Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 469224 times)

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Instability and Family
« Reply #225 on: December 11, 2013, 02:29:26 PM »
Genetically Engineering a child is very simple. You just need to be friends with the person (male OR female - same sex couples now have a very easy way to have a great genetic combo for their children) for them to Engineer the child with you. I'm positive if you're romantic with them they'll agree, but I've noticed the threshold for a person to show up on the drop down list is friendship/good friends. As far as I can tell, Noten is a perfectly even mixture of Emrin and Mystery Man - if that's what your first question was, and two people from the past can come and genetically engineer a child together, it doesn't have to be one future/one past person.
I was so excited to see that genetically engineered kids can be taken from two people of the same gender however I haven't messed around enough with genetic engineering to really give you reliable answers as I believe when Emrin became Romantic Interests with Atrox's father (which was on the same day she went to create Noten with another guy) he suddenly didn't show up on the list anymore to engineer a child with. Obviously there's a lot of things that could factor in to that, the fact that Emrin was already pregnant with his child could be one thing, the fact that he was probably at work is another... so I don't have answers that are absolutely right, I just have a few answers that I've dealt with. On the list for Emrin was also another woman she became friends with so I know it's possible to do two girls so it's very likely that two men can as well.
Thank you so much, the compliments are always awesome - it gives me confidence in my writing! I would suggest waiting on Into the Future. I got mine on sale on Cyber Monday here in the US (it was only $20 instead of $30) and while everything is really cool in it and it's worth getting, it's not worth full price yet in my opinion. If there's ever a sale I would grab it then, because the price they ask for is a lot for the few glitches that come with it. However if I were to compare it to other expansion packs... it's more like Island Paradise (lots of content) rather than Generations (which felt more like a stuff pack with a few interactions involved) if that helps your decision at all.
I do and I don't have a background story for the children. I wanted a gothic-style sort of legacy, so in the end I went to a name generator and picked my favorite ones out. When I was through searching through those I dug out my old Latin dictionary and picked out some darker, evil definitions because those names always sound cool. Atrox actually means terrible, cruel, horror. Noten was a generated name. My overall theme was supposed to be darker, evil names (they are the Reapers), but that doesn't reflect on their personality, obviously. I just like having a theme for the names, I suppose. Man I'm very long winded today. I'm sorry for such a long response!

Don't worry, Livvie! I LOVE long response. I usually get annoyed when people just reply me with yes, okay, alright or something that only consist three words or less or no reply at all. Thank you for explain me everything that I needed and being a good author that care for the reader, it seems ITF really fun as we can get genetic from same gender couple! Which that was prove as fascinating because children townies not only limited to usual relationship as well. But, until one of the glitch was fixed I will stay away, even I already get one later.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Trouble is Brewing
« Reply #226 on: December 12, 2013, 06:27:26 PM »
Ok, it's been a few days, so bear with me, I had a lot of real life stuff that was in desperate need of attention (interviews, laundry, cleaning, bleck).
Now that that's all done, let's see what I can put together for my lovely readers. :)

Trouble is Brewing
With Atrox's arrival Emrin started to fret telling his father about the miracle that came of her instability. He was a very fussy boy most of the time, opposite his older brother who was much more patient.

Either way, Atrox was still just a cutie pie.

Noten finally learned his last skill - talking.

Emrin is starting to finally come to terms with motherhood, and the idea no longer scares her to death.

"Mommy! Mommy!"
"Yes little one?"
"Where's Gli-Gli..." Noten made a face, he had developed a strong stutter since learning to talk. 
"Gli-tch." Emrin said, emphasizing the syllables. "Gli-itch, Glitch."
"Gli-Glitch." Noten repeated.
"Yes, Glitch."
"Where's Gli-Glitch?"
"He'll be up here shortly I'm sure, he's potty training your brother, Atrox."
"That's right sweetie, Atrox."
After setting Noten down to play with his brother Emrin finally made the call, and soon he arrived.

"Ms. Emrin..." Glitch whispered as he held Atrox. "You appear nervous. What is wrong?"
"I hope he'll be ok with the idea of a child..."
"Let me know when to bring Atrox in." Glitch said snuggling Atrox close.
"Thank you Glitch." Emrin said as she pushed on to open the door.
"Felix! Welcome." Emrin said, faking a smile. "Come in, please."
"Thank you, Emrin. You have a lovely home, I've never been in it before. So you, said you had news?"
"Yes, you might want to take a seat."
"I'm ok right here." Felix gave a malicious smile.
Emrin swallowed. "I recently gave birth to a son."
"Congratulations." His words were hollow.
"His name is Atrox, he's the spitting image of his father."
"Oh, and who's that?" Felix said, but he knew the answer.
"I think you know who." Emrin said, getting defensive.
"Me? Oh dear. Why didn't you inform me sooner?" There was a cold undercut in his voice.

"Glitch, can you bring Atrox in?" Emrin said shakily.
"Woah, woah, what is with that rust bucket?"
"Hey, what did you call him?"
"What he is? He's completely rusted, and holding my child? That's a hazard, Emrin."
"He is NOT a hazard!"
"You're joking, right Emrin? You seriously can't be letting that bot handle children, right?"
"Glitch is a dear friend of mine, he's very good with children and he's been a great help, so YES, I'm letting him handle the children with me."
Felix shook his head in disgust. "I don't want my son near that bot, and you don't appear to be in the right mind either, Emrin."
"Excuse me?" Emrin said, insulted.

"I know you're unstable, Emrin, it's old news. You're crazy. A freak, some might say. It wouldn't be hard for me to walk down the street to city hall to contest your parenting my child in these settings." Felix said coldly while looking at his fingers.
"You wouldn't dare! You can't take my children from me!"
"Watch me." He turned around and walked out the door, passing his son on the floor without giving him a second glance. The door slammed shut and Atrox started crying. Emrin swallowed back tears as she picked up her son.
"It's ok now little one." Her voice was breaking. "I won't let him take you from me." She whispered. She cleared her throat and called for Glitch who had disappeared to feed Noten.

"You called?" Glitch said, poking his head around the corner - seemingly oblivious to what had just occurred. Emrin had just pulled out a plate of synthesized food for dinner.
"Can you take Atrox and get him some food? I need a minute." She said quietly.
"Of course, Ms. Emrin. Is everything alright?"
"No, not at all, but it's nothing the kids need to know about."
"I will feed Atrox and come back soon."
"Thank you, Glitch."
"Of course. Anything for you, Ms. Emrin."
 It felt like hours had passed when Glitch returned.
"He knows." Emrin said without looking up. "He knows I'm unstable and he's using it to fight me in court for custody."
Glitch was silent. "That doesn't seem like a battle you might win." He said observantly.
"I know I won't win." Emrin said, defeated. "I just got the chance to meet my precious babies. To really meet them and know them and they know me. I'm their mother. I'm supposed to be..." Her breathing was erratic, "stable. I'm supposed to be the thing in their life they can depend on, and while I can acknowledge that I'm unstable, I'm still a good mother." Emrin said, grasping at the straws in her head that were trying to make sense of this situation.
"You do not need to convince me." Glitch said to her, touching her arms.
"I'm so humiliated." Emrin finally burst.

Glitch nodded. "I will research more tonight."
"I think we should take a trip." Emrin said quietly.
"A trip?"
"Back home, to the past... to see my family. To hide for a little while." Emrin said quickly.
"It will work only temporarily, Ms. Emrin."
"I know, I know, but it'll buy us a little more time."
Glitch nodded. "I'll get Noten and Atrox ready in the morning."
"We'll leave as soon as possible."

Glitch had siphoned energy from his charging station to stay up all night researching. When Emrin finally awoke Glitch was waiting in a nearby armchair.

"Morning, Glitch." She said with a sadness in her voice.
"The preparations have been made." Glitch said quietly.
"Good. Let's go home." Emrin said quietly, trying to ignore the fact that this place was home.
"As you wish, Ms. Emrin."

Back home, it was nighttime, Bear was playing in the yard exactly where Emrin had left him. It was eerie how nothing had changed in the environment except for her. She had changed. She was older with children and everyone else here was just the same, frozen in time by her time travel almost. She called over some family members for the night.

Raven, Khang, Aurora and Giacomo all came over at the mention of grandchildren.
"I didn't think it would be possible for you to have kids..." Raven said quietly. "You just left today!"
"It's been a while in retrospect." Emrin responded.
She embraced her mother and almost started to cry. "Things are getting weird mom."
"I can only imagine." Aurora whispered.

"My instability..." Emrin started. "Atrox's father is trying to take away my children."
"You can always fight it." Aurora said soothingly.
"I won't win, mom."

"You're joking, right?" Aurora said, smiling at her daughter. "My rebellious little girl is going to let another man tell her what she's going to do with her children? I hardly believe that."
Emrin smiled weakly. "I might not have an option."
Aurora put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "There are always options." She walked inside.
The night went on with celebration and catching up.
Raven was struggling with the first part of pregnancy, but she still looked as good as ever with her pregnancy glow.

Khang had taken a liking to Glitch and had been chatting up with the bot all evening.

When the evening started to wind down Khang approached Emrin and whispered something in her ear before hugging her goodbye.
Emrin felt a little better being away from the tension in Oasis Landing, but she was already homesick.
She knew this was only the beginning of a long fight to keep her children. It would only be a matter of time before they found her and dragged her back. Being around her family had renewed her sense of rebellion though, and reminded her that they could try to take her back, but she wouldn't go down without a fight.

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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Trouble is Brewing
« Reply #227 on: December 12, 2013, 06:54:50 PM »
Don't worry about that Livvie, as I said before real life as priority first. We as your reader won't go anywhere anyway knowing that you always show up online and we won’t hold a protest against you either! ;D You're a lovely Author and I love you for that but you must love yourself first before loving another. That what my Grandma said and you doing a good job doing what the most important for you ;)

Ah, to the story before I harassing you like my Grandma, lol!

I can’t believe that man who supposed to be a Father is a jerk! Such a stigma still there in the future, tsk tsk tsk. Don't you know that instability alone that don't define Emrin, Jerk? What she does is! Just wait and see until Emrin will put shame on you and your child won’t even miss you and called you father even if you wanted to, you say bad thing about Glitch, I can’t accept this ::)

I believe Agnes would come with some idea to change the future. But, I really I wish that Mizzilee was here and burn him to death, fufufu. I love how this story will turned up, Livvie and it’s good to see Reaper’s family again. I can’t wait to see Emrin’s journey to fight over her children!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Trouble is Brewing
« Reply #228 on: December 12, 2013, 07:28:32 PM »
Real life always comes first! I was forced to put all this aside for finals and I came out on top. So always make sure you put real life first, yes? Yes.

And now for the story---it was great to see Aurora again! I didn't realize how much I missed that generation until they showed up again and I just went 'Aww'. Aurora reminded me just how much of a little Rebel Emrin is...we haven't seen much of that since she went to the future. That side of her needs to come back! No one should be able to take Atrox and Noten away from her. Wouldn't it be possible just to hide in the past until a plan is figured out? Either way, this story just took a really really sad turn. But I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm anxious and hoping that Emrin doesn't loose her babies. She NEEDS them. From a story telling stand point, I'd say they're actually helping to cure her and if he takes them away...-shakes head-.

What is it with us and jerk baby daddys? (Shawnee is not a jerk. So I guess in his case I'll say seemingly). We have a love of drama XD
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Wedding
« Reply #229 on: December 13, 2013, 06:27:09 PM »
Don't worry about that Livvie, as I said before real life as priority first. We as your reader won't go anywhere anyway knowing that you always show up online and we won’t hold a protest against you either! ;D You're a lovely Author and I love you for that but you must love yourself first before loving another. That what my Grandma said and you doing a good job doing what the most important for you ;)

Ah, to the story before I harassing you like my Grandma, lol!

I can’t believe that man who supposed to be a Father is a jerk! Such a stigma still there in the future, tsk tsk tsk. Don't you know that instability alone that don't define Emrin, Jerk? What she does is! Just wait and see until Emrin will put shame on you and your child won’t even miss you and called you father even if you wanted to, you say bad thing about Glitch, I can’t accept this ::)

I believe Agnes would come with some idea to change the future. But, I really I wish that Mizzilee was here and burn him to death, fufufu. I love how this story will turned up, Livvie and it’s good to see Reaper’s family again. I can’t wait to see Emrin’s journey to fight over her children!

Your grandma sounds like one wise woman.
Haha, I think you'll enjoy Emrin's response based on the way you expressed your sentiment. Don't worry though, Emrin has got a renewed sense of faith in her rebellion to save her children.

Real life always comes first! I was forced to put all this aside for finals and I came out on top. So always make sure you put real life first, yes? Yes.

And now for the story---it was great to see Aurora again! I didn't realize how much I missed that generation until they showed up again and I just went 'Aww'. Aurora reminded me just how much of a little Rebel Emrin is...we haven't seen much of that since she went to the future. That side of her needs to come back! No one should be able to take Atrox and Noten away from her. Wouldn't it be possible just to hide in the past until a plan is figured out? Either way, this story just took a really really sad turn. But I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm anxious and hoping that Emrin doesn't loose her babies. She NEEDS them. From a story telling stand point, I'd say they're actually helping to cure her and if he takes them away...-shakes head-.

What is it with us and jerk baby daddys? (Shawnee is not a jerk. So I guess in his case I'll say seemingly). We have a love of drama XD
I missed them a lot too! It's a little weird being a the future with timing being weird. Emrin is a lot older than Falor now even though they aged up together. She's actually getting close to Raven in age. Agnes and Tragic have become elders! I cannot believe it! It shocked me when I saw them like that, but the legacy must go one! It's hard to have a rebellious unstable Sim at the same time, but I'm working on it. Oh and a plan has been figured out, I'm very excited for it.
I agree with you though, Emrin is a lot more stable since she had her children, she uses the dreampod more often than not to sleep (even though there is no good moodlet from it).
My mom started me on watching Soap Opera's a year ago. I blame her.

Anyways, thank you both for your patience, real life MUST come first, but now I've gained a little extra time so I put together this next little bit. Enjoy!

The Wedding
Glitch and Emrin had a private conversation while the boys were taking their naps early the next day.
"My uncle is a private investigator. He's the closest thing to a lawyer in our family. I'm going to press him to see what he knows about what I can do to fight to keep them." She whispered.
Glitch nodded. "I will stay with Atrox and Noten today. Find out what you can."
Emrin nodded and left.
Glitch began to teach Atrox walking lessons. Here comes the spam.

Meanwhile, Emrin had taken herself to Aliester's place of work in the City Hall.

Aliester gave her what felt like grave news. It would work, but she didn't want it to.
"You have to challenge him." Aliester said while organizing the papers on his desk into neat stacks. He lined the pencils up just so.
"So I should take him to court for it?" She saw a trinket on his desk and flicked the moving toy. It had a stamp on the bottom, Made by I.Reaper. Aliester jumped and immediately held it still. Emrin had heard he was neurotic but she didn't think it was that bad. She tried not to laugh. "Why do you keep that thing there if you don't want it to move?" Emrin suppressed another laugh.
Aliester straightened. "It was made by my sister. Your aunt, Isolde."
"The inventor? That's nifty." Emrin said smiling.
Aliester smiled back, then responsed: "but yes, you should take him to court for it. I can't tell you how judges will act in the future, but I do know that our society is progressing to be less afraid of people who are different. I can only imagine judges in the future will be inclined to agree. The only problem I do see is that, based on your diagnosis, you have a problem with amnesia and erratic behavior which won't work in your favor."
Emrin looked down sadly. "I know I don't look like a fit mom on paper, but I need those boys." She said quietly. "They make me feel whole, they're my life. They give me reason to carry on every day to watch their smiling faces and hear their silly babblings."
Aliester smiled and held up his hand to stop her. "Your condition doesn't work in your favor..." He repeated, "BUT, there are two things you can do that would make it impossible for any judge to take away your children."
Emrin looked up at him. "Really? What are they?"
"You must prove that you can - as you say with the dreampod - control your episodes. Which will earn you favor with the court, but it won't be enough."
"What's the other thing then?"
Aliester leaned forward on his desk. "You should seek a stable husband."
"What?!" Emrin froze, choking on her words. "Marriage?" She finally sputtered.
"Yes, marriage. If a court sees that the children are in safe hands even when you should have an episode, they can no way take away your children without more proof on Felix's end that you are somehow a danger."
Emrin was still frozen. "Marriage?"

Emrin and Aliester finished their conversation and Emrin took herself to the hospital, feeling off.

While there, Emrin saw her grandfather who checked up on her vitals and did tests on her.
Before leaving, Tragic looked at her with a smile, "don't worry so much about marriage. You've got your grandmother's spirit... that's irresistible to men. Trust me, I know." He winked at her and walked out.

Emrin took herself home, still feeling numbed by the news.
Glitch greeted her and they chatted.
"Marriage." The first word that Emrin could sputter out.
Glitch tilted his head. "I do not understand."
"My uncle said that if I had a stable husband, the court couldn't take my children away."
"He suggested you marry?" Glitch asked, feeling hollow.
"Yeah." Emrin said blankly. "I don't want to, but if it helps the little ones..." She looked at her children playing together and smiled. "I'll do anything for them."
"Who is this sim you are marrying?" Glitch asked slowly.
"Haven't decided yet." Emrin said breathlessly. "Actually, I'm not sure if any man would WANT to marry me at this point. I'm a hazard in most standards. I also don't want to bring anyone in to our family." She looked at Glitch. "We're happy just the four of us. It bothers me that I have to add a stranger to keep it that way."
Glitch nodded. "I may know someone." He said softly.
"I'm not going to think about it tonight. I just want to go snuggle my boys again." Emrin sighed and walked into the nursery.
Glitch watched her walk away, the gears in his head were turning.

That night, as Emrin slept Glitch watched her sadly.

"I am going to make this right." He said to the sleeping Emrin. "I will. I will be back Emrin."
And Emrin slept, completely unaware of the timeportal activating, or Glitch disappearing into it. 

It wasn't until 3 in the morning that Emrin heard a sound and awoke. She rubbed her eyes to see a strange bot painting across the room from her.

She rubbed her eyes again. "Glitch?" She whispered, still half asleep. She got up and the bot turned to her.

"Is that you?"
"Yes, Ms. Emrin. It is me."
"You look... so different - what happened?"
"I traveled back home. I did some research and met with some old acquaintances." His whole form was different, it was shiny and new and metallic. "I had a person at the Bot Emporium make me more, acceptable."
"You always were acceptable." Emrin said.
"I am not finished yet." Glitch explained. "I did research at the courts in city hall, about marriages and what makes them acceptable. I wanted to be acceptable because I wanted to be the person you chose." He paused. "The bot, you chose." He corrected.
"I don't understand Glitch..." Emrin said but Glitch held up his hand. Emrin put her hand on top of it.

"I have never meant anything to anyone." Glitch started. "I was the reject pile of scrap that people felt bad for. That people stared at as they chose other bots over me. I have never felt like I belonged anywhere before, but then I met you. You took me in even when you realized in full consciousness that I was just a rusty pile of nuts and bolts. You helped me realize that I was more than that, that I could be more than that. I have wanted to do everything I can to show you that you changed me for the better, you gave me confidence, hope... and love. I have never loved anyone before you. I never knew what love could be, how powerful it was, the feelings I had never felt before that I was suddenly feeling. So I went back to the future to make myself acceptable so I could be your husband. So I could fix your problems like you have fixed mine."
"You did all of that for me?" Emrin was stunned. Khang had whispered to her the night before that this bot would do anything for her but she didn't take him seriously.
"Of course. I would do anything for you, Ms. Emrin." Glitch continued. "I found out in order for our marriage to hold weight in the court in keeping Atrox and Noten I needed to be in good shape, I needed to be upgraded as far as I could be and I needed to be Sentient."
"A bot builder owed me a favor, so I asked him to exchange a few of my chips. I am now a lot of things, including Sentient." He paused and gathered his thoughts. "So if you'll have me, I would like to be your choice in husband."

Emrin looked at the bot with tears flowing from her eyes.
Glitch looked at her, "So, Ms. Emrin... will you be my bride?"
"Of course I'll be your bride." Emrin sputtered. "Of course. I would've even if you didn't do all of those things..."
They embraced, and Glitch finally said, "then let's go take down Felix."

As soon as the boys were up, Emrin pet Bear goodbye and asked him to mind the house for a few days, as they would be back in time to send the boys to school. They left for the future, to face all that was in their way, together.

Glitch dropped the boys off in the nursery and then told Emrin he would meet her at the park in front of the City Hall.
Emrin dressed herself, she was a bride, after all but she wasn't going to be some ordinary-white-dress-package bride. That wasn't her.

Before leaving she called up someone.
"I have something that might interest you." She said into the phone. "Be at the Legacy Park in 10 minutes and you'll find out."
And sure enough, he showed up.

"Emrin, you're looking strange as usual. Maybe I should document this to show the court how erratic you are..." Felix smiled darkly.
"Yes!" Emrin said, fake smile beaming. "You really should document this day! All of it!"
"What do you mean?"
Emrin turned and walked away, meeting Glitch down the paths.
"Is that that rust bucket? Did he get all fixed up?" Felix called.
Emrin turned only for a second to respond: "Yeah, amazing how easily the outside of someone can change while their inside stays exactly the same. You're a pretty boy on the outside and a conniving jerk on the inside." Emrin smiled widely before nodding to Glitch.
They said their vows.

Felix started to steam.

"I'll see you in court, Reaper!" He snapped.
Emrin smiled. "I look forward to it." She said, not looking away from Glitch, her new husband.

They looked up determinedly at the City Hall where they would be fighting the battle over her sons.
Felix hadn't seen anything yet.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Wedding
« Reply #230 on: December 13, 2013, 06:43:26 PM »
Your grandma sounds like one wise woman.

I have been harassed by Elders and people older than me around my life with their advice and life stories, so you'll no wonder about my story that often has element to harassing people, Livvie. Thanks to them I could learn a lot about the world that I have not seen with my own eyes yet. I guess Elders are mostly wise because they have the power of wrinkles that boost their wise level, lol.

I enjoy your writing, Livvie. It looks real, every bit of it and that’s fantastic. I also agree about Stable husband, mostly people with mental issue, suggested to have a partner who stable, well I believe that happens for many reason.

I also love how you implemented the Reapers into key person that can help our Emrin here and glad to see Bear again! I never expected about the ending, but Glitch is better than any man that I know in the story.  I thought her new husband would be the mystery guy that donates his DNA.

I wish to see the next installment soon, this story is getting exciting!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Wedding
« Reply #231 on: December 13, 2013, 09:31:34 PM »
I now officially support the joining of Glitch and Emrin. 100%. No, 1000000%. Together they are going to keep the kids. Glitch is more their father than anyone else could try to be.

Tragic looked great as an elder! I was shocked, really. I'm glad to see that there's hope for Emrin. Very glad to see that. She strikes me as the time to go to heck and back to keep her kids. However, now my brain is starting to wonder which of the two is going to be the heir XD
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Wedding
« Reply #232 on: December 14, 2013, 03:41:18 AM »
Yay for Emrin and boo to that Felix guy. All kudos to Glitch for taking the step to marry her. Glitch has quite a great heart even if he is just a plumbot. Can't wait for the court's decision.
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Wedding
« Reply #233 on: December 14, 2013, 04:01:38 AM »
Oops, I've been away for awhile and there are two new updates.
First, thank you for making appearance of Bear :)
You’re lovely author that listen her reader ;)
I hope Emrin would win her situation, even if she’ll lose I hope that they could make it through this situation together with Glitch. Glitch is a good choice, I love him and toddler spams are just adorable and cute, thanks for sharing ‘em.
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My story:
For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays and Questions
« Reply #234 on: December 15, 2013, 08:13:37 PM »
I have been harassed by Elders and people older than me around my life with their advice and life stories, so you'll no wonder about my story that often has element to harassing people, Livvie. Thanks to them I could learn a lot about the world that I have not seen with my own eyes yet. I guess Elders are mostly wise because they have the power of wrinkles that boost their wise level, lol.

I enjoy your writing, Livvie. It looks real, every bit of it and that’s fantastic. I also agree about Stable husband, mostly people with mental issue, suggested to have a partner who stable, well I believe that happens for many reason.

I also love how you implemented the Reapers into key person that can help our Emrin here and glad to see Bear again! I never expected about the ending, but Glitch is better than any man that I know in the story.  I thought her new husband would be the mystery guy that donates his DNA.

I wish to see the next installment soon, this story is getting exciting!
Thank you kindly! I really appreciate all the compliments I receive, it makes me feel very good about my writing - also, I love your avatar, I just saw Frozen today, loved it!
Glitch is a good guy, in fact, almost every guy in Oasis Landing was either a flake by traits (grumpy in one situation, commitment issues in another). I actually only liked most guys for their genetics and my favorites were chosen to be Emrin's baby-daddies. Glitch was always intended to be her caretaker but when they started to fall in love I didn't stop it. Emrin actually had a wish to kiss Glitch from the very beginning. I debated making mystery guy (I really just want to reveal him, I'm so tired of calling him mystery guy! haha) her husband from the start, but he just wasn't right for her.

I now officially support the joining of Glitch and Emrin. 100%. No, 1000000%. Together they are going to keep the kids. Glitch is more their father than anyone else could try to be.

Tragic looked great as an elder! I was shocked, really. I'm glad to see that there's hope for Emrin. Very glad to see that. She strikes me as the time to go to heck and back to keep her kids. However, now my brain is starting to wonder which of the two is going to be the heir XD
I was hoping you would! You were the first to figure out my plots! He really is more their father than anyone else. He's been there from the start, carried them to cakes... changed their nappies and given them more love than they would've gotten from anyone else.
Tragic looks awesome as an elder - he really pulls it off. There's more than hope for Emrin, I'm very excited to announce that.
Oh, which of the two will be heir... I can't say I'm rooting for one or the other, I have stories ready for both of them - also that infamous group that Luigi was a part of will be making an appearance in the next few generations as well.

Yay for Emrin and boo to that Felix guy. All kudos to Glitch for taking the step to marry her. Glitch has quite a great heart even if he is just a plumbot. Can't wait for the court's decision.
The courts decision may have to wait on grades! There is no school in Oasis Landing so it requires a lot of back-and-forth. I promise you though it will be within the next few updates!

Oops, I've been away for awhile and there are two new updates.
First, thank you for making appearance of Bear :)
You’re lovely author that listen her reader ;)
I hope Emrin would win her situation, even if she’ll lose I hope that they could make it through this situation together with Glitch. Glitch is a good choice, I love him and toddler spams are just adorable and cute, thanks for sharing ‘em.
Of course! Bear is a big deal in my Legacy, I'm very bummed he CAN'T go with me to the Future. I'm always up for suggestions if you have any and I'll try to listen to requests to the best of my story line.
I love my toddler spams, I think I took 10 times the amount of the usual pictures on these kids. They're so adorable.

Birthdays and Questions
Emrin and Glitch headed back to the home after their sweet little ceremony that was more satisfying than many who witnessed it would think. Emrin had received her Court date in the mail very soon after.
Up until this point Felix had been all bark, no bite. The first punch of this battle has been thrown and Emrin was surprised at how angry and bitter she was growing with Felix. Not only was all this stupid fighting taking away time from her babies, but it was going to reflect on them sooner than they thought as their conjoined birthday was upcoming. Emrin finally sighed and let go of the Summonings and went upstairs to finish teaching her beautiful son, Atrox how to talk.

Glitch sensed her irritation from the Summons, but didn't ask as he saw her unwind by talking to her boys. He too, joined and helped to play music with Noten.

Soon night fell on the household and a silence hit as well. Emrin went to bed early, hoping to sleep away the Court Date and Felix all in one. Glitch stayed up later, knowing his battery life was far from needing charging. He took up playing some instruments - just in case Noten would ask the next day on his birthday about instrumentals.
When Emrin awoke she felt half conscious. She needed to run. She needed to flee. She wasn't safe here. She had to get out. She had to leave.

Emrin felt trapped and alone. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Panic. Fear. She needed to get out. She needed to -
Suddenly she felt like she had awoken again. Crying was heard in the distance. 

"My baby..." She whispered. She stumbled down the stairs and into the nursery to find Noten thoroughly upset by a nightmare.

She approached her little one. "Momma..." Notens lower lip trembled. Emrin scooped him up and squeezed him close. Suddenly she was all there.

"It's ok little one." She whispered. "It was just a dream."
"You're not leaving?" He mumbled in her ear, his little hands crumpled her nightgown in his fist.
"No sweetie, I'm not leaving, not without you." She said sweetly.

"Why does Felix want you to leave?"
The question stunned Emrin for a moment. She thought hard about how to answer it and finally went with honesty. "Felix feels I'm not a good mommy." Emrin said quietly to him, to not wake Atrox up from his slumber.
"Why would he say something like that mommy? You're the best mommy." Noten put his face against her shoulder. Emrin felt her heart melt as tears welled up in her eyes.
"Thank you sweetie, that means everything to me." She stroked his hair. "Now, are you hungry?"
Glitch had come running into the room. He had lost track of time, the boys would be up, they would be hungry... Emrin could be out of sorts... but he came to find her putting Noten down for a bottle and eased.
"I'm glad you're here." She whispered to Glitch. Her breathing was uneven. "I need a minute, ok?"
Glitch nodded and Emrin excused herself out into the hall where she brought her paper bag out.

Atrox had just woken up and started crying for his mother, Emrin's resolve hardened with every breath she took. Breathe in. Noten. Breathe out. Atrox. Her children were her life. Instability wasn't. They needed her now. They needed her whole. Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm.
Emrin took a Sonic shower and made herself some breakfast. Today the boys would be aging up, Emrin couldn't believe how fast the kids were growing, it almost saddened her. Glitch joined her at the counter and put a hand on her knee. He didn't have to say anything to express how incredibly proud and happy he was to see her overcoming her lifelong struggle.

The cakes were baked and brought out and Noten went up first.

He was a beachy boy with a laid back personality. He gained the Party Animal trait.

Atrox was up next.

His personality takes a more serious turn as his academics start meaning more. He gains the Bot Fan trait.

With his new trait acquired, Atrox has even more of a reason to hang out with Glitch!

Meanwhile, Noten grows curious about his own genetic past.
"Momma?" He asked quietly.
"What is it dear?"
"You said my dad is from around here?"
Emrin felt her heart sadden. She would never lie to her child about his genetic upbringing, but she always hoped Noten would refer to Glitch as his father figure rather than ask about someone else. She smiled at him. "Yes, he is."
"Can I meet him?"
Emrin sucked in on her cheeks, she sighed. "Noten, your father and I made an arrangement when we decided to have you. I wanted to be a mommy, and he was just doing me a favor by providing the other half. He said he's always open for you to talk to him, and that he'll gladly be your friend, but he's unsure about being referred to as your father."
"It was a request of his when we decided to have you."
"Does he not want me?" Noten asked, confused.
"Not at all. He's very happy you're in his life, he just feels like an unfit father figure. He would like to meet you sometime, and even be your friend though."
Noten looked down. The answer didn't satisfy him. Emrin tussled his hair.
"I'm sorry love, I know that's not what you want to hear." She got down on one knee to be level with him. "How about we call him?" Noten looked up and smiled at her.

"I have another question mommy."
"What is it love?"
"What's his name?"
Emrin smiled at him. "Asher. Asher Dunes."

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays and Questions
« Reply #235 on: December 15, 2013, 09:24:19 PM »
I love Emrin interaction with her son. Atrox is adorable he even has unique hair that I cherished on.
Glad that we can meet Noten Dad :)
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

My story:
For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays and Questions
« Reply #236 on: December 16, 2013, 12:55:36 PM »
Thank you kindly! I really appreciate all the compliments I receive, it makes me feel very good about my writing - also, I love your avatar, I just saw Frozen today, loved it!

I loved Frozen too; glad that I can see that movie! ;D

Well, that is because you deserved it, Livvie ;D My Grandma said that we should look into what people better at instead focus what's their weakness. Don’t get me wrong. I see that as your strength and I enjoy that the most, so I just want to let you know, because I want to see your attempt will go through until the end. Maybe when you found out your strength point you would focus at them and improve them with your own pace and make more awesome story ;D

Back to the story then...

Ha, some people just could do barking without do anything. That so sweet of Emrin who hold herself for her babies, she's so sweet and caring mother but just why that people harsh to her. First is her Father second is that Felix the cat ::) Noten conversation with Emrin also lovely, I... To be honest I'm not good with toddler, so I didn't know if they could talk like that too. Noten must be a precocious child :) I love Atrox appearance but maybe because his hair looks different, Noten makeover; how I put this he looks so simple. So, let's see about Noten father is! I’m excited to find out ;D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays and Questions
« Reply #237 on: December 17, 2013, 09:15:28 PM »
Team Emrilitch!...Glimrin...Emitch! Glim...Emgli....

Forget it. You understand where my support is.

I was right! Emrin's kids ARE what help keep her stable. The court CANNOT take them away from her. They will not take them. Side note though, isn't Asher Dunes a teen O.o
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays and Questions
« Reply #238 on: December 17, 2013, 09:41:29 PM »
I love Emrin interaction with her son. Atrox is adorable he even has unique hair that I cherished on.
Glad that we can meet Noten Dad :)
Hopefully I'll snap a picture of him so you all can see, but his picture IS in the Family Tree at the moment.
I love Emrin as a mother, she's absolutely amazing... I've been pretty lucky thus far with my Sim mothers! Agnes was a doll when it came to parenting, Raven and Aurora did fabulous jobs too and now Emrin... I must say this family is quite family-oriented - I almost should've made that the family trait!

I loved Frozen too; glad that I can see that movie! ;D

Well, that is because you deserved it, Livvie ;D My Grandma said that we should look into what people better at instead focus what's their weakness. Don’t get me wrong. I see that as your strength and I enjoy that the most, so I just want to let you know, because I want to see your attempt will go through until the end. Maybe when you found out your strength point you would focus at them and improve them with your own pace and make more awesome story ;D

Back to the story then...

Ha, some people just could do barking without do anything. That so sweet of Emrin who hold herself for her babies, she's so sweet and caring mother but just why that people harsh to her. First is her Father second is that Felix the cat ::) Noten conversation with Emrin also lovely, I... To be honest I'm not good with toddler, so I didn't know if they could talk like that too. Noten must be a precocious child :) I love Atrox appearance but maybe because his hair looks different, Noten makeover; how I put this he looks so simple. So, let's see about Noten father is! I’m excited to find out ;D
I love Noten's makeover, he's such a beachy boy. Emrin is truly a gem, Glitch is a lucky bot... it's too bad no one else really gave her a chance but you know what, their loss! Noten is something else though, he's quite the curious lad. I'm excited to see which of the boys will take over - it will be my first male heir.

Team Emrilitch!...Glimrin...Emitch! Glim...Emgli....

Forget it. You understand where my support is.

I was right! Emrin's kids ARE what help keep her stable. The court CANNOT take them away from her. They will not take them. Side note though, isn't Asher Dunes a teen O.o
>.> Erhm. He was.. for all of five minutes. I may... have taken... his teendom from him... may have. Key words here are "may have."
I admit nothing!

Anyways, sorry for being lackadaisical about updates, I've been hardcore speedrunning an excellent (and hall of fame eligible) Life States Dynasty. I thought about posting a story on that, but to be honest I can barely keep the pictures from my legacy straight, adding another story in would be suicide on me and my stories. I'll try to get an update to everyone soon, it's just hard to motivate myself when the heirs are kids and there's nothing really they can do except go to school and come home. I'm also working out the kinks on the court ordeal. Anyways, wish me luck on cranking out the last of this life states dynasty, I'm on generation 3 almost to generation 4!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Verdict
« Reply #239 on: December 18, 2013, 04:14:42 PM »
Sorry for the delay everyone! Onwards to the chapter!

The Verdict
The eyes of a child are very different than that of an adult. Most people assume children naturally don't understand their situation or anything surrounding it. Many people feel children are just oblivious to the turmoils of their elders because the elders are good at keeping quiet about it. None of this is so. Noten was a child who was very aware of his situation, his mother never hid anything from them. She was an open book, though most would call her parenting brash, she felt very good to know she never lied to her children.
If there ever was a simple way to put the difference between Atrox and Noten down in words, it was this: Atrox didn't question his situation. Noten always did. While most people would assume the opposite... the boy who is interested in bots should be the one to question the universe and the party-animal brother shouldn't, these two were not for stereotypes. Atrox loved his simple but complete life, and Noten loved when everything was balanced. When something threw off that balance, Noten sought out why so he could return to his leisurely lifestyle. Atrox usually waited for the imbalance to blow over instead.
That is the difference between the two. Emrin had really started to make the difference clear with this upcoming trial. She loved getting to know her boys, the parts of her, but she hated knowing how much this could rock their lifestyle.
They had finally settled in to Monte Vista to start sending the boys to school when Emit came calling.

"Your court date is tomorrow." He said softly.
"Are you serious? I just got the boys settled, they have their life you know? School... play... this is going to shake everything up for them! You're taking away their childhood!"
Emit held up his hand to stop her. "I'm just the messenger. I'm sorry."
Emrin nodded and sighed. "Thanks for the warning, I guess."
Emit smiled and nodded gravely before stepping back in the time portal. Emrin walked inside sadly. Great-Grandma Agnes had come to visit her boys.

Agnes was listening to Atrox's "scary" story while Noten practice his dance moves. Emrin smiled at all of them, seeing them happy made her happy, but she couldn't hide from this court date anymore.
As soon as glitch got home from the library she ushered them all into the time portal after collecting some of their things.
"But mom...! We just got here!" Atrox complained.
"It's time for court." Emrin said softly.
Noten was silent as he gathered his items. Emrin saw the sadness in Noten's eyes and almost wished she had the capacity to lie to them, just so she wouldn't have to see the worry in their eyes. Her carefree little boys were gone now, replaced with boys of sadness and anxiety.

When they arrived in the future the court date was posted on their front door. Emrin pulled it down sadly and took her children in. They all sat down to dinner in silence.

Atrox may not question his situation, but he is not made of stone. While Noten occupied himself with the computer Emrin found Atrox watching TV sadly in the upstairs den.
"Hey love, is this seat taken?"
Atrox shook his head no.

Emrin sat down next to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm very sorry this is causing you pain."
Atrox looked at her for a moment. "Why does Felix want to take me away so bad? He never cared before." Atrox said quietly. "It just doesn't make sense. I don't like that."

Emrin pulled him against her. "You know sweetie, I don't know. Some people are just mean because they can be... but I don't really know what his angle is." She brushed his hair back from his face.
Atrox buried his face into her side and cried. He tried so hard to ignore everything but it was just impossible to avoid the situation anymore. "Please don't let them take me away mommy." He whispered, almost reverting back to a toddler stage. Emrin pulled him up on her lap and hugged him.
"I'm not letting them take anyone away." She said softly, rubbing his back. "Not today, not tomorrow, not ever." Atrox cried himself to sleep and Emrin carried him upstairs to the dreampod next to his brother. She resented Felix more than ever for causing her children to be worried for their home and their normalcy instead of getting to be children.

Emrin didn't sleep much that night herself. She woke up bright and early to awaken her youngsters.

"Up and at-um love bugs." She said, flipping the light on. The boys groaned.
"It's too early." Noten mumbled, rolling over.
"I'm sorry boys, we've got to get up though, go on in the bathroom downstairs Atrox and get cleaned up. I'll lay out your clothes." Emrin paused when Noten didn't get out of bed. "Come on Noten, love. It's time to get ready. We need to look our best today. Nothing's going to stop us." Noten got out of bed groggily and took himself into the bathroom while Emrin got ready.
She scrubbed the makeup off and got out her most bland outfit she could find. She needed to look normal, strong and completely stable.

She came out to find Noten yanking his shirt out from being tucked in.
"I hate dressing up!" Noten said with anger and frustration in his voice.

Emrin gave him a quick hug. "I know dear, thank you, why don't you go find Glitch, eh?"
Noten nodded, wiping away a tear that had fallen out during his frustration.
Atrox came in shortly after and Emrin helped to dress him.
"Can I wear the green tie?" Atrox said quickly.
"I'm not sure love..."
"Pleeeassee!" He dragged the word out as he hugged his mom tightly. "Please, please, please!"
"Oh, alright!" Emrin caved.

Atrox ran down to sit next to Glitch and Noten on the couch, watching the middle of an action movie and talking calmly.

Emrin gathered breakfast quietly and fed her boys before they all drove down to the library where her hearing would be taking place.
Glitch stayed with the boys in the children's waiting area they were designated to. Glitch would be summoned to bring Atrox in at a later time.

Noten sat perfectly still on the couch while Atrox dug into the block table, easing his mind away from the problems that were going on upstairs. Glitch idly read a book on the couch next to Noten until finally the bailiff called for Atrox to be brought up.
Noten swallowed hard and fixed himself even more firmly on the couch.

Glitch gathered Atrox in for a hug and took him upstairs. Noten kept himself firmly on the couch. His teeth were gritting to hold back the tears in his eyes. He was alone and scared. He briefly looked around the empty room before fixating himself on the window ahead.

Noten waited... and waited. Every time a tear threatened to sneak out he would hastily wipe his face on his sleeve before readjusting himself to be stiff and still. It had been thirty minutes of waiting stiffly when a stranger came in to the room. Noten eyed him wearily and went back to his stiff position.

The man started talking. "Hi kiddo." He said quietly, Noten didn't respond. "You mind if I join you?"
Noten shook his head no and the man sat down. "My name is Asher." The man said to Noten, holding out a hand. This caused Noten to jolt. Noten started at the hand for a moment before finally moving his stiff muscles to shake it. Asher. Asher Dunes was his father.
"Noten." He said softly. "Are you here to take me away?" His voice came out shaky and weak from not speaking in hours; Noten swallowed hard.
Asher saw the tears welling up in Noten's eyes and felt something almost paternal hit him. "No." He said softly. "I would never take you away from your mom. She's a really great woman."
Noten quickly wiped his face on his sleeve. He wouldn't let his father see him cry. Noten swallowed, "she's the best." He whispered.

"She's a tough woman, there's no way the court will stand a chance at taking you away from her." Asher smiled reassuringly.
Noten eased a little.
"You really love your mom, don't you?" Asher said to him. Noten nodded.
"Glitch, Atrox and mom," Noten paused. "They're my only family."
"That's a good family to have." Asher said smiling. "Why are you so sad, little man?"
"I feel like it's my fault they're going to be taken away." Noten was biting his cheeks in so he wouldn't start crying.
"Now," Asher felt his heart melt. "You know it's not your fault at all. There are just some mean people in the world that don't think before they act. Felix Finn is one of those people, but if he had any sense in him at all he would know better than to try to take on Emrin Reaper." Asher grinned. "The poor sap doesn't stand a chance!" Noten smiled and held back a laugh.

"Hold old are you Noten?"
"You're practically a grown up." Asher teased, Noten smiled and straightened himself.
They talked for what felt like hours, Asher stayed and kept his son company on the couch in the empty waiting room. He suddenly understood why Emrin was fighting so hard, why she called him and begged him to come in and testify for her. She had raised a beautiful young man out of Noten. Asher reflected on his parents who disappeared into the Waste.

He never wanted to be a parent, he never wanted his children to be without their parents like he was... but now he's starting to see that it could easily happen, all at the hands of a cruel person. Noten had been going on about his love of music and dancing when Asher spotted the bailiff coming down with the Judge. The verdict had been read. Asher kept quiet as Noten was still mid-story.
Asher's mind lightened when he saw Emrin approaching the door. Asher put his finger to his lips to quiet Noten. Noten looked at him confused; Asher pointed to the door where Emrin could be seen coming in and Noten jumped completely out of his chair.
"Mom!" He ran over to her and hugged her.
Emrin was smiling. Smiling was a good thing.

"Hi there sweetheart!" She pulled him in close. "Did anyone tell you that you give the best hugs?" Emrin smiled at him and tussled his messy hair.
Noten slapped her hand away and fixed his hair up. "Did we win?" He asked quickly. Emrin nodded. Noten beamed and hugged her again. "Can we get ice cream?!"
"It's almost winter here!" Emrin laughed.
"So? Ice Cream is best for victories!"
"Ice cream?" Atrox said, running around the corner. "Where?!"
Emrin laughed before she looked over at Asher. She gave him a knowing smile and a look that said 'Thank you.'

Asher smiled at her.
"Now, Noten, say goodbye to your friend." Emrin said before Noten could take off.
"Oh!" Noten straightened himself. "Goodbye Mr. Asher! Thanks for talking with me!"
"No problem little man." Asher said, smiling brightly. Noten took off after his brother who had run out to convince Glitch that Ice Cream was the only way one could celebrate a victory this great.
"You've got a really great kid there Emrin." Asher said.
Emrin smiled, "I've had a lot of help, but I can't take all the credit." They smiled at each other.
"You're heading back to Monte Vista soon?" Asher asked calmly.
"Yeah, I need to get the boys some proper education." Emrin responded.
"Well, if you ever come back for a while, give me a call... I'd like to stop by and spend some time with Noten again."
"I bet he'd love that."
"Come'on mom! Let's go! We're getting ice cream!" Noten called from across the library, a series of people shushed him. Emrin tried very hard to suppress the laugh that was bubbling up in her throat. This was where she belonged.
With her crazy, imperfect family that was perfect in every way.

