Author Topic: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge  (Read 3707464 times)

Offline Trip

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10725 on: December 17, 2020, 11:55:46 AM »
The replicator thing is a glitch. If someone has the points for a new replicator, maybe try that one out?
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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10726 on: December 18, 2020, 04:11:22 PM »
The replicator thing is a glitch. If someone has the points for a new replicator, maybe try that one out?

Yeah, I tried that one out.  :-\ Darn. No luck. Maybe it's because my family traveled?

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10727 on: January 11, 2021, 02:58:47 AM »
Just want to make sure ... the opportunities that you get in your homeworld that send you to France/China/Egypt can count as the unique six black opps completed by an heir, can't they?

Sky got one, she had to go to France to take five photographs for the Bistro in Sunset Valley.

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10728 on: January 11, 2021, 07:02:07 AM »
@Deklitch: yup. Any op that takes up the skill, career, or special slots is valid (it's why some University ops count but WA adventures don't)
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10729 on: January 11, 2021, 04:29:21 PM »
@Trip thanks for the confirmation :)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10730 on: January 12, 2021, 05:00:37 PM »
I hope it's okay to post this here - I thought about posting in the "Good towns for dynasties" thread but no one's posted there for several years.

I'm curious about Hidden Springs as a dynasty town. It doesn't seem to be a very popular one on the forum, and I've read a few comments here and there that say it causes some lagging and/or routing issues, but I haven't been able to find any specific details. Does anyone know what Hidden Springs is like for a multi-generational game (without lag-reducing mods)? Are there any known or specific risks beyond the usual issues with long-term games?

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10731 on: January 12, 2021, 06:25:17 PM »
@amaranthin: I don't have much long-term data on Hidden Springs for a dynasty and what I have isn't great (lots of complaining!). @hazelnut might have some insight on it as a 4x4 town and I'll see if I missed anyone else in my voyages...

EDIT: It should bear mentioning that people have finished dynasties in other "difficult" towns (Bridgeport and Isla Paradiso) despite being told that it wouldn't be easy. Maybe try playing a trial game there first?
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10732 on: January 12, 2021, 08:54:13 PM »
I tried a few in Hidden Springs.
My observations
- Emmaline Rheon can be a good catch. She has maxed cooking skill and depending on expansion packs, she can pretty much complete her ltw of culinary librarian at the start of the game (enough points for a dusty old lamp for eg) Green tinged and 6 days from elder
- Very few have artistic trait and/or painting skill - a homeless sim (Kyle Anderson) has 8 points in painting, but no artistic trait. His brother (a playable sim from the start) Ryan Anderson has 2 points in painting skill and the artistic trait. (there are some others, though not many)
- Most sims seem to be more aimed at a gardening/fishing/outdoors type lifestyle with traits and skills
- Winterley family have some death flower bushes in back yard which can be harvested/planted at appropriate skill level.
- homeless sims come with 4 not 5 traits despite being young adult + in age.
- npcs have no traits and no ltw assigned, also have no skills

So, in most cases you'll need to train up a painter from the get go

Offline Beks

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10733 on: January 12, 2021, 09:21:59 PM »
@Trip That's a good point about dynasties still succeeding in other difficult towns. (I can't imagine trying to get through one in Bridgeport!) I've kind of got my heart set on playing in Hidden Springs at the moment, so I like to think I'll be able to push through any difficulties that may arise. And yeah, I'm planning to do a bit of trial play. It's been a while since I've played without mods so practice will be good!

@Deklitch Thank you for all the insights! I've definitely been eyeing the Anderson brothers...and possibly Emmaline as well. That's good to know about the death flowers. I searched around in other threads a bit and that seems to be the only instance of special plants existing in town at the start.

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10734 on: January 13, 2021, 02:49:46 PM »
I didn't have any problems with lagging.  It got a bit glitchy towards the end of the fourth generation, but no more so than games in other towns.  Of course, I only played there for 20 weeks or so, which isn't nearly long enough for an immortal dynasty.  As usual, I'd recommend limiting the expansions you play with, which seems to make the biggest difference.

Hidden Springs isn't a great town for collecting, because quite a few of the spawners aren't actually accessible - it's frustrating to see the thing you want to collect but not to be able to pick it up - but I didn't have a problem with special seeds.  I seem to remember that metals and small pets were the worst affected.

Seconding the recommendation of Emmaline Rhoen as an ambrosia cook/happiness point collector.  I'm also fond of the Free Spirits.

I've not needed a painter there but Kyle Anderson always seems to turn up in my Hidden Springs games.  That may be one of those randomly-varying things, of course...

Offline Beks

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10735 on: January 14, 2021, 08:08:51 PM »
@hazelnut Thanks for the suggestions! And for the head's up about collecting. I'm sad about the difficulties with small pets! It definitely sounds like this town is doable though.

Also, hazelnut, while we're here talking about immortal dynasties...I've been thinking about borrowing your method for spouses and use cloning throughout the dynasty. I loved how that turned out for the Carrs. Is there anything you wish you'd known about cloning when you started, or anything weird you discovered along the way? I've been doing some test cloning in another file and it seems pretty straightforward (aside from the occasional Evil clone...), but doing it long-term in a dynasty is a little daunting. I'd love any suggestions, if you're willing to share them.

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10736 on: January 16, 2021, 06:44:53 PM »
@amaranthin: I'm not hazelnut but I have done some cloning. Some are precautions, some are cool notes, room to add stuff for sure.

1. The feature is a guarantee to getting facial clones of sims and the only outcomes are perfect facial features and good/bad/neutral traits. Yes this was really a fear I had when the feature first came out. But if you're really attached to a hair or eye color in a sim, those are often changed during cloning.

2. The samples you get actually don't contain any data from the sim. They are essentially placeholders that say "get data from this sim when you try to clone from me". So a problem arises: what if the sim in question dies but you didn't know them well enough to produce a tombstone? (friendship or enemyship at death pretty much guarantees this) Or what if the sim moves out and is essentially deleted by the game? It's bad news for your samples. Maintaining friendships with your donors is crucial to keeping those around. This is also why I'd get some backup people instead of the bare minimum of five or so.

Yes I know sims moving out of town is tragic and with EA's story progression there's no way to prevent it completely but I had a breakthrough kind of recently: the game will not cull your coworkers. I have played a lot of games and the only things I've seen coworkers do is become homeless (unless I wanted to impregnate them: whatever) or die of old age (inevitable). If you have enough working-age adults in your house at the start, you can be smart and target the pre-mades you like the most.

3. Do not travel with DNA samples because the link to the sim will be lost. Do not bother getting DNA while abroad because it'll be lost when you return home. The samples will still be there but they won't have a name attached. You can place them on the ground and they'll likely be undisturbed (I always have a basement room for this) and once you can travel and get a chest from a World Adventures location (hopefully without your DNA in tow), those are invaluable for literally everything.

Now supposedly you can collect DNA from foreigners/uni students if you invite them to visit you and you take them at home. There is some data about visitors that's kept at home. But I heard it from a user that left years ago and literally no one else.

4. Funny enough you can collect DNA samples from ghosts and the resulting clone won't be a ghost. And it's not banned for the Immortal Dynasty? My reasoning is twofold: you still had to put in the work of staying friends with them to have a ghost in the first place (unless it's a pre-made and you still have to be friendly enough to get a DNA sample from them) so this isn't really cheating, you're putting in about the same amount of work plus waiting for them to haunt in the first place. And finally, I found it out by doing it in an immortal dynasty that I didn't wanna fail. :P

5. You can't get DNA from sims with the Neurotic trait but a Neurotic sim who gets to Level 8 in the Science skill will get two complementary DNA samples from themselves.

Also this is unrelated but for whenever you reach the conundrum of who will father the last generation, I have one semi-viable alternative to getting out the ghosts: at the start of the game, befriend as many male service NPCs as you can. While service NPCs age they sometimes won't die unless you summon them into the world on a day you're warned about their death. And there is no way to really litigate it as a dynasty moderator. Like do I force you to invite people over so they can die? I'll pass on that. Anyways you either have a cool living boyfriend for Gen 7 or you have extra ghosts and win either way.
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10737 on: January 18, 2021, 01:43:21 PM »
@Trip Oh wow, so much information! This is really, really helpful. Thank you so much. A couple clarifying questions. Are you saying that when a townie dies, a tombstone is only produced if your sim was friends with them? (I'm thinking of past games in SV where I would randomly check the mausoleum and see all the dead townies there, regardless of whether I knew them. I think. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.) Also, is it necessary to collect the tombstones from the mausoleum to ensure that you can still clone those sims, or is it safe to leave them there?

As for the NPC thing, just to clarify: so if I befriend a male NPC at the start of the game, there's a chance he won't die and I can just summon him when I need him for the last generation? Like as long as he's still in someone's relationship panel? That makes sense, but I never knew that NPCs would stay there for such a long time!

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10738 on: January 18, 2021, 02:31:02 PM »
@amaranthin: it's not the only way to produce a tombstone but it is the most sure way to. Also NRaas StoryProgression DOES save all the tombstones. You can leave them in the mausoleum or storage elsewhere if you want.

In the relationship panel and a friend, yeah. I had my suspicions in a decadynasty attempt where one of the original firefighters was still kicking around five gens in. She turned out to have a few original townie friends when the game started and those townies were preserved as various supernaturals. It still isn't a guarantee against death (I had one I was trying to save for later accidentally attend a party and die there...I did have his tombstone if needed though) but worth a shot. I get the Legendary Host LTR quickly for my founder now because parties are a GREAT way to build friendships/I wasn't stressing out about other requirements.
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #10739 on: January 18, 2021, 03:53:13 PM »
@Trip Gotcha. Thanks for the clarifications! I was wondering how the heck I was going to get an interesting father for the last generation, so I'm very glad you shared that suggestion. I'm so exciteeeed.