Yay ... I have a question regarding photography!
I have one of my two masters of photography (Slammin' Sammy, himself) taking photographs now. He tried getting one of Patrick sleeping ... sounds easy, doesn't it? Well, it seems that my ability in real life to photograph the floor/roof/curtains/wall/dirty plates instead of the people has rubbed off onto Slammin' Sammy. He managed to take a photo of part of the bread, Patrick doesn't actually appear in the shot, but it still calls itself "My Housemate, Patrick Enterprise". I am choosing not to include that one.
So I moved him (Slammin' Sammy) a bit and prepared him to take another picture of Patrick. This time, Agnes has moved into the shot, and the shot is of Agnes and Patrick in bed together and is given the name by the system as "Two's company". Will this one count, or should I try out Sammy's beautiful photography skills out again?
The Slammin' One also attempted to photograph his step-mother playing chess on the computer. He has a delightful picture of Fiona's back.
So yes, my photography skills are obviously rubbing off on the Slammin' one.