I wish I could say my daughters’ teenage years were exciting and filled with adventures. To be honest though, they were rather... ah, boring. It’s unfortunate to say, I know. But the girls’ days all seemed to be happening all the same way. On weekdays, they went to school, where they spent most of their time meeting new friends or chatting with their existing friends. Aurora got bored too easily in class because what they were taught was ‘too easy’, according to her. I think school was more challenging for Chloé and Zoey, but they had their big sister to help them out at night.
Aurora spent a lot of time with that boy, Peter Shaw. Most times, she simply tutored him, but once in a while, they would hold hand and give each other sweet looks. I asked Aurora about it, but she simply blushed and mumbled something about potions and lack of time.
All three girls went to Prom. I had a picture of all three of them leaving, I’m sure but... I seem to have misplaced. Or, most likely, Zoey had taken it to put in her scrapbook. When she’s not painting at her easel or learning to sculpt, that’s usually what she’s doing. She’s quite the artist.
In any case. Prom was interesting for the girls. Chloé got into plenty of fights--mostly, it seems, because she was defending her sisters. Zoey got into a fight as well. Aurora was better behaved, thankfully. All three were rejected for dances with their crush. Aurora, my sweet darling Aurora, won prom queen! She says it was unexpected.
“Mom, I didn’t even want to win” she told me. “It’s just some ridiculous beauty contest based solely on the appearance of someone.”
“And their popularity!” chimed Zoey.
“That too. What’s the point, really?”
Secretly though, I truly do think Aurora was pleased. After all, her crown now rests in her museum.
“It’s still a good memory of my childhood” explained Aurora with a bit of a blush and a casual shrug of her shoulders.
I think their prom night was quite romantic as well, despite being rejected for dances. None of them told me, but I did hear them whispering. It seems like all three of them returned home with secure romantic interests. Aurora’s was Peter Shaw, who she continues to see fairly often. Zoey and Chloé refuse to tell me who their interests are. I often hear Zoey talking to hers on her phone though.
“Zoey! Go talk to your boy toy somewhere else!” I’ve heard Chloé shout a few times. “I’m trying to learn here!”
A few days after prom, Peter Shaw became a Young Adult. Aurora still spoke to him, but their budding relationship was put on hold. They hadn’t made anything official yet. Aurora says they haven’t kissed yet. With Peter now busy with a new job, Aurora had to find herself a new person to tutor. She took to a little girl, Alexa Shelley, who spends a lot of time at our house simply being tutored by Aurora. My daughter said she enjoyed doing it quite a bit, and she gained a new friend in the process.
Aurora’s teenage hood went by quickly. So quickly in fact, that her birthday slipped by us completely. She didn’t remind us either. She had her birthday alone, in the middle of the street. She wasn’t exactly happy with the results.
She went to the mirror as soon as she got home.
Welcome to adulthood, Aurora! You’re still young though, so please don’t get too stressed out!