Now for a question...
I know there is a known bug where portraits will simply disappear off the walls. Is there any way to prevent this? Currently Gen 1's Young adult portrait and Ice Sculpture are in my family inventory. Can I leave them there to ensure they do not disappear? Are Ice sculptures known to disappear? Do they have to be placed on a wall/floor before an Immortal can eat Ambrosia?
This is the first time I've gotten more than a week or two into a Dynasty without giving up or getting bored. I'm finding it a lot less frustrating than before, largely because I only have Ambitions and Pets installed right now, so no Vampires running rampant through the town or Imaginary Friends driving me up the wall.
Oh and another question...
Agnes has purchased a food replicator. Once she dies, will it remain in the house? One of my future Immortals has Food Replicator selected as a Unique LTR. Once they buy one, can I sell one? (If Agnes's is still there that is.)
1. The easiest way I've found to avoid disappearing portraits is, when it's completed, leave it on the easel and go into buy mode. Then drag it from the easel to destination. This way, if it
does disappear, you can just undo and try again.
2. Which leads to, no you can't leave them in the inventory. They have to be placed.
3. Ice sculptures tend to disappear entirely if the sculptor hasn't completed the skill challenge to sculpt 25 ice sculptures. If the challenge is complete, then they'll stay. That being said, there is sometimes a glitch where the sculpture disappears but the base remains. If that happens, the base will continue to appreciate, but you'll just have an odd museum.
4. And yes, the portrait at least has to be placed before Ambrosia consumption. The sculpture is optional, so no it doesn't have to be placed first...unless you want it to count towards your museum value.
5. Yes, the replicator will remain in the house.
6. And yes, you can sell one if you want, or you can upgrade it and store 60 group meals and never worry about the sims who insist on cooking even if they can't.