I wasn't disputing your ruling, and I'm sorry if it came off that way. I was just trying to explain why I was asking (And it turns out I asked last time because of that same passage).
Anyway, I've started my dynasty now, but I've got a technical request- I was experimenting with MoveObjects On, and used it to move a sculpting station that had a sculpture in progress because I didn't want it outside. I didn't realize this would leave the sculpture behind, so now I have a partially chipped away block of clay on the lot I can't delete. Do I have permission to enable buydebug and testingcheatsenabled to get rid of it, or do I need to just leave it off in a far corner of the lot/bury it in a basement where it won't be an eyesore? I can post a screenshot of the issue if you'd like.
EDIT: Speaking of screenshots, does the site still have a gallery, or do I need to upload images to an image hosting site?