I'd like an FAQ as well, if nobody minds.
I started my dynasty before I'd read through the entire thread, and found out a bit later that I'd done some things I wasn't supposed to (one of my earlier attempts I scratched because I thought that it was portrait, photograph, -or- ice sculpture, not portrait -plus- photo or sculpture).
And this time around I made my own custom bars in Sunset Valley instead of just using the LN lots, before I realized that was a no-no.
It's not a huge deal for me because I'm not going for Hall of Fame, (as in this case I don't like the LN lots in Sunset Valley and I'm happy with what I built) but I can just imagine someone who starts intending for the HoF, and then finds out later on that they've done something they're not supposed to.
I'm thinking just take all the questions from this thread and post their answers in an FAQ, and update it as new questions come in. It will (hopefully) keep the number of repeated questions here to a minimum, but still leave a spot on this thread for players to ask new questions, permissions for cheats, discussions of strategy, etc.
And I'm not just thinking an FAQ strictly for the Dynasty rules, it could also cover stuff like:
- Inventing is bugged in Bridegport, so don't try to supermax Inventing there
- the Nectar Making challenge that's bugged (was that fixed in a patch?) and how to get around it;
- that Barnacle Bay has no money trees, so the Gardener career is a lot harder
and stuff like that, so that Dynasty players can know some of this information to choose a town they like and plan accordingly.
I can only imagine how frustrating it would be for a player who didn't know you couldn't build a Simbot in Bridgeport to spend all that time on Inventing only to be unable to complete it because it's completely impossible.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents. If people decide we want an FAQ, then I'm quite willing to help. My last exam is tomorrow, and then I'll have month's free time.