Mary looks so pretty! Not that she wasn't pretty before, but that hair looks really good on her. I think her outfits are very Mary-like. I loved how the stylist had to explain everything to her, like the dresses and heels Her house is very pretty. I think it definitely matches her personality. Simming is always good for the soul. They should make Sims for Everyone's Soul. LIke Chicken soup for the teenage soul.
Haha, well she had never been a girl before, she'd always been James, so I figured she couldn't possibly know that much about dresses and high heels. I'm so surprised everyone like the house! It's just my usual box-building style, but thankfully Colonial-Style tends to reflect boxes, so win-win.
Mary's delightful, but I think Bear and Edward being nice counterpoints to her personality.
I really agree, she's best in her interactions with others rather than solo.
My characters always seem to develop a personality of their own, I feel like I have such little control over it, and I'm their watcher!
This is a glorious day, Mary's hair is grown! I wish I had those lovely locks… *sigh*
I'm glad to see that Eddy is doing well too, and not pillaging random towns. Best of all is to here from you again Livvie, and I know I'm a bit late, but virtual hugs from me to you. Hang in there, make Agnes proud!
Haha, I had a feeling that would be a crowd pleaser. I'm unsure how long she'll keep it long, but we'll see how the story pans out. Haha, he only pillages behind everyone's backs - no, being a firefighter surprised me, but it seems quite fitting! Thank you for the kind words, I always think of my Sims when life gets rough, it's a nice release from real life.
Now go Mary, throw your identity issues in trashbin and kiss him! You need to find yourself and you need another person to tell you things about humans and personality and yourself and such...
If only all problems could be solved so quickly! Yes, Mary's life is on the move, but I'm unsure of what is yet to come, though I'm sure not many of you will be thrilled with my choices.
Mary looks amazing! You did a great job with her, Liv. Now that her identity issues aren't quite so severe, I look forward to seeing her life progress. Also, that house is gorgeous. I'm thinking she's going to end up with Thomas---early congrats to her for that! I was hoping they'd stay friends though. He kinda reminds me of Beetee from the Hunger Games.
Thank you kindly, though it wasn't that hard. I had an outfit kind of figured out for feminine-Mary, I just needed an excuse to get her into a salon. Thank you on the house compliments! Again, I'm genuinely surprised many people liked it as it's my typical box-layout just done up with some flowers and windows and stuff. Mary was always very simplistic in my imagination, so I always imagined her in a very simple house with a lot of books curled up by a fireplace reading. I really should try to flesh out Mary and Thomas' relationship as it's
far from normal and not really romantic. They're more like intellectual partners. I guess I always saw them as a couple who would spend most of their time sharing thoughts rather than being touchy-feely and making out somewhere. I plan to take a long time in getting Mary to a state where she'll be comfortable having a more physical relationship with a man. Though I obviously don't want to give anything away, I will try to be more clear on the kind of relationship that she and Thomas share as you're quite close to the mark.