@Sarabi: sorry for the delay.
Continue with caking up. I trust your notes.
@Trip I appreciate it.
Do you want me to cake them up on the correct birthday always or at my convenience? If I don't cake them up, they get an extra day each of YA and Adult stages. That hasn't been to my benefit. I usually have everything done well ahead of schedule, and am waiting for my heirs to become elders to get their final portraits done. The mortals are just hanging around. Those extra days don't advantage me at all...
... however...
Caking them up disrupts the entire household and has them eating birthday cake instead of a quality moodlet-inducing meal that I would otherwise feed them. A lot of the time, I'd rather just let the game age them up.
So - the clarification I'm requesting here is whether you want me to cake up on the correct birthday always or at my convenience?
Some elders just don't like dying and I have had eternally bugged ones (thankfully not in the household though). Unless it's affecting a vast majority of the town or your own household (and is reeeeaaaally beyond the point of believability; elders can stick around for 130+ days and it's not really a bug or anything to intervene with)
Well - I'm 25 weeks in and still get messages about some that were there from the beginning (newspaper deliverer Cora Francisco). The sims affected tend to be the service NPCs (surprise, surprise!). Another was a cop named Kenisha Gentry that we met during a burglary that occurred in week 9. They're likely homeless, only in the game because my family befriended them, and don't really exist anywhere in town so Grimmy cannot find them. I would expect that if I were to invite them over when the midnight message pops, Grimmy would find them at my house - lol.
Their existence in my save file isn't causing any real problems. I'm still getting plenty of new families moving in. If that changes, I'll let you know, otherwise I'll carry on.
I have had a couple of other bugs pop up lately.
1) The bed bug again, where only one sim could get in a double bed. I replaced it, and a couple of days later, neither of them could get in it. So I replaced it again - it's working for now.
2) The laundry bug - when a sim is doing laundry, she'll sometimes just suddenly drop the laundry bag she's gathered and the action is cancelled. I queue it again, she may drop it again, walk a ways and then drop it, or actually get it started. I could try replacing the washer to see if that fixes the problem, but then I'll want to upgrade the replacement.
Thanks again.
@Deklitch - I'm really glad you got that all worked out. I've also learned from your experiences, so I'm glad you've been posting about it here. Best of luck going forward.