No, no, Anne! Don't invite the folks for dinner! Get Daisy and load up on rock salt and cast iron! That Malice is up to no good! (Even if he does look kinda awesome )
Oh typical Anne. She always has to make amends to everyone - even those best left to rot.
I love the suggestion, I'll make it to her. Hopefully she'll take it seriously.
Her and Daisy crack me up.
Malice looks amazing, I'm very pleased with how he came out. The fact that he creeps ME out is a good sign that I did something right. XD
What you see as slow and dull world building, I can assure you, the rest of us see as an excuse for MOAR! There is no such thing as a filler chapter in this story, everything is interesting and takes us that little bit deeper into the mythos. Rawr Malice is HAWT!
Thank you so, so much!
I greatly appreciate the sentiment! I can't express enough how relieved I am that it's still enjoyable to read!
Hopefully this will give everyone a sense for how exciting I PLAN for things to get - if I consider this part the "boring, mundane" part.
Either that or I have a warped sense of what's interesting XD which could also be true.
I'm very glad people enjoy the more informative content though. I try to make sure I'm only including what will be important and referenced again later in the story. I'm grateful that Anne is so unfamiliar with the Gods because it gives me the chance to really make sure I'm laying foundation for the coming chapters/generations. This story, now that Majnun's blood is mixed in, will be taking a dive into the divine. I'm so excited for it, and I hope I can do it justice.
I agree with Magpie2012.
While reading this chapter, I didn't feel like things were moving too slowly at all, not even one tiny bit.
Although Anne looks lovely in every shot, my favorite shot for some reason is Majnun in the kitchen with his floating book and teacup.
He has really become a gorgeous sim, both inside and out, as well as narratively fascinating.
Malice is beautiful! I became completely distracted at the name of his partner in crime "Nyx," as I imagined everyone's favorite PI doing stake-outs around the magical house with his little bush.
See? That thought is totally distracting! And quite giggleworthy.
It's always such a surprise and delight still to see Majnun's softer side with Anne.
You guys are both too awesome to me. XD
Thank you so much though, Oshizu. That really does mean a lot.
Funny, that was my favorite shot of Majnun as well! I really love how casual, yet magical he looks. He's really been giving me A+ screenshot material lately. It's a nice change. Majnun has grown on me more than words can even say. I can't even tell you how heartbreaking it will be when this story ends. I think I'm going to fall apart for a while after (takes deep breath and calms self). Thankfully we're a LONG way off with how detailed and windy I've been with my chapters.
I love how everyone is so fond of Malice! I find him scarily attractive, but at the same point I'm not that fond of him. Perhaps it's because I know the full extent of his personality and life. Let's just say he makes Majnun looks like a saint, and I've already established Majnun as more of the morally gray-darker character. As for Nyx? Hahahaha! I was laughing too hard.
Felix is clearly a great help to him, all those walls he stares at during stakeouts... Clearly gathering information for Malice!
Nix and Nyx are so similar! It wasn't intentional though! Now I'm going to picture Felix's crazy face he makes whenever I see Malice. That helps make him less scary! XD
Majnun's softer side is fantastic. Sometimes I worry it's showing too much, but it's how his character wants to be written. Anne is his best side. They're adorable together I swear. In game and in story.
Here's random picture dump for anyone who's curious. I love these two.
They played Rock, paper, scissors when I had my back turned. Majnun lost. Likely purposefully.
Sometimes I just watch them and let them go crazy. Well, crazi-er.
This was too adorable, when playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Anne tried scaring Majnun.
Not so tough now, Mr. God of Magic?
Then they watched the stars together. Majnun always rolls wishes for Anne... and for seeing the demise of everyone else in the world.
He literally popped a wish to kiss Anne, and followed up with a wish to steal candy from a baby. That's my Majnun.
Then I decided to test out a new pose. =) <3
Random picture dump on other characters:
Quinn takes flasks of bees like a champ. If anyone wonders why he's Majnun's priest... here's why:
Sheogorath is definitely his father's son.
Mania is an amazing mother (though
I'm not surprised about that one).
Raeveth hasn't had a faceshot yet, but she's super adorable too.
Oh, and I grabbed these after the wedding, mostly because the veil was getting wonky, so I took it off for some screenshots for me.
Anyways, that's pretty much the extent of my picture dump. I have some funny ones of Agonin, but I don't think you've met him in this story yet.
My mind is slipping. He's been around in my games for ages now, I just think this story hasn't gotten any picture-love of him. He's pretty much as rigid as Majnun says he is.
Minus his love of explosions.I also have some prep shots for another story that's in the works (Quinn's), but I'm not sure anyone really wants to see those. XD =) That story is pretty much a project I'm doing for me because of my absolute love of him and his story.
As well as I've** finally gone through and created all of the gods. There are 18 total, 15 if you don't count the Sisters of Time, and 14 during the time of Majnun and Anne. All of them have personalities and stories of their own and... now you see what Mpart and I are working on ALL of the time! XD Oh it's so much fun though. I can't even describe how much fun it is.
You all will be meeting them relatively soon, depending on how quickly these next few chapters move. =)
Have a fantastic Saturday (assuming it's still Saturday for everyone) everyone! I'm working on another chapter as we speak. I love this story so much. <3
**I've meaning mpart and I. XD So that should be we've.