Author Topic: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 73: Skyfall (COMPLETE!)  (Read 60659 times)

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Part 6- A Zombie Attack and a Wedding
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2013, 03:29:36 PM »
Sit her down in front of that kids TV and pop in some kids music if you really want to try something fun (you'll get more kids that way too!) :D Man, you certainly make me want to try this! Haha I spend HOURS in CAS sometimes, it's pathetic. I love the makeovers you've done though, Cat is gorgeous! I'm expecting some super cute nooboos!

Hehe I've been using the kids music trick, I'm glad the forum taught me that one! I'm a pretty novice simmer and I know there's some things I could definitely improve upon. I also don't have some of the expansions so some options aren't available to me (I'm planning on getting Ambitions later this month though).

All your hard work shows! I have to stop myself from getting too involved, otherwise half of my game time would be making the outfits and house ~perfect~ and I still wouldn't be happy. You should give it a shot! I'm really surprised more people haven't tried this challenge/dynasty/legacy. Or maybe they have and I just haven't heard about it.


Part 7: Decisions

With heir #3 on it’s way, I decide a little renovation is in order thanks to the multitude of gems that Ghostie’s been collecting. I was going to buy more property, but things have been a little cramped lately and I decide an extra bedroom and actually getting a front porch is more important.

Part Sunset Valley, part haunted house. Good enough. One day I’ll actually have enough money to put in better windows too.

With renovations done a thought starts to plague me- what about Ghostie? Should I have her adopt another child to be a helper? Should I marry her to that guy she’s been friends with since high school? Do I even have the space for that?

I hem, I haw, I buy a double bed and then sell it again.

But when Ghostie pops a wish to invite the guy over (his name is Tim and he once babysat Skele) I do what I do best-

Have the world’s shortest amount of dating followed by marriage.

Followed by Ghostie’s adult birthday. It’s an eventful day for her.

Guess who wants to learn the logic skill and become a world famous surgeon? Both these guys. Will it happen? Probably not, especially if Cat keeps randomly hitting on Tim. But hey at least we’ll have plenty of people to tutor the kids.

The expectant parents discuss whose outfit is worse in the light of the full moon. My vote is for Skele’s, just because that’s supposed to be a work outfit.

Ghostie witnesses the random cruelty of death and life without a watcher. That poor girl passed out on the sidewalk and still managed to mourn.

Skeleton: “The baby is coming! Forget about making the bed!”



Listening to kids radio for hours on end while playing chess paid off! Lady and Gentle-watchers, I present Kittie and Kit Jack. Yes, they’re named that because their mom’s nickname is Cat and you see black cats on Halloween so close enough.

Awww he’s such a proud daddy. Sorry Skele but Kittie’s the heir. She was named first. I’ll take good care of your little boy though.


Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Part 7: Decisions
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2013, 03:45:34 PM »
Ghostie is stunning with her new hair. I love the whole Nightmare Before Christmas theme. Welcome Kit and Kittie!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Part 7: Decisions
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2013, 09:17:56 PM »
Aww! Kitty and Kit, I love it! :) This is going so well! I'm excited to see it progress!

Offline Cainus

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Part 7: Decisions
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2013, 09:09:50 PM »
Ghostie is stunning with her new hair. I love the whole Nightmare Before Christmas theme. Welcome Kit and Kittie!

Thank you! I'm glad you caught the reference  ;)

Aww! Kitty and Kit, I love it! This is going so well! I'm excited to see it progress!

Well you won't have to wait too long for updates. I should be able to manage an update a day for the foreseeable future, so I can understand if there's no comments in between each. I really do appreciate all the comments though! I was so nervous about posting anything, but you guys have been so supportive and welcoming. It's really great  ;D

Part 8: Please Stop Having Birthdays or at Least Space Them Out

The one to kick us off was Skele aging up to adult.

Then we had Cat.

Ghostie: “Oooo sparkles! Get ready!”

Cat: “What for?”

Ghostie: “Ahahaha that face never gets old!”

Cat: “Let’s hope. You know what I want for my birthday? A Bonehilda coffin. That way someone else gets to clean up after your slob of a husband.”

Cat: “I changed my miiiiiiiiinnnndddddd!!!!”

Seriously. Popped a wish for it, awakened Bonehilda and then immediately ran screaming away. Twice. I had to sell the coffin just so she’d come back in the house, but really I should have known better with her being a neurotic sim.

Then we had Tim. Ghostie was still excited and Cat tried to look politely interested.

And finally the twins.

Ghostie: “My nooboo.”

Me: “Well you look very serious about that so how about you teach her something?”

At least it’s not about death this time. And you know what’s great about having two family oriented sims around?

The kids actually get taught everything, and in record time. In fact everything goes by so quickly that I apparently forgot to get pictures of them aging up into children. Fear not though, because I do have…

Tim: “Go hon! You fixed the broken toilet!”

Ghostie: “Ugh, NOW? I still have to mop up.”

Yeah, she doesn’t look too happy, but I think Tim’s ecstatic that he’s not ‘the old one’ in the relationship anymore.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Part 8: Please Stop Having Birthdays
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2013, 06:30:48 AM »
Happy birthday, everyone! I love when neurotic sims run from Bonehilda - she always just looks so calm and ignores them xD
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Cainus

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Part 8: Please Stop Having Birthdays
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2013, 08:51:28 PM »
Happy birthday, everyone! I love when neurotic sims run from Bonehilda - she always just looks so calm and ignores them xD

It is pretty hilarious how much Bonehilda doesn't care. She's like "eh, that's their problem. I have dishes to clean."

Chapter 9: I Warned You Bro

Everything’s going well, and no one’s had a birthday in…like…a day. But there’s not much time to get the kids doing well in school. Luckily there is time for a little family get- together. There has to be some calm in this madness.

Tim apparently didn’t get the memo that there’s pizza. Ah well. I guess people do get a bit forgetful in their old age.

There’s even time in the morning for brother and sister to share a meal like they haven’t been able to do since…ever. And Tim’s taken to watching TV when Cat’s not around to play chess with. I try to warn him that a certain entity seems to like that piece of furniture for some odd reason and he IS getting along in days, but apparently that isn’t enough to keep him away from his stories.

Skele ages to elder. At least his hair still looks good.

He also masters athletics and I hope that there’s enough time for him to achieve his LTW of superstar athlete. I’ve been having him complete every job opportunity that comes his way and he’s sitting at 6 currently, with only a few days left in his age bar.

While I’m sweating that, these two don’t seem to be sweating much of anything. Despite being two family-oriented sims, I have only gotten one wish for kids from Ghostie. Being aunt and uncle must be plenty for them.

Kittie wastes no time and tries her hand at painting, possibly because her brother is hogging the rocking horse.

Kit ages up into teen first,  and the family gives some very impressive faces in reaction to his choice of haircut. Ghostie looks on, proud and little sad that he isn’t doing the cross-eyed look. Speaking of eyes, I have to take a closer look at his. They look even lighter blue than his dad’s. He also inherited his father’s red-brown hair, though you can’t really tell.

My little virtuoso ages up as well, gaining the car enthusiast trait. Wait- did she get her grandmother’s purple eyes? I really have to take a closer look at these kids.

Kittie: “Thanks for the birthday present, Watcher.”

You’re welcome, sweet pea. Good to see that xylophone when you were little did its job.

Tim! I told you about staying on that couch for too long! I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but part of me is really wondering whether that thing is cursed or not.

Oh, sorry Ghostie.

Death shows up and leaves pretty quickly. I think things were just a little too awkward for him. Either that or he’s got a busy schedule, which I can definitely see happening with the short lifespan.

Cat: “What are you kids doing?”

Kit: “Uncle Tim just died and we’re stressed from school so Watcher told us to dance.”

Cat: “Oh. Sounds like a great plan.”

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Chapter 9: I Warned You Bro
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2013, 11:47:30 AM »
Oh good! I'm glad I haven't missed too much being out of town! Poor Tim, I barely knew ye! Haha, this story is coming along great! You inspired me to start a short dynasty myself. I don't think I'll post it! I haven't gotten any screenshots! Time really flies though! You're doing amazing with the short lifespan, so kudos!

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Offline Cainus

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Chapter 9: I Warned You Bro
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2013, 05:42:29 PM »
Oh good! I'm glad I haven't missed too much being out of town! Poor Tim, I barely knew ye! Haha, this story is coming along great! You inspired me to start a short dynasty myself. I don't think I'll post it! I haven't gotten any screenshots! Time really flies though! You're doing amazing with the short lifespan, so kudos!

I know. It seems like Tim was around for about 5 minutes, but he did contribute a lot to raising the kids. And I'm so glad I inspired someone else to try this! Don't pull your hair out about anything and remember that if you do poorly with one sim, you may do better next time  ;). I'm sorry that you won't be posting it but I know you have another story you're working on. And thank you!

Ch 10. A New Addition and The Hunt is On

One thing that’s really difficult to manage with the short lifespan is grades. It seems like childhood lasts about .5 seconds and even the teen stage can leave you hanging if they age up just before or during the weekend. Luckily I don’t have to get on honor roll and the worst thing that can happen is a terrible trait.

Even so I try. Oh do I try. I also have them look for friends as much as possible, but it seems like all that is available are females. Lots and lots of pretty good looking females. If Kit was the heir, we’d be set as far as spouses go. But one good thing is that age isn’t really a factor for Kittie in available mates.

I’m still trying to get that mastery of logic for Ghostie. It seems like she’s been hanging at 9.5 for forever. Skele still hates playing with her though, maybe because he’s at about a 4.

I also note that I have a lot of elders hanging around and that Kit and Kittie will most likely pass at the same time. One thing I’ve learned is to have different age groups around just in case someone passes away earlier than expected and with the extra room we got from Tim passing we can welcome a new addition.

Welcome, Spider Jack! I see you have family oriented. That’s great! The slob…not so much.

Yes yes new family, new shiny things. Go find me some shiny rocks. We need to finally buy some property.

I suppose you can celebrate Cat’s elder birthday first. Wait, who’s that with the flower hair? Oh, you came home with Kittie? You’re not bad looking but you’re the wrong gender for what I need, sweetie. No short dynasty for you.

Cat ages up fairly gracefully and she can keep the outfit and the hair. It’s pretty color- coordinated. And I can’t tell if Spider is excited or frightened.

Ghostie continues to be the most entertaining one in the house and Kittie works on her skills without any prompting from me. She’s currently sitting at a 4 in Guitar and 3 in Painting, which I think is the most ahead I’ve been on skills. Let’s hope the luck holds.

As for Kit, he wants to try…

*Sigh*. Fishing. I am NOT doing perfect aquarium again, bucko. We’ll see what your last trait ends up being and go from there.

The slob trait kind of gets on my nerves, but Spider found enough shiny things that we can now buy Crystal Springs and upgrade it a little, so I guess the kid’s okay.

Oh, hi Kitty and decent-looking-YA-to-adult-looking male who seems interested in art and doesn’t mind Kittie’s poor conversational skills. Why don’t you two talk and he can come over after school tomorrow? I’ll have Ghostie make pancakes.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 10. A New Addition and The Hunt is On
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2013, 06:02:29 PM »
A slob who cleans up after himself, Spider's not so bad. Kit is looking good with his new hair, and hope Kittie finds someone soon.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 10. A New Addition and The Hunt is On
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2013, 07:19:28 PM »
You’re right, I was inspired by reading others and thanks to everyone support I can create my own story while playing my first terrifying Dynasty (Well, that was I thought while playing Dynasty for a first time). I’m glad that kinda work out somehow ^^

So, here are your comments!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I liked your way of writing story, it’s so natural and the humors always surprise me well at least can me smile for a moment. Good luck with this craziness and hope that you can finish this challenge :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 10. A New Addition and The Hunt is On
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2013, 07:46:50 PM »
Time is flying so fast, I get use to one character and we've moved onto another generation!   Glad you are sticking with the Short Dynasty!  Also glad someone else is giving it a whirl.  I actually tried it again myself... crazy!


Offline Niana

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 10. A New Addition and The Hunt is On
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2013, 08:10:12 PM »
Do you have university?? Once you can afford it, a couple brain enhancing machines will make things so much easier, I bet!

I love your naming choices, and here's hoping the decent-looking age appropriate friend turns out well for you :)

Offline Cainus

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 10. A New Addition and The Hunt is On
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2013, 04:08:08 PM »
A slob who cleans up after himself, Spider's not so bad. Kit is looking good with his new hair, and hope Kittie finds someone soon.

He only cleans up after himself when I make him, which is all the time because I don't think it's fair that someone else has to do it. Dang slob trait and their puddles and refusal to flush  ::)

You’re right, I was inspired by reading others and thanks to everyone support I can create my own story while playing my first terrifying Dynasty (Well, that was I thought while playing Dynasty for a first time). I’m glad that kinda work out somehow ^^

There's so many great stories and so much inspiration here! It's fantastic, and kind of terrible because I keep getting ideas that I want to try.

It’s always a funny moment when you see that Katy Perry at certain event. It seems that she already part of this family dynasty somehow.

Hehe, you're right, she is! I got it at first because it was cheap and added a huge bonus to the room for better moodlets, but after a while it just had to stay. I kind of think of her as the secondary, not as helpful Watcher.

I liked your way of writing story, it’s so natural and the humors always surprise me well at least can me smile for a moment. Good luck with this craziness and hope that you can finish this challenge :)

Thank you so much! I always worry, as I'm sure most people do, that things won't come across well or it's boring or what I think is funny probably isn't, but I'm glad that I made you smile.

Time is flying so fast, I get use to one character and we've moved onto another generation!   Glad you are sticking with the Short Dynasty!  Also glad someone else is giving it a whirl.  I actually tried it again myself... crazy!

It happens in-game, too. I just get used to someone and get to know their personality and they're gone! I am going to do my best to see this one to the end. I try to think of it like surfing a wave of crazy- you just have to stay on top of it and keep going  :P

Do you have university?? Once you can afford it, a couple brain enhancing machines will make things so much easier, I bet!

I love your naming choices, and here's hoping the decent-looking age appropriate friend turns out well for you :)

Nopers. Right now I have Pets, Supernatural and I just got Ambitions yesterday. For towns I also have Midnight Hollow and Lucky Palms. I've played Ambitions, LN and WA previously on a borrowed computer, but I missed simming and had to get back into it. One day I'll get everything I want, but by that time I'm sure Sims 4 will have it's second expansion  ::)

But all that is one reason why I'd be interested to see someone else tackle this beast- all the different options and ways they could/would handle it!


Sorry for the wall of text everyone, and thank you to everyone who comments or reads! Update is inbound.

Offline Cainus

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch 10. A New Addition and The Hunt is On
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2013, 04:28:42 PM »
Ch.11 Some Disappointment

Pancakes are on hold for the moment. Why?

I can finally change Kit’s terrible teen hair! But first, let’s see how he ends up on his own.

Yeah….no. At least the hair kind of went with your last outfit. To the mirror and dresser with you! Oh wait, your actions are going to cancel because of the other birthdays. I guess we can do that first.

Oh Spider. You look so done with everything already. Good thing Kit has enough enthusiasm for the both of you. And your riding pants/ blue sneaker combo along with the greenish hair is really making me reconsider my stance on ‘letting teens be teens’.

And then there’s Kittie, who ages as gracefully as her mother did. And I guess she did end up with the same light blue eyes as her brother. Ah well, they’re still pretty.

Here’s Kit with some different hair. You can really see the auburn-

Wait a second. With this hair, he’s kind of reminding me of someone….

“Saving people, hunting things.”*

Nah. Totally different nose. Must just be my imagination. Let’s take care of Kittie while we’re at it. I like her rock star clothing but it doesn’t really fit the theme we have going and I’m not about to stop it now.

*P.S.- If you don’t get the reference, it’s okay. I watch a lot of TV.

Much…errr…better. I see things are going pretty well with Marvin. Let’s wrap things up and get-

Oh. He has a partner. He has a WIFE, in fact. That sounds like a lot of work. Get him off my porch and we’ll try again tomorrow. It’s a full moon tonight so why don’t you try playing guitar in the park for the crazies and sort out your feelings a bit?

See? Doesn’t playing make you feel-

Not better not better! And she wasn’t anywhere near the blue couch, so maybe I was jumping the gun a little and that thing isn’t cursed. I’m still keeping an eye on it, though.

Oh man Ghostie, don’t do that. I know we didn’t get your LTW and your son Spider isn’t grown, but we had fun, right? *Sigh* I’m really going to miss you. Now who’ll make dinner and repair things and do high-quality gem cuts? We haven’t trained- er- taught Spider how to do that stuff yet.

Well, one benefit of placing a grave during a full moon is that we get to see some old friends.

Hi Chris! Still looking a bit generic, I see.

Hi Pumpkin! Seeing a smile on your face even after death kind of lifts my spirits a bit. We had a bit of a rough patch at the end, but I’m sure we can work things out. We’ll just do what we can with the time we have.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Jack 'Short' Dynasty- Ch.11 Some Disappointment
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2013, 04:32:52 PM »
Spider really does look like Jared! (Though not as handsome ^_^) Oh no, RIP Ghostie, now she does live up to her name =[
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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