I just gave this information to another member and thought I would share it with you guys. I have a breakdown of every skill and what careers use these as metrics or as a major part of that career. I included the self-employment careers as part of it.
There are four careers that don't actually require a skill - Business, Daycare, Singing and Magic(ian).
Athletic - acrobat, criminal x 2, firefighter, military, special agent, sports
Charisma - actor, education, journalism, politics
Cooking - culinary
Fishing - science, fisherman
Gardening - science, gardener
Handiness - firefighter, military, science
Instrument - music x 2
Logic - criminal (evil), education, ghost hunter, law enforcement x 2, medical, music (symphonic), private eye
Nectar Making - nectar maker
Painting - architect, forensic analyst, painter, stylist
Photography - photographer
Riding - horseman
Sculptor - sculpting
Writing - director, journalism, writer