Author Topic: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 73: Skyfall (COMPLETE!)  (Read 60643 times)

Offline Cainus

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Is Hyde insane or grumpy? That makes them turn down proposals - and also the full moon moodlet affects it, I think. But you're moving so fast! I just caught up on the last few updates and think I need to go reread now :P

Oh and if you want to double check if a pregnancy took, click on a birthday cake - even if the chimes didnt sound, if mom is pregnant, she won't show up in the list. Fastest EPT ever !

Ah, thanks for the birthday cake tip. I thought 3 'try for baby' actions in a row would do it, but you never know.

Heh and no worries about having to catch up. My idea was the faster I could get through it, then it would allow people to read through the whole story easily without having to wait for updates. Plus the whole 'short' thing lends itself to fast updating.

And Hyde is indeed very insane.

Goodbye, Spider. Welcome Mary. Wait, so she is another child from adoption?
Happy birthday to everyone! So quick!

Oh, I notice that Hyde wore the same clothes like that man before ^^
Yay! The clothes are return!

I told you the clothes would return  ;). Mary is indeed another adopted child. Everything does go quick. If you think about it we're at generation 4, almost 5, in only 3 pages. Kind of crazy.

Oh, I have to turn off the moon cycles when it turns my sims into lunatics. I hope Apple got back at Hyde for that slap! Welcome, Mary and RIP, Spider x.x

I was reaaaalllyyy thinking about turning the moon cycle off but I started with it on, so I decided to keep it. Doesn't always make things easy, though. And I think that Apple would have got him back but her sister loves him to death,  so she prefers letting Mary annoy him instead.


Ch 24- Ain’t No Party Like a Jack Family Party*

* Note: Other parties may meet or exceed the level of Jack family parties. I am sure that Grim, Elysi, and Time Lord parties may, in fact, be better.

Hyde wants to learn alchemy and I watch and wonder if I should really be letting him near dangerous and powerful substances.

Skully goes into labor (at her desk of course) and a few moments later we have a boy! A single boy…hmm. Well maybe the kids music didn’t help because it’s Skully’s favorite channel and she listens to it all the time anyway. Ah well. Welcome to the family, Spooky Jack!

Hyde: “Shhh little one, don‘t worry, I‘ll keep you safe from the Watcher.”


Skully and Hyde roll a wish to have another child at the exact same time, and I rush them up the steps, but alas, time has run out.

Skully has gone grey. Perhaps they can adopt another little one, but for now Clara has progressed in her job enough to where we need campaign donations and I don’t have the time to send her around asking, so it’s time for a party.

If you’re wondering, yes, Clara’s LTW is Leader of the Free World. I know, Clara ‘Luna Lovegood’ Jack as the President. The thought scares me, too.

Mary ages up to young adult and gains the evil trait as our guests arrive . I knew there was something up with this girl.

Of course it wouldn’t be a party without someone dying.

Or having Hyde freak out and everyone booing him.

All in all, a fairly eventful night in which we raised about $45k for Clara’s campaign. Not bad.

Me: “You’re starting to like this family, aren’t you?”

Grim: “I favor no one. Ooo I got a bear!”

Me: “Okay the little giddy dance you did was kind of cute. We can call truce as long as you leave Skully alone long enough for her to master writing.”

Grim: “No promises.”

Grandma cares for Spooky and puts him to bed. And then immediately wishes for five more grandchildren.

Offline Cainus

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Ch 25- Hyde Starts Throwing Things

Apple has her elder birthday alone on a hill because she just got off work. She’s only been arrested once so far, which I think is a pretty good track record for a clumsy sim.

I send Mary to the elixir shop and then find this. I think I’m going to have to change her hair to something a bit more ‘evil queen’. The dress can definitely stay. She picked it herself and I think it suits her and the theme just fine.

Mary also achieves her LTW of Living in the Lap of Luxury five minutes later thanks to some gems she picked up.

Hyde: “Hey sis, I see you’re home.”

Mary: “We’re not even really related. What do you want, peach fuzz?”

Hyde: “Catch!”

Mary: “Augh! You…person I suddenly like a lot more.”

And then Hyde immediately ruins the friendship by speaking madness.

Hyde: “I didn’t ‘ruin’ anything.”

Then why did you wish to be friends with her again?

Hyde: “She’s my sister! Well, adopted half-sister, but it still counts. I just want her to like me for me.”

Clara: “Hyde, who are you talking to, dear?”

Hyde: “You know you make it sound like you’re trying to do what we want, but it’s always about what you want, isn’t it? I know your game, Watcher!”

*Sigh* I kind of hate it when insane sims can start breaking the fourth wall.

Hyde: “I heard that!”

…yeah I know. And it’s time for your birthday.

Eh, not bad, but I think we’ll go back to the other haircut for consistency’s sake.

Hyde: “See? Always about what you want.”

Shush. Go set your kid down, it’s toddler time.

I think we do indeed have a ginger baby!

Clara wants to get Spooky’s toddler skills started right away, but it’s time for bed.

The next morning Mary goes to collect the mail and pay the bills which add up to…$666.
That girl is seriously starting to concern me.

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Offline Eldridge

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Seeing so many death in your story. I started to hate Grim Reaper too. My Sim that just one day left to complete her LTW just taken away. Her life was short and yet... Looking at the tombstone that supposed to be... just... *sigh*
Hyde looks funny! I love the screenshot! I can't wait to see Spooky grow up!

It's always interesting anyway to see character breaking the fourth wall and speaks with their Watcher ::)
Hyde looks good, his hair when he had a birthday didn't suit him but what make him more awesome is that clothes *eyes sparkles*
What a coincidence to have $666 as bill amount. Just looking forward to see Spooky children days :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Nettlejuice

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I think Spooky wants to pull his dad's hair in the crib, it's so cute. That dress really suits Mary, the coincidences are scary though.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline rarespawn

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I enjoy your writing style, it's fun to read!

Where is that claw machine from?  I need to get one so death with hang out more.  He usually just does his business and then leaves.  Occasionally he'll decide to have a pillow fight with someone, but usually he is all business.

Offline Cainus

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Seeing so many death in your story. I started to hate Grim Reaper too. My Sim that just one day left to complete her LTW just taken away. Her life was short and yet... Looking at the tombstone that supposed to be... just... *sigh*
Hyde looks funny! I love the screenshot! I can't wait to see Spooky grow up!

There is so much death that I've become pretty insensitive to it. It's kind of terrible and I think one of the reasons why Hyde doesn't trust me as a Watcher.

I think Spooky wants to pull his dad's hair in the crib, it's so cute. That dress really suits Mary, the coincidences are scary though.

Spooky was an adorable baby  :). And luckily Mary is more of the annoying evil than the take over the world kind of evil, but she still has me worried sometimes.

I enjoy your writing style, it's fun to read!

Where is that claw machine from?  I need to get one so death with hang out more.  He usually just does his business and then leaves.  Occasionally he'll decide to have a pillow fight with someone, but usually he is all business.

Thank you! The claw machine is from Supernatural and I highly recommend it, as it's paid for itself many times over. Death has a tendency to hang out at my house. Maybe he just feels at home, but you could probably lure him in with the claw.


Ch 26- In Which I am Lazy About Hair

It’s toddler training time again and dad takes over, being the only family oriented sim in the house.

The girls work on some skills and come in to help clean or order pizza. I remind myself that I need to change Skully’s hair back and get her clothes in order.

Spooky learns all of his skills after one very full day and goes to play with the xylophone while-

*Sigh* Is it that time again already?

The full moon actually passes by without incident, death, or slappings, perhaps because I put Hyde back to work on alchemy and he chugged a few elixirs.

Mary, I seriously cannot leave you alone in an elixir shop for more than 3 seconds, can I?

Clara is still with us and I really don’t mind because she’s not taking up room, she doesn’t cause trouble, and she makes some cute faces.

Yeah, I know Hyde, I still have to fix her hair. Sorry about that.

Hyde should be working on alchemy and I don’t know what skill Spooky is going to work on yet, but I let them play together for a while because it is seriously adorable.

Okay, you two are killing me. Hyde, go research alchemy before I spend all day watching this.

Clara passes on that night, Spooky ages up to child and I giggle at Death because he gets stuck on the roof.

Sorry Spooky. It’s just something you’re going to have to get used to around here. Happy birthday, though!

Offline Cainus

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Ch 27- A Truce is Called

Will watching Hyde throw elixirs at people ever get old for me? Probably not.

Now that our last neurotic sim is gone Bonehilda can actually come out at all hours, which proves useful as the only sim with the repair skill is Hyde, and he’s busy elixir-making. I could have Mary pick it up but she’s usually busy running around to various stores, collecting things, and keeping her part-time job.

I think Hyde is trying to tell me something but for the life of me I can’t seem to understand it.

Awww now they’re playing tag! I don’t know why I find these two so adorable. I just do. But now that Spooky isn’t stressed you guys need to get inside and work on skills.

Is Mary….voluntarily being kind to another sim? Wow. That’s a first. Maybe she has a soft spot for her little nephew.

Skully masters writing, earns her LTW of Professional Author and celebrates by reading a book. Get out of your writing room you goof and go spend some time with your family. They don’t get to see much of you.

Hyde: “Congrats, honey!”

Skully: “Augh! Oh. Thank you dear.”

Hyde: “And hey, Apple, congrats on that promotion!”

Apple: “Would you stop that?!”

It is indeed a happy time…but remember that off-hand remark I made to Death at the claw machine? The one where I said we could call a truce if he waited to collect Skully until she mastered writing?

It turns out that he took me seriously and he comes to collect Skully not more than 2 hours after she completes everything.

And look who’s getting teen sparkles. How many times has this happened now? Ah well. At least Death didn’t clap and blow a noisemaker this time.

Me: “Hey. You.”

Grim: “Yeah?”

Me: “Truce is on, but it’s limited. I still have five more generations to go, you know.”

Grim: “I had a feeling that would be the case.”

Me: “But I still appreciate it. And I’m sorry for laughing when you got stuck on the roof.”

Here’s teen Spooky. I might just let him keep the hair, and the kind of gold/orange eyes I’m fairly certain come from grandma Clara.

Skully was kind enough to leave our second medium headstone. I feel like I didn’t get much of a chance to learn about Skully’s personality as she was always stuck in her writing room (she was a loner so I had her off by herself), but I think she had a pretty happy life. It’s good to see that reflected a bit.

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Offline LivvieLove

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  • "Sh! Be quiet! The nutters are out to get me."
Oh no! Well at least Grim let you have Skully for just long enough to get her to a medium-sized headstone! I'm sure her life was filled with happiness at her alone time.
You're half way there! Woohoo! You can do it!

Offline Eldridge

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Aaaah! Katy Perry again! She is back! XD XD
Mary is actually scary with that outfit! I think Hyde is my favorite in this generation. I love him and his clothes :P Happy birthday, Spooky :)

Scary Mary with Spooky, they were a good match. Just looking at their name. Congratulations Skully for completing---! Ah, nooo! Grim is here again! At least that she had a medium tombstone. Bye, Skully :(
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Aw, Skully =[ I'm pleased she fulfilled her LTW and left a worthy gravestone.  Spooky got even cuter!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline rarespawn

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The Katy Perry watching from on high screenshots crack me up too :)  It kind of reminds me of when people have pictures of religious figures around their house.

Offline Cainus

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Oh no! Well at least Grim let you have Skully for just long enough to get her to a medium-sized headstone! I'm sure her life was filled with happiness at her alone time.
You're half way there! Woohoo! You can do it!

As always, thanks for your support! And Grim has been nice to me lately. It's a bit suspicious.

Aaaah! Katy Perry again! She is back! XD XD
Mary is actually scary with that outfit! I think Hyde is my favorite in this generation. I love him and his clothes :P Happy birthday, Spooky :)

Scary Mary with Spooky, they were a good match. Just looking at their name. Congratulations Skully for completing---! Ah, nooo! Grim is here again! At least that she had a medium tombstone. Bye, Skully :(

Mary loves randomly changing into her formal attire and looking like a red queen. I'm rather fond of Hyde as well, though he can be a major pain. He definitely has his own personality.

Aw, Skully =[ I'm pleased she fulfilled her LTW and left a worthy gravestone.  Spooky got even cuter!

He stays cute for like....ever. Just different variations of cuteness.

The Katy Perry watching from on high screenshots crack me up too :)  It kind of reminds me of when people have pictures of religious figures around their house.

Ah dear Katy. She kind of reminds me of a house god, like the Romans or Greeks used to have? Or maybe the sims don't know who she is and just think it's some kind of weird Watcher religion.


Ch 28- Mine is an Evil Laugh

Apple follows her twin the next day as Spooky was learning painting beside her.

Mary takes this news…um…well. And then goes to console Spooky. She does indeed have a favorite.

Hyde also cheers up his son in his own way. It’s amazing what a bliss potion will do for you.

Mary has her adult birthday and I almost want to have her adopt a kid because the house feels so empty with only 3 people in it, but I figure it can wait until she’s older and we’ll be adding people soon enough anyway. No need to rush things even faster than they already go.

We also have another burglar but Bonehilda awakens and doesn’t even let her get in the front door. Score one for the undead maid.

Hyde has his elder birthday in his swim trunks.

It’s a full moon that night and I decide it’s time for a little experiment/fun. Hey Hyde?

Hyde: “Yeah? What do you want?”

You know that elixir that I never let you make? Could you make it? I want to see something.

Hyde: “I suppose. You’re not going to make me drink it, are you?”

Nah. But we are going to throw it at someone.

Get inside, Hyde! Get inside!

Zombie vs. angry bees- bees win.

Oh man this is great. That’s for standing on the front porch and annoying me all night!

Hyde: “I could have just made a cure or something.”

Yeah but you need red valarian for that and it’s hard to come by when you’re not gardening. Besides, this is way more fun.

Hyde: “And you wonder why I don’t trust you.”

Offline Cainus

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Ch 29- Spouse Patrol

It’s nearly time to find that special someone for Spooky.

Spooky looks for friends at school while Mary checks Varg’s tavern after each of her elixir store stops. We’ve met a few potentials, so I’m not too terribly worried about bringing in the next generation.

I’ve decided to go ahead and try to max painting with Spooky, as his traits still don’t point to anything. Thanks to his dad continually throwing glass bottles of helpful things at him, it’s progressing quickly.

Young adult birthday! And no, his traits still don’t point to anything (altogether he has friendly, good, clumsy, never nude, and over-emotional). The LTW list is all various careers and nothing on the choices that come up use painting except for Dynamic DNA Profiler, so we go with that.

Time to find a spouse and get to the dresser for a new wardrobe. I see two ladies on your friends list from high school, so we’ll start with them. First up is one Keri Talbot.

Wow, attraction hearts on the first try! She also shares the friendly trait with Spooky and she’s family oriented. I think we have us a winner.

Hyde, did you really have to turn yourself into a frog right in the middle of me trying to get your son married? *Sigh* We’ll go to the store tomorrow and get you fixed up.

So the ‘dad turning into a frog and aunt laughing maniacally’ thing didn’t scare you away? Great! Welcome to the family Keri. The dresser is upstairs, along with Spooky’s double bed.

When I get her in CAS I notice that Keri has that greenish hair color (I thought she had black), so it’s time for a dye job as well.

No I am not trying to nudge genetics a little. It was the best color for her skin tone. Shhh.

The next morning Hyde mixes himself a cure potion after Mary visits the elixir store for ingredients and ends up earning his mastery in alchemy.

He celebrates by making friends with his daughter-in-law and earns his Alchemy Artisan LTW. And then celebrates that by throwing more elixirs at his son.

Spooky needs to learn logic for his job and Keri keeps him company, so I get to stare at yet more sims playing chess. Joy.

Keri begins to show and while Mary may love her nephew, she doesn’t look too happy about having more little ones around.

Mary: “You’re going to be a grandpa, old man.”

Hyde: “That’s so great! I’ve wanted to hear that ever since they were married.”

Mary: “That was like two days ago. And you get to clean up after the little snot monsters because I am not touching diapers.”

Offline Nettlejuice

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You're lucky to find the right girl for Spooky, she seems happier with the ginger hair ^.~ I loved throwing the angry bees potions at the paps, such fun. RIP, Apple!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Cainus

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You're lucky to find the right girl for Spooky, she seems happier with the ginger hair ^.~ I loved throwing the angry bees potions at the paps, such fun. RIP, Apple!

I think she is! But I am a bit biased.

And hey- how often do you get the chance to use a vial of angry bees?  ;D


Ch 30- The Things We Care About

You can learn a lot about a sim’s personality, I’ve noticed, by what they care about and what they chose to spend their time doing.

Bonehilda, for example, will take time out of her day to track down the neighbor’s dog that passes through your property and teach it to sit. I’m sure the neighbor appreciated it.

Spooky wished to paint a portrait of Keri the first time they talked.

It turned out…umm…red.

And Bonehilda: 2, Burglars: 0. I love that the burglars will wait patiently at the front door for her to come out and kick their butts.

Hyde goes a bit stir crazy, so I have him visit the park to make some new friends. Mary comes too but she gets bored after three minutes and leaves him there.

Spooky masters painting quickly thanks to his father’s alchemical help. I kind of wish I’d had an alchemist earlier but always having one on hand may not be feasible. Spooky still needs to get his logic skill higher but I figure the kid deserves a break and can spend some time with his wife.

Mary ages to elder and looks like she’s taking the loss of her youth and beauty pretty hard.

Mary: “How bad is it? Tell me the truth.”

Me: “It’s ummm….not bad, but we’ll get you back in some red, hun.”

Keri has the Super Popular LTW, which may be a bit rough. I have her go to the park and chat up a few strangers to make connections, though they may not be around when we have time later to really work on Keri’s skills. I have a feeling we’ll be too busy caring for babies to keep on top of other relationships, at least for a little while.

Hyde passes away near the diner while trying to return someone’s upgraded shower.

Bye Hyde! You were kind of a pain, but a lot of fun and I’ll miss you.

Keri goes into labor not long after and I decide we can have a home birth for once.

Poor Keri does not have much support in her time of need, as Spooky is at work and Bonehilda absolutely does not care that the baby is coming. She has beds to make. Mary comes home, freaks out for a minute and then remembers that we have key lime pie and that’s way more important.

Bonehilda decides to care again later when it’s discovered that we have another set of twin girls- Hocus and Pocus. Hocus was of course named first and is the heir.

And wow, we also have twin traits! Both girls get-

Insane and clumsy.


