Well, unlike someone I'm support Aurora 
But, yes I have a soft spot for her because of her background only. She feel like an outcast, but in the reality at your writing I know that she doesn't. And in the actual gaming, I know that she having fun as well.
That's so sad to see "was just for a good genetic mix up", that sounds the reason that he's exist was just as a tool purpose 
I'll look forward to see what kind of mischief that these children will do. But, whoever the winner, I hope that we can still meet them like Cain and everyone else 
Hey now! I do support all of my simmies, I'm not overly biased... I just have a particular soft-spot in the ways of evil sims.
Ezran is not just a tool purpose, but I do enjoy seeing how Agnes, Tragic, and Giacomo's genes mix and that's why I'm doing this. I need to create a family tree. I know we will still run into whoever doesn't win from time to time, I'm still going to move them all into the next world, whichever one it may be.
Haha, I know but just looking at her painting all day and just one or two scenes beside painting just look like a dynasty slave for me and maybe that also work with other reader, so that's why she gain more sympathy and plus point
You should let her play around more with toys and I will think again about slave part
Haha! But he should know about this earlier so he will not be regretted about the next poll result. The earlier he knows the better! I'm supporting Falor because he is Raven child, but just looking at Emrin, her story just melts me, and he just has another competitor.
Don't worry about the score though; basically Emrin just won one point from him, so he still has time to catch up and don’t forget to make Ezran special too. I want all the Reaper children to show what they really are, their strong point and their weakness. Having Ezran genetic as the next heir is good, but you should show off all what these children could do. So, we can make fair judgments 
I just can't stand Sim children sometimes. They don't make for good screenshots. Really. They have very limited actions. I can't wait until these kids are all teens!
Maybe Ezran will surprise everyone and sneak up and steal the heirship! Who knows, really?
I plan to have the next few chapters be focused on the children after this... but since I'm now settling in I need to remember the routine I had everyone in... It's a full house now!
I love all of the children's names! They're all so unique. Ezran is adorable, Emrin is gorgeous, and Falor! I can't wait to see him all grown up. I'm sure he'll be fun to play and read about, heir or not.
I really can't rate the three of them though. I'd be happy with any of them getting heir, though I can't say I know Ezran very well yet since he was just born. I think I died of laughter when I noticed, in third picture of Aurora giving birth, of the dog sleeping on the couch XD He was knocked out completely. I've been considering getting Pets but haven't made the decisions.
I really love these names. I've been keeping a list of names stocked up that are along the "darker" side of names. They're very unique and it gives me a sense of uniqueness to my sims. Ezran is such a cutie, he reminds me a lot of Falor as a toddler. I feel so awful about Emrin because she just wasn't a very cute toddler... I mean, toddlers all have a degree of cuteness, but she was just on the lower end. She's growing up beautifully though! Oh you should've seen Bear beforehand! He was playing with toys at Aurora's feet while she gave birth. That felt weird to me so I sent him to sleep on the couch!

Anyways, this next update will be a little scattered just because I'm getting myself situated and I wanted to grab something important that I'll put a note at the bottom of this update to explain what that was.
Spooky Day was approaching and I sent Gigi down to work with Ezran on learning to talk.

Ezran does very cute things with his little hands as he learns to talk.

It's almost like a little baby fist-pump.

Though of course I must say, toddler cuteness never ends with these Reaper children!

Gigi spent an endearing 4 hours attempting to potty train young Ezran, but ended up giving up until Raven came along and finished the job in one swoop.
"Yes! The last one is finally potty trained! No more diapers! Ever!"

On the other side of town Emrin was attempting to visit Luigi to see if she could reconcile anything with him.

The sad fact of it was, it started snowing. She rang the doorbell three times knowing someone was home, as the music was turned up, only to have her father come out the door, walk right past her and start talking to the woman standing on his yard.

He then turned and walked back inside, right past his own daughter without a single bit of acknowledgement to the freezing child on his porch.

Emrin waited outside another fifteen minutes before returning home on her bike.

When she came in cold and upset everyone rushed to tend to her, except for Falor.
Falor was a very peculiar child as it was. He sat up in his room and played with his doll named Demi. He knew his family cared for him, but oftentimes it was only superficial.
A lot of times, their focus was on Emrin or Ezran as the family wanted to make sure Emrin felt more included. Falor understood that his sibling-like cousin had issues with her emotions but most of the time he felt she was just being dramatic.
So her biological father doesn't speak to her? So what? She has Gigi and he's a great dad to her, he spoils her and gives her anything she asks for so long as she bats her eyelashes and says "please daddy!" To him, hearing her call him 'dad' made his heart melt.
Falor wasn't so lucky. His mother was often times a little straight with him since she learned of his intelligence. Raven does what she can to raise her child, but Falor understands it's not easy for one person to do everything, and he loves his mother more for her trying to understand him better. Even if she can't. Khang though? Falor hasn't really had much time spent with his father, as Khang was often so attached to his work in Athletics or stuck to his exercise equipment to notice his brilliant but anti-athletic son.
Falor wasn't bitter with Emrin, nor did he see her as an adversary. He was sometimes ashamed of her genuine ignorance of her situation but he still cared for her regardless.
Falor, I know you do feel alone sometimes.
"You don't know anything about how I feel." He responded back flatly. "I'm not feeling alone. I don't need someone to hold my hand like Emrin. Would it be nice to have someone to talk to who wouldn't look at me with a blank stare? Definitely. Does that mean I'm feeling 'lonely'? Not at all." He paused. "Besides. I'll always have Demi."

Do you suppose you could help Emrin? Maybe if you patronized her biological father enough you could help give her some closure?
Falor sighed. "She has a great dad in Giacomo. Why in the world does she need another person's approval? My father doesn't approve of me necessarily, you don't see me crying here in my corner." He paused again, holding Demi up to his ear. "Demi agrees. Besides, she'd be stronger without Luigi's crap."
You and Demi are close?
"I suppose you could say it that way. She's a very good listener, sometimes I wish she were real just so I could have someone to talk to who won't just act like I'm coming up with childish fantasies."
What if I could have that arranged?
"Then I wouldn't need anything else in the world."
Are you sure this is what you want?
"It's the only thing I want."
Alright then, please put her down for a moment.
Falor tenderly put Demi to the floor while I initiated a few things.

"She's halfway there." Falor said quietly.
If you look downstairs in your father's chest, there's something there for you. An orange potion.
"Are you sure this will work?" Falor asked nervously.
I'm 100% sure of it.

Falor watched in amazement. The beautiful science and pure unharnessed power made him grin with an evil smile as he breathed it in, but in the end it wasn't what he expected at all.

Because in the end there was someone staring back at him.

Who took his breath away.

She had bright eyes and a smile that melted the ice away from Falor's heart. She was good and kind and sweet. She was everything that Falor wasn't and Falor was drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

Falor was officially sucked in and things would never be the same again.So I got my internet working on Sunday and it's taken me all of 2 days to finally piece together this update because of how often I would have to quit without saving. I was very,
very determined to make Demi real. I always have been from the start, but if anyone follows the Generations section on the forum will noticed I've been pleading for something -
anything - to make my broken imaginary friend work. I finally found that Debug Enabler from Nraas can force an imaginary friend to come to life (with several script errors, as overwatch and errortrap alerted me
several times) and I was able to give her the potion finally. Demi will be a big character, but she is not eligible for heir. I tweaked her face to make her slightly more unique (guilty as charged) because she had the EA face I complained about earlier. I did so as she was a child so it will be interesting to see how her facial features change as she gets older.
I did send Emrin to see her father and he really did blatantly ignore her for 3 hours as it snowed and she waited outside of his house in her everyday wear. It made me sad to see, so I had to include it in the story. Anyways, asides from that thank you to everyone for bearing with me as I have successfully made my move!

Now to get everything else in my life in order!