Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 469292 times)

Offline Sherry

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Important Announcement - Page 8
« Reply #195 on: December 05, 2013, 03:58:38 AM »
Chet, you double post here...

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Important Announcement - Page 8
« Reply #196 on: December 05, 2013, 08:38:50 AM »
Chet, you double post here...

Taken care of ;) -- Seabody
I am sorry for that. It must be caused by my mobile+slow internet. Most of the time, when I hit 'post', it loads and after loading some time, it stops without opening the page. So, I have to hit the 'post' button again. Sorry for that.
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Important Announcement - Page 8
« Reply #197 on: December 05, 2013, 10:34:30 AM »
I voted, even though I haven't said anything I am reading and am going to be pleased whoever wins  :)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Important Announcement - Page 8
« Reply #198 on: December 05, 2013, 10:42:36 AM »
Hmm I guess I'll keep my vote to myself until the next heir is revealed. But you already know who I voted for.
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Please Re-Vote!
« Reply #199 on: December 05, 2013, 05:39:07 PM »
Gentle reminder for everyone to re-vote before tonight!

 -----> Voting Closed <-------
Thank you to everyone who's commented about the rigging, and I'm sorry that I had to pull the plug on the first poll, but after I saw Ezran get 29 votes in an hour I knew something was up. As much as I would love to believe I had 190 individual people who individual personalities and preferences voting on my story I know that isn't the case.
I was very sad when I saw the numbers shooting up and it reminded me greatly of how it happened between Raven and Aurora the first time. I'm not sure who the real winner was there and when I finally figured out the rigging was real I pulled this one down in time to have a fair vote.

I mean, I'll admit I did favor Falor as my first tragically evil sim but I loved the children equally and I want them all to have an equal chance at becoming heir which is why I wanted the readers to vote in the first place so I would be less likely to choose favorites and to get some new challenges into my gameplay. Thank you again for revoting and I'm sorry to everyone who were being fair in the original poll. I feel bad about having to redo things and not allowing everyone the two days I originally planned for but I'm glad to know that this poll will be the right poll.
Due to the way things have turned out, I'm very open to throwing a few chapters on the side to follow the other children of this generation to show where they ended up and maybe a few shots of their wives and/or husband and children.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Please Re-Vote (page 8)
« Reply #200 on: December 05, 2013, 09:59:32 PM »

If there's anything I can do to help, please contact me via private message.
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #201 on: December 06, 2013, 12:24:27 PM »

If there's anything I can do to help, please contact me via private message.
Thank you very much for that Pam. While it was disappointing to have my poll taken over and rigged I've taken more steps of precaution to ensure a fair vote! I'm not upset with anyone who did it as I never specifically said to vote once, so maybe that was the problem. Thanks to other forum members I've been able to find a poll that can really put to the test the "only vote once" deal.

I appreciate everyone's kindness and patience in this. I've been doing my best to put together the next chapter but by the time I was finished it was so late at night and I was tired. I can't express my gratitude for all of my readers regardless of anything. I never would've made it this far in a legacy-type setting without everyone pushing me further and I'm sorry if I seemed off or overly upset about the poll. I wasn't that upset about it but it did throw me off and I want to apologize if I came off too strong. Hopefully with a good poll in place we can have winners at every turn!
Anyways, enough with that sentimental stuff and on to the stuff you probably REALLY want to see!

Happy Endings and New Beginnings
I'm going to start off this announcement with the new heiress taking her cake:

Generation three heir - Emrin Reaper.
I decided to move things along and aged up Falor with her, I hope you'll forgive me when I focus this update on the getting things squared away so Emrin can take over - she won't be in this update very much but soon she'll be taking off on her own! I just wanted to tie up some loose ends.

As soon as Falor aged up I gave him a special gift. Raven came by to give him the part he would need to access his new gift.

"I have a quick story for you, dear." Raven said softly. "Many years ago, my mother was a widow. She was lonely and sad and she lived in her house on a cliff alone. The watcher who watches over you and I decided to encourage her to seek a new path, witchcraft, which has been passed for three generations from her, to me, to now you."
"Grandma Agnes wasn't a witch to begin with?"
"No, she was just a regular woman who had a broken heart. She spent many, many years of her life devoted to spellcasting. She is actually twice as old as she looks due to her magical capabilities. When she reached mastery - which is a very rare doing - she was able to do something no Sim ever could before. The watcher has seen you suffer and has decided to give that gift to you."
"What is it?"
Falor stood back in shock. "You mean... I can... Demi can..."
"Yes. The heiress has been chosen, Emrin, and seeing as the watcher does not wish you to be unhappy she has given you this gift in exchange for one thing."
"What's that?"
"Your Evil trait."
"Anything to get Demi back."
"Then you'll need this."

"The best wand?"
"If the spell were to backfire who knows what problems that may cause?"
"Thank you, really."
"Now go get her."

He wasted no time running out and uttering words that suddenly came naturally to him.

And there she was.

She's not all the way there yet, you'll need to use the Sunlight Charm on her, then leave the rest to me.

After much fumblings later, a young adult, human Demi arose.

I wasted no time on getting them back together and rushing them off to Egypt  seeing as Demi is not a recognized citizen anymore.

And for everyone else... get ready, because I adore this kiss. You'll be seeing it a lot.

In Egypt, Falor wasted no time asking the big question to his only love.

Of course, she said yes. They decided to wait until after sunset, when the pyramids lit up to have their wedding.

Like I said, obsessed with this kiss.

They exchanged rings.

And a kiss.

And I'm sorry but that was just too perfect. Had to be included. Another dip kiss.
Then they enjoyed their night as newlyweds while another couple planned something entirely different.

"Khang, Emrin will be leaving this house to start fresh, I was thinking that maybe... maybe we should leave the house to Falor and Demi, so they can start their family."
"I like that idea, but that's not all, is it?"
"The house is so crowded here, and I'm not sure what Aurora will do with Ezran at the moment, so I was thinking that we should be the ones to move out first and give our son and our new daughter-in-law some room."
"Are you sure that's what you want?"
"I've never been more sure."
So they left for a house I bought for them on the town square, there's an extra room in it with some more beds and a crib, in case Raven decided to have more children - she is still a young adult (barely) anyways!

Ezran earned an A in school so I aged him up to a fabulous boy-teen with a fashion sense.

Who also vaguely reminds me of the rapper Macklemore.
Chimes were heard from the newly occupied master bedroom on the third floor (which used to be Raven's room) as Falor took after Agnes in more ways than one now and has the same lifetime wish for 5 children (at least). I fertility treatmented them and left them to their own devices.
With Ezran now being a teen Aurora and Gigi also decided to move to their own house taking Ezran with them.
Now all that was left to do was to pick out a rather small house with plenty of room for a potential time porter for my new heiress, Emrin.

Forgive me, that chapter was heavily weighted towards Falor but I know I had quite a few fans of him and because he didn't win I wanted everyone to be happy with how their favorite's life ended up being. Ezran was a little young for me to be rushing him off to do things, unfortunately, but I'm going to try to not have such a large age-gap next time between the children. :)
Anyways, the next chapter will be a new start in Oasis Landing. The good news is I can, mostly, keep the family tree in tact as I'll be keeping Emrin in the same file but using the teleporter to take her to the future where she will spend 98% of her time.
For anyone interested in what the rest of the family is up to, I do try to keep my family tree updated with pictures. I'll age any young children up to Young Adult and snap their picture in so I can keep all pictures around the same age for everyone. This will give everyone a sense of the children that have come from other Reaper children. Cain had a son with Paola, Isolde finally found love after Khang and there is still hope for Isabel after her boyfriend and father of her child passed away of old age.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #202 on: December 06, 2013, 12:42:35 PM »
Falor looks handsome with that BEARD! Aaaah, I love men who have facial hair like beard! *beard lover*. I hope that he will make a recurring appearance (and often). Thank you for giving him such a happy ending, he really deserved to be with Demi no matter what. Only Demi that I could see from his eyes!

There are three times that you use that kiss. That kiss scene was awesome anyway! ♥
Ezran really looks like Macklemore, lol. 
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #203 on: December 06, 2013, 01:37:54 PM »
Falor looks so handsome! I'm so glad he and Demi got their happy ending (It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen). Raven is the best mother ever. Ever. Just...the best! That kiss is adorable. And Ezran does look like Macklemore O.o

Congratulations Generation 3's Emrin! I can't wait to see Oasis Landing and what she manages to do in it.! (I haven't gotten Into the Future yet so there's some excitement for me there) I look forward to the rest of the family making more appearances (and any potential nooboos Raven and Khang and Demi and Falor pop out)
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #204 on: December 06, 2013, 02:36:37 PM »
Falor looks handsome ♥ ♥ ♥

I agree with Eld, he should make more appearance in Emrin's story. Well, congrats to the Winner and congrats for Falor on reunited again with his beloved one! I wish Emrin story will be as exciting as Falor, especially looking at her trait: Unstable.
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #205 on: December 06, 2013, 02:40:24 PM »
Falor is so handsome, and I'm over the moon that he and Demi are back together! Happy days! Congratulations to Ezran for winning the poll =D
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #206 on: December 06, 2013, 03:42:25 PM »
Falor looks handsome with that BEARD! Aaaah, I love men who have facial hair like beard! *beard lover*. I hope that he will make a recurring appearance (and often). Thank you for giving him such a happy ending, he really deserved to be with Demi no matter what. Only Demi that I could see from his eyes!

There are three times that you use that kiss. That kiss scene was awesome anyway! ♥
Ezran really looks like Macklemore, lol. 
It helped tone down his chubby cheeks that beard did. I love it on him. He pulls it off a lot better than the townies that are dressed in it in Oasis Landing. Of course! After I saw he didn't win I knew he'd either fall off into limbo or have a sad ending if I didn't do something to give him some love! Yeah, Demi really was the only woman for him, and I'm excited to see those gorgeous eyes of hers on their children.
I love that dip kiss. Love. It. It's so adorable. I was taking all of those pictures last night with my boyfriend sitting next to me and when I got around to fixing up Ezran I was like "woah, wait a minute" because I only put that hair on him for fun but then I saw he looked like Macklemore so I let him keep it haha!

Falor looks so handsome! I'm so glad he and Demi got their happy ending (It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen). Raven is the best mother ever. Ever. Just...the best! That kiss is adorable. And Ezran does look like Macklemore O.o

Congratulations Generation 3's Emrin! I can't wait to see Oasis Landing and what she manages to do in it.! (I haven't gotten Into the Future yet so there's some excitement for me there) I look forward to the rest of the family making more appearances (and any potential nooboos Raven and Khang and Demi and Falor pop out)
Raven is shaping up to be like Agnes, and I can promise you that you won't wait for long on those babies. I gave Fertility Treatment to both Falor and Demi and had them try before I moved Emrin out (and heard chimes), and not 1 whole day after Raven and Falor moved out did they announce that they were expecting another child. Lots of Reaper babies are on the way!
Right now I'm at a bit of a stalemate with Oasis landing, I might even have a poll for the guy she marries because I'm just that stuck haha, hopefully I come up with something soon because I want her story to be interesting and fun like she is. Into the Future is pretty exciting, but I'm going to be honest here, I only bought it for the dip kiss and the rest was just bonus content!

Falor looks handsome ♥ ♥ ♥

I agree with Eld, he should make more appearance in Emrin's story. Well, congrats to the Winner and congrats for Falor on reunited again with his beloved one! I wish Emrin story will be as exciting as Falor, especially looking at her trait: Unstable.

I plan to try to keep them involved. I hope it will be easier now since I have less children to follow. With Raven and Aurora it was hard enough keeping up with Cain, let alone Isolde, Isabel, Aliester AND Agnes and Tragic. I'm trying to have fun with her Unstable trait but I'm hitting a bit of a writers block when it comes to her story. I'm taking suggestions! Haha!

Falor is so handsome, and I'm over the moon that he and Demi are back together! Happy days! Congratulations to Ezran for winning the poll =D
I loved Falor and Demi together, so it made me so excited to see them get married, you can ask my boyfriend who was laughing at all my squealing and excitement over the wedding. Falor is truly a very handsome guy, I've saved his genes to the Sim Bin :)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #207 on: December 06, 2013, 04:07:58 PM »
With all this progress, there is one thing I need to ask though...
Is the last story when Demi died gonna be the last appearance for Dexter? If it's not I hope Falcon would have strong enough heart to be break the second time and Emrin is strong enough to stand alone... As Dexter seems to be super Evil and now that Falcon not evil anymore... I don't know,  it might go bad, it might not.  :)
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #208 on: December 06, 2013, 04:32:44 PM »
Glad to see Falor and Demi together. Good luck to them and their future life. And, Ezran's hair style looks very cool. Looking forward for next chapter.
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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Happy Endings and New Beginnings
« Reply #209 on: December 07, 2013, 02:18:20 PM »
Yay! Demi's back! I've never explored Oasis Landing before so this will be fun. And Ezran reminds me of Mackelmore too. Like a lot.  ;D