Thanks for your swift reply, as always, even if you don't have an answer just yet. As you can imagine, I'm fairly anxious about this. For what it's worth, again, resetting travel files has almost no influence on my game, as I will not travel again and barely traveled at all to begin with. If it's a problem, I do have a save from just a few days before, although I'd have to go back to troubleshooting to figure out how else to make it work again. I spent all day trying to make my files work again, and this is what I found that could fix it. The problem seemed to be that my computer would shut down if it took too long to load the game. So, I researched ways to make the load time shorter. It turns out that the travel files are huge, and, if you don't plan on traveling, pretty much useless. I deleted them and was able to load the game again.