That was my reading as well, which I hope is right as one of my spouses died of old age a couple of hours before the baby was born.
I have a bit of a mental block about careers, it doesn't matter what the spares do does it? it's just between immortals it has to be unique? gen 4 has no particular wish for a career, his supermax is martial arts and he's also maxed athletics, I was going to go with military but then I thought of all that time as an elder hanging about the house and only working one day a week, so now I'm thinking about sports which 3 spares have already done but that's still okay isn't it?
For some reason I keep thinking it isn't
I think I may have also found a solution to my nerd problems, founder and her hubby both got family oriented as there nerd bonus trait and I have never seen her berate ignorance on anybody, nor him before he died or his ghost since, so after peeking into the social data code for Uni it seems family oriented, loser and mooch are traits on the wont berate ignorance list, while genius, mean spirited, perfectionist, snob, and just being a nerd get it as a special interaction.
I bought gen 2 and 3 a degree to give them the family oriented trait, will do so for gen 4 as well and the rest after that will get it for a social trait if not before and hopefully I can go back to enjoying my family without wishing I'd never installed Uni in my dynasty