For the carpool one hour pop up, the same thing happened in my game when my sims married. A new bug probably, but without nasty effects. My sim didn't loose any job performance during those 2 days off, and he was paid just like with maternity leaves. For Lysi that's weird though.
I've had a similar thing to that, just with school. I had 2 in primary and 2 in secondary school.
On one day, I had something like, the oldest of the school-aged sims being on his third day in secondary, the next one 2nd day in secondary, the third 3rd/4th in primary, and the fourth one 2nd/3rd day in primary. 1st, 2nd and 4th were adopted as nooboos, 3rd was born to the parents. On this day (I can't recall the day of the week now) the oldest had to go to school, but the other three didn't. The three that stayed at home skilled for the day
(Including sending teen #2 out to places to be trained).
They didn't lose any school performance as a result. I figured that maybe some teachers went on strike or something.
I have also noticed some unusual things happen with regards to my sims and jobs and marriage and parental leave following nooboos, similar to what people have already said. It also doesn't seem to have had any negative impact on their performance.