Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467860 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Plots
« Reply #135 on: November 21, 2013, 12:33:36 PM »
I have much to much faith in Khang. I didn't doubt for a second that he would honestly betray Raves. But that could come back and bite me. I'm already rooting for Emrin for next gen heir! Unless you're going to do another dual heirship thing which I'm okay with. Falor's apparent genius is rather frightening though O.o

Real life always comes first though, Livs! Hope you can get internet up and going soon because there's gonna be a poll in my story soon...if I update fast enough. I should be working on that right now, and where am I? Here.

Go get that poll up! I STILL HAVE A DAY! Huuurrryyyyy! (haha just kidding, get around to it on your own time, I'll do my best to use my media devices and or hijack someone's computer to try to get to it if it's not up before I need to take down my computer tomorrow).

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Plots
« Reply #136 on: November 21, 2013, 04:18:28 PM »
I hate this! I'm all caught up now and have to wait! Great story!

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Plots
« Reply #137 on: November 21, 2013, 05:24:14 PM »
Great News! I should have a little bit of time to play and update my Reapers tonight! <3 I just finished packing 95% of my things and I have all of tomorrow to get the rest of it sorted out... so here I am booting up Sims! Fingers crossed!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays, and More Revenge Pt. 1
« Reply #138 on: November 21, 2013, 08:56:04 PM »
Awesome, so I've got enough photos for 2 updates! I'm really overkilling with a lot of these pictures, I just love personality with the Sims, so if it takes me 20 updates to get through one generation then so be it! I want nothing more than to have interesting Sims, and it keeps me interested too!
Anyways, thank you to everyone who has been awesome and supportive. Comments are always welcome! Thank you all again!

Birth, Birthdays, and More Revenge (Part 1)
Good news has finally arrived from Cain (finally!) that he and Paola are expecting their first child! I thought this day would NEVER come, those two have been married since practically the start of this file and they're finally expecting!

In other, more known news, Falor is still irresistibly adorable. I have not found a single person who can object to his sweet face, which makes it all the more fun to know what goes on behind the sweet face.

Raven decided she should teach her dear son to speak, as he'd shown a lot of capabilities in his babbling.

"Can you say medicine sweetie? Meh-dih-sin, Medicine!"
Falor gives her a resentful look. "Meh-dih-sin." He said slowly. He plays through the motions as he tries very hard not to give his sweet mommy a piece of his mind.
"Medicine makes people well when they're sick!"
Falor sighed softly. It would be a long day.
Emrin couldn't agree more as her mother attempted to tutor her all day - to no avail as it didn't even increase her school performance at all.

Gigi also received the news that Luigi had picked up yet another girlfriend, even though it's only been a day since his last girlfriend (Rosaria) dumped him. Gigi sighed heavily but decided to approach this a different way.

"Sports, can you say sports? Sp-oar-ts, sports!"
Falors eye twitched. How much longer could this take? "Sp-oar-ts." He repeated precisely on cue.
"Your daddy is in the sports career! He makes money that way!"

Falor finally readjusted his composure. "Mama, I want something more complicated."
Raven looked at him shocked, then she laughed. "I should've known you'd take after me, sorry sweetpea, I thought you might've inherited your dad's slowness. Where would you like to start?"
Falor smiled. "Get the dictonary, mama."
"You got it sweetie, here, let's try this one... calligraphy."
Falor grinned. "Calligraphy! What's that?"

"Fancy writing often used to adorn important documents."
"Now we're talking mama! More!"
Raven laughed, she should've know her little man was a genius all along.

After throwing a potent friendship potion at Lombardi woman, Gigi explained himself. "Look, I'm sorry to intrude, but word around the grapevine is that you and Luigi have started dating. I came to give you a heads up as he's got a reputation for impregnating women and never looking after the children. He's an honest-to-watcher jerk who has always tried to one-up everyone by running down everyone in his way. I thought, being your new best friend, that you might want to consider other men instead of that one."
"Oh my watcher! Thanks for the warning! I'll dump him in a heartbeat, though he won't be too happy with you."
"We never were on good terms to start with..."
Back at home, Emrin got a call from Luigi saying he felt bad for missing her birthday and he asked if she would come to see him. Emrin didn't want her mother to know, so she took her bike down to his new house to see what her father would have for her, but instead she arrived to an empty home with no one there.
"Maybe he had to run out to get it?" Emrin said softly.
Maybe, lovebug, maybe, how about you go home and call him tomorrow about it?
"He asked me to come, so I'll wait."
And she did, for hours.

When she returned home upset and angry, I didn't try to stop her, I just let her run to her easel to let it out.

Raven finally got some well deserved skill time now that her mothering bits are over. She had Falor had finished with his talking and were now waiting for him to finish his toy blocks skill before he would age up. Falor was incredibly smart for such a little one, and Raven was starting to understand her child's full potential.

Aurora on the other hand seems to be waking up very pregnant these days.

...Very, very pregnant.
She was ready to pop any hour today, and she was very excited for that. Emrin, not getting a lot of face-time has been focusing a lot on her painting. So to make up for lack of pictures, here's her eating pancakes.

I show her eating pancakes because I'm about to spam you with Falor now, and I don't want to be considered a biased watcher but he's just way too cute!

Oh my gosh! That face!

Toddlers are just adorable. However the "attack of the claw" doesn't scare Falor, it actually makes him very happy to see.

And even happier when it hits.

Today is his birthday though now that he has learnt his pegbox skills, so without any further ado...

As a child, he dresses a lot like the younger version of the T-Birds from Grease. Just an observation though.

Any guess to the trait he gained? No?
Family Oriented.

I catch the very pregnant Aurora dancing her butt off.
"They say dancing induces labor early, and I could really use this kid to make his debut!"

I wish you luck with that, sweetie.
"Thanks, I'm going to need it!"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge Pt. 2
« Reply #139 on: November 21, 2013, 09:26:36 PM »
Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge Part 2
After all the excitement the house returned to it's usual level of skilling, which means a lot of skilling.
Emrin did a lot of this.

Until she can pick up the bag of spray paint, she simply had to make do with real paint.
"I can't wait until I can graffiti that pathetic piece of garbage's house!"
Emrin! Your mother would not approve of you using that language!
"Oh please, it's just another piece of authority adults think they can hold over our heads! They can talk like that, so why can't we?"
Emrin, really, they just do that to keep you safe and to help you learn social rules.
"Social rules my butt. Now let me alone. I need to paint more."
I moved on to Gigi, who was wearing himself down on the treadmill.

So I heard you got that big promotion last night...
"Level 8! Only 2 more to go and I'll have my career maxed!"
"Thanks, now if you don't mind, I must keep skilling!"
Don't let me stop you.
I moved on to Khang, who has had an interesting time these past few days with his skilling. He has a wish for the perfect mind and the perfect body, so I sent him to work at the potion bench with a tabcast playing in his ear.

"Don't even say anything. I need to concentrate... really... focus...." (Poof!) "Darn it!"
Hit the shower, bud.
Of course, we all know what Raven's up to.

And the pets are even enjoying themselves too!

Last but not least, the newest among the skillers would be Falor, who has taken to the chess table.

"Your rook is no match for me. Checkmate."
So you won? Good job!
"Oh hush voice. I lost. It's easy to learn all of the techniques to winning, but I am learning all of the last few moves to those so-called 'winning' techniques to see if I can get the other side out of it. That's the real challenge, not simply winning, but coming back from below!"
Excuse me, I didn't know you were so into this, I think I'll move on now.
Falor leveled the chess board and began to set things up again slowly and meticulously.
Are you sure I didn't make you a perfectionist?
Falor grinned deviously. "Nope, it's just my nature to be careful. I plan out every move from the start. Now you're really distracting me, can you please move on?"
I suppose so.
Emrin joined Gigi for dinner.

"So, I think mom's having the baby." Emrin said matter-of-factly.
"That's nice dear." He then went wide-eyed and nearly choked. "Wait-What?!"

We have another boy!

He is Neurotic and Virtuoso. His name is Ezran.
I wasted no time on this next part: the cake. 

Now I will leave you, dear readers with a picture of the newly aged Ezran, a beautiful picture of Emrin as she paints, and one of Falor who is looking to the sky.

With these three beautiful children it makes you wonder who will take on the next heirship. The children are growing up beautifully and at this point it is anyone's game. Soon, dear readers, it will be time to choose, but let's enjoy the time with the children for now, eh? The Reapers will return soon.

-- as soon as I get internet, that is. ;)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge
« Reply #140 on: November 21, 2013, 11:06:00 PM »
I love Falor outfits, especially with that strip pattern. Black really suit him well and oh my gosh he's so adorable ♥
Oh, my gosh! You just made Emrin just one like those dynasty slaves ::)
She's pretty good for a child, how did she learn that foul language? I'm afraid it's from the man who she met one day. One point for Emrin from me!

Welcome Ezran.

So the my next heir of choice would be like this:
1. Emrin
2. Falor
3. Ezran

C'mon Falor you must do something interesting as Raven child if you not do something exciting for being an evil you might lose to that Emrin. Evil is your charming point, so use it even that you're conflicted with your family oriented trait! I guess that would be interesting for being an Evil but still love his family ;)
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge
« Reply #141 on: November 21, 2013, 11:16:15 PM »
I don't know about Ezran, because I just meet him today. But I will choose Emrin as the next heiress. Well, she had some background story and I kinda love someone with a rebellious attitude anyway. Her life will be exciting ;)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge
« Reply #142 on: November 22, 2013, 11:47:59 AM »
You have very interesting names for the kids. Oh, I can't decide on a favourite it, it's too early and Raven needs another child for it to be equal - just saying ^.^
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge
« Reply #143 on: November 22, 2013, 03:20:47 PM »
Today's my last day with my computer, I don't think I'll get an update up, but I can give you all some hints.

I love Falor outfits, especially with that strip pattern. Black really suit him well and oh my gosh he's so adorable ♥
Oh, my gosh! You just made Emrin just one like those dynasty slaves ::)
She's pretty good for a child, how did she learn that foul language? I'm afraid it's from the man who she met one day. One point for Emrin from me!

Welcome Ezran.

So the my next heir of choice would be like this:
1. Emrin
2. Falor
3. Ezran

C'mon Falor you must do something interesting as Raven child if you not do something exciting for being an evil you might lose to that Emrin. Evil is your charming point, so use it even that you're conflicted with your family oriented trait! I guess that would be interesting for being an Evil but still love his family ;)

Emrin's story was so easy to write, it just makes sense, and no! She's not a dynasty slave, she does that of her own choice. Child sims really don't have much to do. They can either skill on what few objects they have or they can play with toys. Since the Reaper's live in the center of town they have no yard, so there's no way they could have anything outdoorsy fun, but it wouldn't matter anyways because the long summer months have ended and fall has set in (which is 4 days, winter is 3 and spring is 4 while summer was a toasty 15) so going outside would've been hard anyways. Haha Emrin is fully aware of everything she does, like most children she picked up a lot of foul language early on but just doesn't have the filter of social awareness that most children do, (you know, the kids who giggle when they say 'butt').

Go easy on Falor though, he literally JUST became a child! Haha, I have a huge plan for him, but I need a little time to map it out, and it doesn't make it easy to do evil deeds as most children don't have an extensive set of "mean" options nor fun stuff to do. I already know that the minute Falor ages up to teen he's going to have a whole lot of fun with fire, but that's all you'll hear from me on that one.

I don't know about Ezran, because I just meet him today. But I will choose Emrin as the next heiress. Well, she had some background story and I kinda love someone with a rebellious attitude anyway. Her life will be exciting ;)
We'll see if she wins, I wouldn't mind any of the children. I have a soft spot for Falor as I really want to mess around with an Evil Sim, but if not this heir poll then soon.

I don't know about Ezran, because I just meet him today. But I will choose Emrin as the next heiress. Well, she had some background story and I kinda love someone with a rebellious attitude anyway. Her life will be exciting ;)
Ezran was just for a good genetic mix up. This is a genetic experiment after all. I haven't quite thought anything through with him just yet, but I will. Emrin is a sweetie, and her story was very easy to write, as I said it just makes sense.

You have very interesting names for the kids. Oh, I can't decide on a favourite it, it's too early and Raven needs another child for it to be equal - just saying ^.^
I'm not giving anything away, but I have 7 Sims in the house and 2 pets, but I am looking to have a full house by the end of this. I won't say how though. :P
Thank you all for responding! I'll do my best to get a good story ready for you while I don't have internet! :)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge
« Reply #144 on: November 22, 2013, 03:51:00 PM »
Today's my last day with my computer, I don't think I'll get an update up, but I can give you all some hints.
Emrin's story was so easy to write, it just makes sense, and no! She's not a dynasty slave, she does that of her own choice. Child sims really don't have much to do. They can either skill on what few objects they have or they can play with toys. Since the Reaper's live in the center of town they have no yard, so there's no way they could have anything outdoorsy fun, but it wouldn't matter anyways because the long summer months have ended and fall has set in (which is 4 days, winter is 3 and spring is 4 while summer was a toasty 15) so going outside would've been hard anyways. Haha Emrin is fully aware of everything she does, like most children she picked up a lot of foul language early on but just doesn't have the filter of social awareness that most children do, (you know, the kids who giggle when they say 'butt').

Haha, I know but just looking at her painting all day and just one or two scenes beside painting just look like a dynasty slave for me and maybe that also work with other reader, so that's why she gain more sympathy and plus point ::)

You should let her play around more with toys and I will think again about slave part :P

Go easy on Falor though, he literally JUST became a child! Haha, I have a huge plan for him, but I need a little time to map it out, and it doesn't make it easy to do evil deeds as most children don't have an extensive set of "mean" options nor fun stuff to do. I already know that the minute Falor ages up to teen he's going to have a whole lot of fun with fire, but that's all you'll hear from me on that one.

Haha! But he should know about this earlier so he will not be regretted about the next poll result. The earlier he knows the better! I'm supporting Falor because he is Raven child, but just looking at Emrin, her story just melts me, and he just has another competitor. 

Don't worry about the score though; basically Emrin just won one point from him, so he still has time to catch up and don’t forget to make Ezran special too. I want all the Reaper children to show what they really are, their strong point and their weakness. Having Ezran genetic as the next heir is good, but you should show off all what these children could do. So, we can make fair judgments ;)
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

My story:
For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge
« Reply #145 on: November 22, 2013, 05:07:19 PM »
We'll see if she wins, I wouldn't mind any of the children. I have a soft spot for Falor as I really want to mess around with an Evil Sim, but if not this heir poll then soon.

Well, unlike someone I'm support Aurora ::)

But, yes I have a soft spot for her because of her background only. She feel like an outcast, but in the reality at your writing I know that she doesn't. And in the actual gaming, I know that she having fun as well.

Ezran was just for a good genetic mix up. This is a genetic experiment after all. I haven't quite thought anything through with him just yet, but I will. Emrin is a sweetie, and her story was very easy to write, as I said it just makes sense.

That's so sad to see "was just for a good genetic mix up", that sounds the reason that he's exist was just as a tool purpose :P

I'll look forward to see what kind of mischief that these children will do. But, whoever the winner, I hope that we can still meet them like Cain and everyone else :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge
« Reply #146 on: November 24, 2013, 03:16:57 PM »
I love all of the children's names! They're all so unique. Ezran is adorable, Emrin is gorgeous, and Falor! I can't wait to see him all grown up. I'm sure he'll be fun to play and read about, heir or not.

I really can't rate the three of them though. I'd be happy with any of them getting heir, though I can't say I know Ezran very well yet since he was just born. I think I died of laughter when I noticed, in third picture of Aurora giving birth, of the dog sleeping on the couch XD He was knocked out completely. I've been considering getting Pets but haven't made the decisions.
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Demi
« Reply #147 on: November 26, 2013, 08:47:17 PM »

Well, unlike someone I'm support Aurora ::)

But, yes I have a soft spot for her because of her background only. She feel like an outcast, but in the reality at your writing I know that she doesn't. And in the actual gaming, I know that she having fun as well.

That's so sad to see "was just for a good genetic mix up", that sounds the reason that he's exist was just as a tool purpose :P

I'll look forward to see what kind of mischief that these children will do. But, whoever the winner, I hope that we can still meet them like Cain and everyone else :)
Hey now! I do support all of my simmies, I'm not overly biased... I just have a particular soft-spot in the ways of evil sims. :)
Ezran is not just a tool purpose, but I do enjoy seeing how Agnes, Tragic, and Giacomo's genes mix and that's why I'm doing this. I need to create a family tree. I know we will still run into whoever doesn't win from time to time, I'm still going to move them all into the next world, whichever one it may be.

Haha, I know but just looking at her painting all day and just one or two scenes beside painting just look like a dynasty slave for me and maybe that also work with other reader, so that's why she gain more sympathy and plus point ::)

You should let her play around more with toys and I will think again about slave part :P

Haha! But he should know about this earlier so he will not be regretted about the next poll result. The earlier he knows the better! I'm supporting Falor because he is Raven child, but just looking at Emrin, her story just melts me, and he just has another competitor. 

Don't worry about the score though; basically Emrin just won one point from him, so he still has time to catch up and don’t forget to make Ezran special too. I want all the Reaper children to show what they really are, their strong point and their weakness. Having Ezran genetic as the next heir is good, but you should show off all what these children could do. So, we can make fair judgments ;)
I just can't stand Sim children sometimes. They don't make for good screenshots. Really. They have very limited actions. I can't wait until these kids are all teens!
Maybe Ezran will surprise everyone and sneak up and steal the heirship! Who knows, really?
I plan to have the next few chapters be focused on the children after this... but since I'm now settling in I need to remember the routine I had everyone in... It's a full house now! ;)

I love all of the children's names! They're all so unique. Ezran is adorable, Emrin is gorgeous, and Falor! I can't wait to see him all grown up. I'm sure he'll be fun to play and read about, heir or not.

I really can't rate the three of them though. I'd be happy with any of them getting heir, though I can't say I know Ezran very well yet since he was just born. I think I died of laughter when I noticed, in third picture of Aurora giving birth, of the dog sleeping on the couch XD He was knocked out completely. I've been considering getting Pets but haven't made the decisions.
I really love these names. I've been keeping a list of names stocked up that are along the "darker" side of names. They're very unique and it gives me a sense of uniqueness to my sims.  Ezran is such a cutie, he reminds me a lot of Falor as a toddler. I feel so awful about Emrin because she just wasn't a very cute toddler... I mean, toddlers all have a degree of cuteness, but she was just on the lower end. She's growing up beautifully though! Oh you should've seen Bear beforehand! He was playing with toys at Aurora's feet while she gave birth. That felt weird to me so I sent him to sleep on the couch! :D

Anyways, this next update will be a little scattered just because I'm getting myself situated and I wanted to grab something important that I'll put a note at the bottom of this update to explain what that was.

Spooky Day was approaching and I sent Gigi down to work with Ezran on learning to talk.

Ezran does very cute things with his little hands as he learns to talk.

It's almost like a little baby fist-pump.

Though of course I must say, toddler cuteness never ends with these Reaper children!

Gigi spent an endearing 4 hours attempting to potty train young Ezran, but ended up giving up until Raven came along and finished the job in one swoop.
"Yes! The last one is finally potty trained! No more diapers! Ever!"

On the other side of town Emrin was attempting to visit Luigi to see if she could reconcile anything with him.

The sad fact of it was, it started snowing. She rang the doorbell three times knowing someone was home, as the music was turned up, only to have her father come out the door, walk right past her and start talking to the woman standing on his yard.

He then turned and walked back inside, right past his own daughter without a single bit of acknowledgement to the freezing child on his porch.

Emrin waited outside another fifteen minutes before returning home on her bike.

When she came in cold and upset everyone rushed to tend to her, except for Falor.

Falor was a very peculiar child as it was. He sat up in his room and played with his doll named Demi. He knew his family cared for him, but oftentimes it was only superficial.
A lot of times, their focus was on Emrin or Ezran as the family wanted to make sure Emrin felt more included. Falor understood that his sibling-like cousin had issues with her emotions but most of the time he felt she was just being dramatic.
So her biological father doesn't speak to her? So what? She has Gigi and he's a great dad to her, he spoils her and gives her anything she asks for so long as she bats her eyelashes and says "please daddy!" To him, hearing her call him 'dad' made his heart melt.
Falor wasn't so lucky. His mother was often times a little straight with him since she learned of his intelligence. Raven does what she can to raise her child, but Falor understands it's not easy for one person to do everything, and he loves his mother more for her trying to understand him better. Even if she can't. Khang though? Falor hasn't really had much time spent with his father, as Khang was often so attached to his work in Athletics or stuck to his exercise equipment to notice his brilliant but anti-athletic son.
Falor wasn't bitter with Emrin, nor did he see her as an adversary. He was sometimes ashamed of her genuine ignorance of her situation but he still cared for her regardless.
Falor, I know you do feel alone sometimes.
"You don't know anything about how I feel." He responded back flatly. "I'm not feeling alone. I don't need someone to hold my hand like Emrin. Would it be nice to have someone to talk to who wouldn't look at me with a blank stare? Definitely. Does that mean I'm feeling 'lonely'? Not at all." He paused. "Besides. I'll always have Demi."

Do you suppose you could help Emrin? Maybe if you patronized her biological father enough you could help give her some closure?
Falor sighed. "She has a great dad in Giacomo. Why in the world does she need another person's approval? My father doesn't approve of me necessarily, you don't see me crying here in my corner." He paused again, holding Demi up to his ear. "Demi agrees. Besides, she'd be stronger without Luigi's crap."
You and Demi are close?
"I suppose you could say it that way. She's a very good listener, sometimes I wish she were real just so I could have someone to talk to who won't just act like I'm coming up with childish fantasies."
What if I could have that arranged?
"Then I wouldn't need anything else in the world."
Are you sure this is what you want?
"It's the only thing I want."
Alright then, please put her down for a moment.
Falor tenderly put Demi to the floor while I initiated a few things.

"She's halfway there." Falor said quietly.
If you look downstairs in your father's chest, there's something there for you. An orange potion.

"Are you sure this will work?" Falor asked nervously.
I'm 100% sure of it.

Falor watched in amazement. The beautiful science and pure unharnessed power made him grin with an evil smile as he breathed it in, but in the end it wasn't what he expected at all.

Because in the end there was someone staring back at him.

Who took his breath away.

She had bright eyes and a smile that melted the ice away from Falor's heart. She was good and kind and sweet. She was everything that Falor wasn't and Falor was drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

Falor was officially sucked in and things would never be the same again.

So I got my internet working on Sunday and it's taken me all of 2 days to finally piece together this update because of how often I would have to quit without saving. I was very, very determined to make Demi real. I always have been from the start, but if anyone follows the Generations section on the forum will noticed I've been pleading for something - anything - to make my broken imaginary friend work. I finally found that Debug Enabler from Nraas can force an imaginary friend to come to life (with several script errors, as overwatch and errortrap alerted me several times) and I was able to give her the potion finally. Demi will be a big character, but she is not eligible for heir. I tweaked her face to make her slightly more unique (guilty as charged) because she had the EA face I complained about earlier. I did so as she was a child so it will be interesting to see how her facial features change as she gets older.
I did send Emrin to see her father and he really did blatantly ignore her for 3 hours as it snowed and she waited outside of his house in her everyday wear. It made me sad to see, so I had to include it in the story. Anyways, asides from that thank you to everyone for bearing with me as I have successfully made my move! :) Now to get everything else in my life in order! 

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Demi
« Reply #148 on: November 26, 2013, 10:00:33 PM »
I love Imaginary Friends brought to life. I continue to debate if I'll ever use the potion (I have one, it's just sitting in a chest) but now I know that the ones males have become girls. So for that I thank you.

This chapter only made me admire Falor more. He's definitely working his way into my heart as my favorite of the Reaper children. Falor and Demi aren't related biologically, correct? I'm seeing Imaginary Friend babies in the future.
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Demi
« Reply #149 on: November 27, 2013, 11:31:36 AM »
I love Imaginary Friends brought to life. I continue to debate if I'll ever use the potion (I have one, it's just sitting in a chest) but now I know that the ones males have become girls. So for that I thank you.

This chapter only made me admire Falor more. He's definitely working his way into my heart as my favorite of the Reaper children. Falor and Demi aren't related biologically, correct? I'm seeing Imaginary Friend babies in the future.

The best way to determine gender is "Rename" them when your child is a toddler. The option will be there to switch from a boy's name to a girl's name and after they age up to children it locks in, because it could go either way if you don't adjust it.

Falor and Demi are not related at all, Demi gained the last name Reaper but she's not related to a single person in the household. I love their unique colorings, but they always have the same EA face so if I do this again in the future I will be tweaking their face differently every time.

