Question about aging.
My sims seem to ALL be age stuck. All of them. It has just clicked over to 3am, and I checked the ages of all my controlled sims. The ones who were 2 days away from the next age group (my 3 YAs, 1 adult, and one teen) the day before are still at 2 days to go until the next age group. Aiden Jones who was at 99 days the day before is still at 99 days, and my toddler who was aged up the day before is still at 7 days before becoming a child. Am I being overly anxious (in that does the aging up of sims happen after 3am, or is my game glitchy in some way? The day before (which was my nooboo's day to become a toddler, I gave said toddler a cake and aged her up in the morning. I had my child sim read the toddler painting skill book to her, and I have sent three sims (Founder, one of the YA sims, and the Adult sim) to France. They got there and back alright.
If this should be a glitch, do I age up the YAs, Adult and Teen sims on their proper birthdays (1 day time) or do I wait until the game thinks it is their birthday (2 days times)?