed in the household. Does that include founders or spouses?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7527 on: March 19, 2013, 10:30:00 AM »
Are founders and spouses in the household?
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Offline Darkeroid

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7528 on: March 19, 2013, 10:32:36 AM »
Yes they are. But the plantsims are not allowed to be founder or a spouse. Only spares can be plantsims. I was wondering if this is true for non-life-extending supernaturals too.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #7529 on: March 19, 2013, 10:33:55 AM »
Yes they are. But the plantsims are not allowed to be founder or a spouse. Only spares can be plantsims. I was wondering if this is true for non-life-extending supernaturals too.

Yes they can be witches or ghosts.   Only PlantSims have the restriction and even then immortal and spouses can be once they next generations has been born. That's why the PlantSim is separate from the other statements about life states. There is no indication that the other allowable life states would have such a restriction.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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