I am having a couple of bugs with my immortal dynasty game file. The first problem is not a game breaker but I am just curious if anyone else is experiencing it. My founder and her husband are no longer married and I know for sure that I never broke them up. She is also no longer recognised as being step mum to her (ex)husbands kids. They still have romantic actions so it is not the end of the world.
I just ran into this problem (literally). Have you used the Photo Booth from Showtime at all? As an example, your founder and her husband took photos in the booth with kids, neighbours, siblings? If so, check relationships by hovering over - you may find one or both of them are in a relationship with someone else (including children!).
I ask because the problem I ran into: My founder and his wife took their twin daughters to go play in the Photo Booth. Any photos with the founder in them suddenly were grayed out, but still had value (photos of the twins together came out fine, and each twin with their mother came out fine). While googling the bug, I noticed relationships possibly could have changed.
Sure enough, the wife was still showing as wife, but when I hovered over the elder twin's photo, her new partner was her own father.
You can fix the relationship-hover issue by having founder and spouse take photos together, but in the family tree, they still won't be married.
(However, if you haven't used the photo booth, I'm at a loss.)
Edit: This bug appears regardless of the booth location. The first time, it was off the home lot. I went to an earlier save, and just for testing purposes, had the family buy a booth. Same bug on the home lot.