I'd like to ask for advice before doing something possibly rule-breaking, so here goes.
Can I sell private lots that I previously have bought and modified?Rules state: "Private lots can be purchased but the family may never move there... Private lots can be purchased and used but can never become the main residence".
Ricalynn Edit Town post says: "Another stipulation is that private lots purchased cannot be an empty lot that was placed by a player".
So, I plan to purchase an empty residential lot
that is not placed by me but was originally in town since day 1, without moving immortal family there.
Then, I would build a decent house on that lot.
Then, I'd like to sell the house, so a townie family (whichever that would be, that's up for the story progression to decide) could move there.
As far as I know, rules do not mention explicitly whether we are allowed to sell purchased lots or not, that's why I'm asking.