Hi Ricalynn,
I am in beautiful Union Cove
Absolutely love this world!!!
Unfortunately I have spend a lot of LTHP on other things. I have about 35000 points now. That's not enough for either. But I am doing like you said and hopping from fishing spot to fishing spot a long the river and the ocean. That's actually quite easy in UC. The only thing is that i also need to make a few friends. I have neglected them a little and 2 died... I have to figure out a way to make friends fast. But I am really enjoying the challenge haha
This is my second attempt. I am already further than in my first attempt
I am learning a lot doing this. I am doing things I never did before in the Sims, so I am really enjoying myself!
The first time I had a lot of trouble finding a spous. The one I went for had trouble with commitments, go figure haha. And by the time I finally wanted to ask her to move in I couldnot do that. Later I found out it was because I only had 1 single bed. Apparently no sleeping space means no option to move in... After that I just ran out of time to have her painting skill good enough for making the painting of my YA founder.
I sure hope to finish my 2nd attempt. But else, I know better what to do differently next time. It is actually fun not to walsh through it in 1 attempt. It is called a challenge for a reason