I was thinking about the future of my dynasty, and generations four and five stood out as problematic. I need some help to think their paths through.
Generation four is planned to supermax riding, the horseman career, and probably The Jockey LTW. I've never tried this skill before, and is it possible to do it when you're almost halfway through the dynasty? The household
might be full for a good chunk of her life due to my rather scatterbrained schemes to get spouses, just so you know.
Generation five is planned to supermax inventing, the criminal career (thief branch), and the Renaissance Sim LTW (athletic, handiness, inventing). My last brush with inventing ended in a string of butt-fires and very little progress, so I'm close to totally rethinking their character, especially with their goals being a tall order. Am I just overreacting, or do I really need to give them a facelift? Note that travel will be difficult and possibly impossible by that point.
I can still choose gardening, fishing, handiness, and alchemy as backup supermaxes without breaching on the rest of my plans or going into the impossible, just for reference.
It's not like I need to instantly panic since those generations haven't even been born yet, but I'd certainly like the time to rethink my strategy if I have to.