Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 454012 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Demi
« Reply #150 on: November 27, 2013, 04:19:58 PM »
What the heck is with Luigi? I'd like to kick his butt, please.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Spooky Day and Falor's Choice
« Reply #151 on: November 27, 2013, 05:25:38 PM »
Spooky Day and Falor's Choice
The morning began with Falor awaking to his partner in crime reading the same book she carries with her everywhere.

"Morning Falor." She said without looking up.
"Morning." He grumbled, rubbing his eyes. "You ready for Spooky Day?"
"Spooky Day?" She put her book down and looked at him.
"Oh right, you aren't familiar with normal holidays. It's a day where people dress up and go door to door and get candy, some of the adults have costume parties where they act ridiculous and it's tradition for us to throw a feast and invite family and distant relatives to eat together." Falor judged Demi's understanding by the look on her face. "We're going to go to familiar houses today and knock on the door and get candy for dressing up in an awesome costume."
"Oh." Demi said softly. "That's odd."
"Tell me about it." Falor said sarcastically.
"What do you dress up as?"
"Likely a burglar. Maybe a pirate."
"I'd love to be a pirate!"
"You can use my costume, Burglars more my style."

So he was a great burglar with an evil laugh. 

Demi was a fearsome pirate with piercing blue eyes.

And Emrin was a tiger.
They ran from house to house and gathered their candy as Demi started to form her opinion about the holiday.
The adults threw a feast party and Isolde decided to get angry about the past again.

In a hot-dog costume no less.
"How dare you, you're such a cheater!"

As she slapped him, Khang realized he had had enough of this. He had always been loyal to Raven from the start.
"What the heck is wrong with you?! Are you so full of yourself that you can't get over what happened years ago?!" Khang shouted, causing Isolde to stand back.

"What are you even talking about, you son-of-a-llama!?"

"No, I'm done. I don't care anymore. I love Raven, I always have and I always will. She makes me a better person. I kissed you once. It was a one-time thing and it never was serious. You can hang onto that and assume the worst of me or you can give it up and just be my sister-in-law." 

Isolde was still upset, but Aurora finally stepped in.
"Ok sis, it's time to calm down."

Meanwhile, the kids got home from trick-or-treating.

Falor and Demi were completely inseparable.

Isabel is pregnant, and Cain recently had a little girl named Lisette. I'll try to grab pictures of her as soon as possible.
Aliester aged up into a young adult.

Falor and Demi began plotting the downfall of Luigi very slowly.

They decided to approach Emrin about it first.

"That's what we're going to do." Falor finished.
"Are you sure about this?" Emrin asked quietly.
Falor smiled a brilliant evil smile. "Oh yeah!"
Falor took towards the door while Demi gave Emrin a reassuring hug. "We've got this taken care of. Falor will see to it."
"I worry he'll get himself in over his head." Emrin whispered.
"It's ok." Demi smiled as Falor tapped his foot waiting on her. "I've got his back."
"You're really good for him, you know?"
"I try."
"Come on Dem! We need to get going before it gets too dark!" Falor said impatiently, but Demi knew he would wait for her for as long as she needed.
"Yeah, yeah." She teased. They headed out.
Demi took the lead when they arrived and got them access to the house, they split up from there and began trapping everything in sight until they were kicked out.

After being kicked out, Falor had one last thing to do before they left.
"Go on home, Dem."
"What are you up to, Falor?"
"Nothing you need to worry about." Falor paused assessing Demi's face, his voice softened. "I'll catch up."
Demi smiled and took off. Falor hung back and started a war that would end up destroying the better part of his life.

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Offline Mizzilee

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Spooky Day and Falor's Choice
« Reply #152 on: November 27, 2013, 06:23:17 PM »
Oh no, Falor, what are you up to? I thought they were just gonna egg his house, but I guess it's not as simple as that.

I loved this shot of them. I really enjoy the child stage of sims since Generations came out. They're a lot of fun to watch over. If you have anymore caps of the three of them, I would not be against seeing them XD
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Spooky Day and Falor's Choice
« Reply #153 on: November 27, 2013, 06:56:48 PM »
Fascinating story for Emrin, her story makes my heart melt. Huge boost affection points, hugs and kisses to Emrin XD

Just forget about that stupid man anyway, you should look more into your surrounding despite looking for him. You have Demi and Falor anyway.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Spooky Day and Falor's Choice
« Reply #154 on: November 27, 2013, 09:54:36 PM »
Well, Emrin didn't need her stupid parent. She only needs her own family. I hope Falor and Demi could help her to realize that :P
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Spooky Day and Falor's Choice
« Reply #155 on: November 28, 2013, 02:32:23 PM »
Nice payback, lol.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays
« Reply #156 on: November 30, 2013, 12:37:02 AM »
Thank you all for commenting! This little update is mostly focused on the birthdays as I've been patiently trying to push the plot along. I am mute about which plot though...

Falor and Demi have proven to be inseparable, however Falor refused to mention his extra plan to truly end this war with Luigi. Falor knows that if he were to say what he had in mind that Demi wouldn't approve. He didn't want her to honestly see how deep his darker side went, and she didn't need to. She often got spooked easily, seeing monsters under her bed and racing from the room in terror.

Falor would always comfort her and allow her to sleep in his bed for the night, as monsters didn't frighten him in the least. He actually enjoyed the prospect of it.

Emrin's birthday was drawing close and I knew I couldn't keep her long from her supermax, so she had her teen birthday, growing into a beautiful, rebellious young lady and gaining Avant Garde instead of Proper. Rebellious traits cross many boundaries, and I can most certainly gather that Emrin is not proper.

She immediately picked up her spray paint and started leaving her mark on her room.

The next to age up was Ezran, he had maxed the xylophone and learned all of his skills so he was finally able to leave the toddler days behind him.

He gained an immediate sense of fashion and a talent for singing, adding perfectionist to his trait list.

Days were going by slow, the kids went to school, came home and did their homework, had some fun and went to bed every night. It was incredibly uneventful. The only eventful thing that some might be happy to hear... Bear finally got enough lifetime happiness points.

So that he will be with us for a long time.

Falor has admired Demi for a very long time, and he knew as soon as they were teens he would make the leap to ask her to be his girlfriend. He couldn't imagine his life without her as she was everything good about him and she tempered his darker side. The birthday cakes were set, lit and blown out.
Ladies first.

Demi became a Hopeless Romantic.
Falor came next.

He gained the family trait of Proper.
Prom night was coming up in a few days and it will be a night that no one will forget. 

Anyways, sorry for a slower update, I hope to have maybe 2 more before the heir poll! However, this next update will be a HUGE game-changer.
I mean, huge. Anyways, until next time! :)

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Offline Mizzilee

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays
« Reply #157 on: November 30, 2013, 04:47:16 AM »
Oh my goodness, Falor is BEAUTIFUL!! I can definetely see his mom and there and a little bit of Khang. Demi is very unique looking too (in a good way). And Emrin...and Ezran. I'm jealous! Everyone looks so great.

I like Falor and Demi's closeness a lot, thought. I find it incredibly endearing. I wonder who will be man enough for Emrin though. =p I don't know who I'll pick in the heir poll. I should make my life easy and just not vote at all >.<
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Luna

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birthdays
« Reply #158 on: November 30, 2013, 04:48:01 AM »
I love the makeover for the children. I just wonder about dark side that you mentioned about. So, Demi is there to prevent him to do something ‘inappropriate’?
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Dominoes Start to Fall
« Reply #159 on: November 30, 2013, 12:58:30 PM »
Oh my goodness, Falor is BEAUTIFUL!! I can definetely see his mom and there and a little bit of Khang. Demi is very unique looking too (in a good way). And Emrin...and Ezran. I'm jealous! Everyone looks so great.

I like Falor and Demi's closeness a lot, thought. I find it incredibly endearing. I wonder who will be man enough for Emrin though. =p I don't know who I'll pick in the heir poll. I should make my life easy and just not vote at all >.<
Thank you! They have all turned out quite stunning, I still feel bad for Emrin, she got her father's ugly nose. :/
It is going to be a tough vote, just wait until the next couple of updates though, like I said, I plan a HUGE game changer. Massive.
I love Falor and Demi, they're so adorable together, just... they just fit. It's going to make these next few updates very, very challenging to write.

I love the makeover for the children. I just wonder about dark side that you mentioned about. So, Demi is there to prevent him to do something ‘inappropriate’?
Falor is, by trait, "evil" and he has tendencies to do things that would normally be classified as "wrong" to many people. Demi sort of softens that edge of him. She brings him back to earth and centers him in a more normal life so he doesn't go off the deep end and do some very... dark things. They're absolutely adorable together. Falor really does bend over backwards for Demi and it's so ridiculously cute.

I'm sorry, unfortunately this update won't be the major game-changer, but I just realized that in order to put in that update and for it to have the full effect I'll need to put in a few more background tidbits, so this will be a relatively minor but informative update.

Dominoes Start to Fall
Falor wasted no time approaching his Demi.
"So how's it feel, being a teen?"
"I don't think I've even gotten over being a human, let alone a teen." She smiled.
"Spring will be coming tomorrow, I should've taken you out Ice-Skating before the snow melted, but I think it's a little late for that."
"Water and I don't pair so well." She said softly.
"Why is that?"
"I can't swim... I mean, Falor, I was a doll for as long as I can remember."
"I guess it's good that spring is coming, then I can take you out and teach you to swim. It's actually quite fun."
"I look forward to that then."

"Anyways, Dem, I have a question for you." Falor actually started to choke up.
"Well, what is it Falor?" She asked sweetly, Falor's knees shook.
"There's a dance, the Spring Formal coming up, and I wanted to know if you would go..." he paused, "with me?"
She looked at him deeply for a moment, smiling. "Of course I'll go with you! Though I can't really dance either."
"It's not hard, I'll show you sometime!" Falor felt relief rushing over him as he gazed back into her big eyes. "You have such a beautiful smile." He took that moment and embraced her.

They embraced for what felt like years, pulling back until only their hands were touching.

Falor reached up and touched her face, before leaning in and kissing his soul mate for the first time.

"Demi." He whispered as they pulled back. "I think I'm in love with you."

"Oh Falor." She breathed. "I love you too."
They solidified their love and became a couple after years of their childhood crush, but on the other side of the house, Emrin was receiving a nasty call.

"Is this Emrin?"
"Look, I'm just calling to straighten a few things out." Emrin recognized the voice, it was Luigi. "You're not my kid." Luigi's voice said flatly. "You're far too ugly to be my child, for one, and you're twice as annoying. I'm tired of seeing you around here and I don't want to deal with you any longer. Please stop dropping by. I have two children now with Rosaria who are much better children than you will ever be. Now leave me in peace."
He hung up.

She looked stunned at the phone before she ran to find the one person who would understand what to do.

"Falor, how could he say something like that?!" She cried.

He hugged her and told her he would take care of it. It was going to be challenging. Luigi wasn't going to walk away from this any longer. He decided to approach Demi to kiss her one last time in case things were to go south. He ran up to find her reading the same book she always was on her bed. She smiled when he came in the room. "What's going on Falor?"

He had her pulled into him before she could ask any more questions.

"I just missed you, and I need to take care of a few things, but I'll be back soon. I just thought I would spend a little time with you before I left." He said calmly, trying not to let his lies show through his facial expressions.
Demi decided to leave it alone, which Falor was thankful for. "Just be careful, Falor." She said softly.
"I always will." He smiled and left the room, leaving Demi to pull out her book and read a few more chapters.
Falor took himself to Luigi's brand new, large house and finally put an end to everything.

When Luigi came to the door, Falor immediately started to apologize. "I came to apologize for my half-sister and all the pranks that I've pulled these past few years. It was stupid and wrong."
Luigi, being one to enjoy gloating, let the boy come in so he could hear just how truly sorry Falor was.
That's when Falor let it begin.

What started as a minor household fire started to rise into a traumatic large far that had engulfed Luigi.

Falor could feel his delight rising up inside of him. He had never gone this deep before, but he was truly enjoying it. He watched Luigi burn in the fire he had created only to cause mayhem until all that was left was his ashes in an urn.

Falor couldn't explain the pure happiness he got from watching someone suffer. It wasn't like anything he felt before. The only thing that made him happier was Demi, and while she would never forgive him if she were to know of what he had done, he didn't care. At least, not at the moment. The joy from his evil was always on the backburner, second to Demi. Demi will always come first for him, but that doesn't mean he can't enjoy a few evil deeds every now and then, and this was one of those times.
What Falor didn't realize was that there was someone who had seen everything. Even after Falor returned home, someone stayed behind.
Dexter Ricardo-Monty was the son of Rosaria Monty and Luigi Ricardo. Over the years he had gained his father's favoritism and was invited to join the corrupt business that was taking Monte Vista, sure to spread. He was Brave, a Genius, Evil and Insane. The only person to see Falor as he left the building that held Luigi's remains in it was the chosen son of Luigi. The boy who was the football star and popular to every Sim in the highschool.

And he would make him pay the ultimate price.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Dominoes Start to Fall
« Reply #160 on: November 30, 2013, 01:46:29 PM »
Those kids have amazing genes, all so gorgeous. I'm rooting for Falor and Demi!  Oh, Falor, what have you done? I hate Luigi but that was wrong, but great for a plot ^.^
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Dominoes Start to Fall
« Reply #161 on: December 01, 2013, 11:53:16 PM »
This is really major game changer. You give Falor so much role in this update which mean that's not fair for Emrin :P
But, I'm glad for Emrin. Even that I don't know for what happened to her after she know what truly happened. Would she be happy? Or she would be mad at Falor? I don't know.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Luna

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Dominoes Start to Fall
« Reply #162 on: December 01, 2013, 11:59:23 PM »
Yes! That man was died. I couldn't be more happy than this, muahahaha...

Falor ♥ !

I think that your action give me more points for you! No hard feeling for Emrin :P
She still can beat Falor if she wants, with another story that she has.
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

My story:
For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Loss
« Reply #163 on: December 02, 2013, 03:32:12 PM »
Alright everyone, I'm going to apologize in advance for this next chapter.

I'm not saying why. I just am. You'll understand once you read through it all.

I cried writing it, just so you know. I'm not heartless.

The night before Prom Falor and Demi decided to take on dancing together. While they were a little awkward, and often stepped on each other's foot, they genuinely enjoyed all of the attempts they made.

Aurora had another legendary gig, putting her all the more closer to her Lifetime Wish of Master Magician.

Emrin maxed out her Street Art Skill.

That was crazy fast, dear.
"I know, it only took 2 days."
Are you sure you're not a genius?
"Nope, you never selected that trait for me."
You probably get it from your mother... Er... did you hear about Luigi?
"That he burned to death?" Emrin smiled darkly. "The old dumb-bell should've learned not to play with fire." Emrin said softly, with a passive glance.
Play... with fire...? You don't think that maybe... it was caused by... someone?
Emrin just smiled to herself and didn't respond as she began to work on her next masterpiece.
So you're not upset with Falor?
"Upset?" Emrin mused. "Why should I be? Falor was simply issuing a warning when the old man decided to run around in the fire, it's not Falor's fault at all."
I see...
"Now, can you move away, I'm doing my celebratory spray-paint session."

Raven completed her lifetime wish after throwing 50 bliss potions at Khang who obliged his beautiful wife.
And the house was quiet again.

The next morning everyone woke with an ominous feeling. Something was very off.

Demi was the first to rise, shower and eat before going down to meet Emrin, who also felt something off with the world that day. Demi approached Emrin in her room while she was painting.
"Hey, congrats on the Street Art!" Demi said while giving her a hug.

"Thanks!" Emrin paused. "Is it me, or does something feel slightly off today."
"I feel it too." Demi said quietly. "Maybe I shouldn't go to the dance tonight..."
"Nonsense!" Emrin said immediately. "I'm sure it's just the weather outside that's bothering everyone! Overcast skies are always yucky! Besides, you don't want to miss the look on Falor's face when he sees you in a knockout dress, do you?"
"I don't know." Demi felt something just very off about the day, something that made her want to crawl back in bed and sleep until it was the next day.
"It will be fun, come on!"
"Alright, alright."
"Now go say goodbye to Falor before we head to the Salon, I'm going to round up Ezran."
"We're taking your little brother?" Demi asked in a curious manor.
"Of course we are! Have you seen the fashion sense on that little guy? Stellar. He's going to make sure we walk out in style."
"Ezran? Really?"
"Heck yes! He's great with style!" Emrin tucked a strand away from her face.
"Alright then, it sounds like a plan!"
Demi ran to find Falor in the kitchen where she hugged him close. Something felt so wrong about the day.

"Hey, hey." Falor said looking at her. "What's wrong?"
"Today just feels... wrong." Demi said slowly.
"You feel that too?" Falor asked quietly.
"Wait, so we're not the only ones?" Demi said looking towards Emrin who had just walked in.
Emrin finally chimed, "see, I told you it has to be the weather. It's affecting all of us."
Demi took a breath in, letting herself believe it was just the weather. "Yeah, yeah, it probably is."
"Don't tell me you're going to ditch me at the Prom?" Falor teased.
"No!" Demi said quickly. "Of course not. I just had a bad feeling when I woke up."
"I'm teasing." Falor said softly to her, his hand brushed her cheek. "You two have fun at the Salon today, I'll meet you guys at 3 in front of the school, right?"
"Absolutely!" Emrin said, trying to pull Demi away by her arm, but Demi and Falor kissed once more.

"Come'on Demi! You two will have plenty of time to kiss later when I'm announced Prom-Queen!"
Falor laughed as he waved them off, the off feeling in his stomach suddenly got deeper. Even though they were out of sight and he watched them from the window he whispered. "Please be safe."

"Oh wow! You look awesome!" Demi squealed like a girly-girl she's never had the chance to be.
Ezran just walked out with a happy smile of achievement on his face.
"You did that Ezran?" Demi asked, amazed.
"You know I did." Ezran said back with a grin.

Emrin looked at her beaming, "your go, Demi."
Demi froze. "Oh... I don't know, I don't think this is such a good idea..."
"Nonsense!" Ezran said quickly! "Come dear, let's get you into something gorgeous!"

Emrin stood with her mouth open.
"What?" Demi asked quietly. "Does it look bad?"
"Oh-my-gosh-no!" Emrin said quickly. "You look AMAZING! Falor is going to drop when he sees you!"
"It's all on Ezran." Demi said softly.
"I know, I'm awesome!" Ezran said with great approval. "Now it's time for us to get going!"
Emrin looked at her phone. "Oh yes! We need to get Ezran to my grandma and grandpa's for the evening. He's staying the night there, apparently baby-sitting for my Aunt Isabel's new baby girl, Kay. Her fiance died recently... he was an older gentleman, so she's having a hard time adjusting to being a single mom."
"Oh my gosh, that's so sad!" Demi said quietly.
They all took a taxi to the Reaper's home in the suburbs.

Falor arrived early at the school parking lot, a lot of other kids had arrived early to get in the door quickly passed the security of Prom-Night checks for the Juiced moodlet. As Falor moved up he felt someone slam into his shoulder. A hand steadied him as he looked to glare at the person who had run into him.
"Sorry, mate." Dexter smiled at him, patting him on the shoulder. "Didn't see ya, no harm done eh?"
Falor straightened himself, "yeah, yeah. No harm."
"Good, sorry again mate." Dexter walked off again. Falor had got a bad feeling about it but he shrugged it off. He went to wait on a bench for the girls to arrive.

Agnes and Tragic had left a note on the door saying they'd be back soon as they went to grab some groceries.

"We should get going Demi." Emrin said. "Falor said to meet him soon."
"Are you sure we should leave him alone here?" Demi motioned to Ezran.
"He'll be fine, my grams and gramps are pretty reliable people, besides, he's in the safest part of Monte V.. He'll be fine."
"Will you?" Demi said, addressing Ezran this time.
"Oh yeah, I'll just mess around with my sketch pad!" Ezran said confidently. "After today I'm getting loads of ideas!"
Demi smiled at him, but as she turned to leave she got a text message.

Meet Me at pool near school, I have a surprise for you. <3
"Falor wants me to meet him at the pool across from the Prom..." Demi said quietly.
"Oh... he must have something special for you!" Emrin said with an intent gaze. "I'll go on ahead to the prom, you two have fun, but don't forget to come to prom, alright?"
Demi smiled really big, "yeah, I'll see you there!" And she took her borrowed vacuum to the pool the text referred to.
When she had arrived the place was deserted. The pool had a sign saying it was closed until Summer, and that the water levels were low.

She walked out to the poolside, constantly checking over her shoulder as she felt like she was being followed. "Hello?" She called out. "Falor?" She looked around. There were no ladders or anything in the pool to show that it was closed for the season. Little did she know she most certainly wasn't alone.

"Falor? Where are you?"

"Hello?" She said softer now, sensing someone was behind her. Falor always announced himself. A sinking feeling hit her stomach.

She didn't need to turn around anymore to realize the man behind her wasn't Falor, but she slowly began to turn to see who had followed her this far. She felt a hand on her back as she lost her balance on the edge of the pool.

"Emrin!" Falor said, running over to see his cousin. "Where's Dem?"
"Falor?! What are you doing here?! You asked Demi to meet you at the pool a half an hour ago!"
"What?" Falor paused. "No I didn't..." He started to check his pockets, his face sunk. "My phone..."
"What is it?"
"It's gone." Falor said quickly. "Someone took my phone... but how? I've kept it in my pock-" He froze. His mind flashed back to when Dexter bumped into him earlier. He exhaled hard. "I've gotta go." He said quickly. His heart started pounding hard.
"Hey, find her and bring her back to Prom, for crying out loud. She looks fantastic!"
Falor wasn't listening, he had taken off running through the crowd who was now arriving.

He ran all the way to the pool shouting for Demi. She'll be there. Probably just a trick. She'll be there. He had a mantra in his head. "DEMI!' He shouted for her.

"Demi! Demi?! DEMI! Dem-" He froze when he saw something in the water.

He didn't even shrug off his jacket before he threw himself in the freezing cold water, grabbing the cold Demi off the bottom of the pool and dragging her up to the surface as it started to pour down rain.
"Dem... Dem... Demi?" He whispered, pulling her against him. She was ice cold and immobile. Falor started to tremble. "Demi?" He shook her. "Wake up Dem! Wake up!"

Warm water was running from his eyes as his voice trembled. "Demi, oh watcher, Demi, please... please." He begged as he held her soaked body to him.

He put his hand on her cold cheek and kissed her. She wasn't breathing. He was frozen by the sound of someone screaming. Blue and Red lights started flashing around him as he came to a realization.
It was him.
He was screaming. He clutched Demi's body as the police arrived. A police officer tapped on his shoulder but he didn't feel it. He was unresponsive.
"Sir, please, I need you to let go of the body."
That caught his attention. Falor's head swiveled around, "SHE'S NOT DEAD!" He screamed at the officer.
"Calm down sir, please, step away from the body."
A set of police officers started to grab Falor by his arms and pull him away from Demi. "STOP IT!" He screamed. "DON'T TAKE HER FROM ME!"
Someone was trying to hug him, it was Raven. How did she get here? How long had it been? His hands were going grey from being wet and cold but he didn't feel it. All he felt was pain stabbing his heart as his voice kept screaming for the police officers to stop pulling Demi away from him, to stop touching her like they were. He shoved his mom away and ran out into road and kept going. Everything was spinning, the lights were flashing over everything, sounds were going off, alarms, people talking, screaming. Tears fell openly from his eyes as he ran down the road and into the darkness. He slumped on a hill far away and watched the police officers talking, moving, the ambulance driving away with the body of Demi. His best friend. His other half. His Demi.
She was dead.
Falor passed out in the bushes on the hill and woke up at midnight. The commotion was gone, everything was quiet. He stood up and walked numbly down to Demi. Demi was by the pool. Demi was waiting for him. He sat at the edge of the water without feeling anything. He had shut down completely. Everything good in the world was gone now.
He swallowed hard.
Demi was dead.

And so was Falor's heart. 

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Loss
« Reply #164 on: December 02, 2013, 03:43:43 PM »
No! Oh, my favourite character has been killed off and I'm mad 'cause I know who did it D:<
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

