Author Topic: The Slytherin Dynasty - Chapter one: Alohomora  (Read 9063 times)

Offline Emily Redbird

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The Slytherin Dynasty - Chapter one: Alohomora
« on: October 14, 2013, 07:06:21 AM »
Disclaimer: This story is inspired by story elements from Harry Potter. The characters Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff all belong to J. K. Rowling
Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
I am called many things. Lord Slytherin by my servants (and they'd better not forget it, or they'll find themselves unemployed before they can say "quidditch") Professor Salazar by my students, and, by my exceedingly obnoxious "friends", Sal.

You see, with the minimal help of three other Wizards, who seem to share a single brain cell, I have founded the best school of magic in the whole world. A school Godric insisted on naming "Hogwarts", for a reason I cannot fathom. I have tried to ask Helga, but she just blushes and agrees with Godric. Honestly, you would think that woman didn't have any backbone at all. I even asked Rowena, the smartest of my simpleton "friends", but she just replied:

"Honestly, Sal, just roll with it. What does it matter what our school is called?"

'What does it matter?' 'What does it matter?' How can she say that? I, for one, would never name my legacy, my pride and joy, the reason wizards for years to come will know my name, after something so... so... so plebeian! But alas, once again my wit and intellect must bow before the loud majority.

In our esteemed institution, we have chosen to split up the students in four groups and each take care of one group. One of the Gryffindor students thought to call it their "house", a ridiculous notion, as there was no structures separate from the castle, but the other students took to it, and before I could do anything to correct them, everyone used the preposterous term.

My "friends" teach their students to be loud, disrespectful and without any decorum at all. They call it "being yourself". Pff, hippies.

Seeing me teach, one might wonder why I bother at all. I know I do. I hand out detentions to every miscreant, and unfortunately for me, that consists of just about every student in class. The dunderheads I have to teach... One of Helga's students actually thought he could brew in his hat, because he had forgotten his cauldron in his tower. Some of Godrics students amuse themselves with throwing valuable ingredients at each other, completely disregarding the dangers of the explosions that could occur, should any of the ingredients land in the wrong cauldron. Suffice to say, teaching is not something I enjoy.
At least my own students know not to pull such tricks on me. They are the only ones I can trust to behave with at least the smallest measure of decorum.

So after a long day of putting up with disrespectful imbeciles, I spend my evenings in my office, reading books and scrolls of magical theory in front of the crackling fire. These evenings is what keeps me from hexing every last one of those dunderheads they call 'students'.

But the worst students, the ones I despise teaching, are the Mudbloods. They come to the Magical World, having no idea about anything, polluting the bloodlines of old Magical Families. And I'm not afraid of letting them know that they're not welcome here at Hogwarts School. Unfortunately, the others do not share my sentiment.

One day, when I was busy scrying the perimeter of the wards to make sure no intruders were entering the castle, I was rudely interrupted by none other than the illustrious Godric Gryffindor.

"What did you do?" he demanded angrily. I kept my eyes on the crystal ball, taking in the landscape past the greenhouses. Was that an-  No, it was just a fox. Hmm, I wonder if we can-

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, you slimy little-"
"You do know it is rude to interrupt, don't you? Now, just go on with your business, and I'll go on with mine," I said firmly, trying to brush him off. Godric, unfortunately, was nothing if not determined.

"Don't you dare try to slither around it, Slytherin! Now, you can either tell me right now what you did to poor Anna Appleby or be intimately acquainted to my fist!" he growled, getting uncomfortably close.
"Didn't your mother teach you that it is rude to point?" I snapped back. "And I see no reason for you to interfere with my discipline of my students. Rest assured, her punishment was well deserved."
"'Well derserved'?" Godric echoed angrily. "She was bleeding, Sal! Bleeding! It took Helga an entire hour to patch her back up, and you know how good Helga is at healing magic. I'm telling you now, Sal, this needs to stop. I won't have you mistreating my students without at least an explanation. So talk!"

"Fine, you want to know why? That disgusting little mudblood barged into my office two hours after curfew, tripped over my "Most Potente Potions" book, into my desk, made a jar of rat spleens crash to the floor, and had the nerve not to answer when I asked her what in Merlin's name she thought she was doing. I am a patient man, but even I have my limits. After several minutes of defiant silence, she threw a ball of parchment at my face! That was when I decided to take a more... let's say... hands on approach. That imbecile should not have been allowed at school in the first place, and had I had the authority, I would gladly have expelled her. Such people are not welcome at Hogwarts."

"You idiot, I was the one who sent her for you with a note for you. It's not her fault you terrified her into silence. And when will you get it into your thick head? Muggleborns are a part of this school, like it or not! And if you're angry at their presence, fine, go ahead, be angry, but don't take it out on my students! You're nothing but a coward, afraid to pick on someone of your own size!"

"Nobody calls me a coward, Gryffindor. Nobody."

"You slapped me! You son of a werewolf..."

Loathe as I am to admit it, Gryffindor packed a good punch. I can still feel the bruises.

While we brawled (ugh, such a peasanty word), something passed between Helga and Rowena. I silent agreement, a silent decision. And looking back, that should have been my first clue that something was wrong.

No need to tell you who won the fight. I had the strangest feeling Helga and Rowena was on Godric's side... And I knew I had to think of something. And fast.

Seething with humiliation, I went back to my study to lick my wounds and plan my revenge. Oh, yes, vengeance would be sweet...

I plunged through my books on Dark Magic and Potions that night. Searched for a potion, a spell, a ritual anything that would help me pull one over them. I found a curse that would make them age faster, halfing the time they had to live. Unfortunately, that curse required unicorn's blood, and even I would never slay something so pure. So that idea had to be binned. I also found a ritual that would not allow them to have children, effectively wiping out their entire lines. But that spell only worked if the caster was older than all the victims, and Helga was a good ten years older than me. That wouldn't work either.

I didn't sleep at all the next several nights. I kept myself awake with Pepper-up potions and worked 'till the early morning hours. Every day was tense, my so called friends watching me with suspicious eyes, the students whispering in the halls as I passed them. But I didn't react. I didn't even give out any detentions, something that worried my students tremendously. I believe they think me an imposter. I filled with a fire that would not go out. A fire that energised me, a fire that made me feel invincible. It was the certainity that someday, somehow, I would have my revenge.

On the third night, I found something I thought I could use. It was a ritual that required eight generations of the same line to cast, each one of them an expert in a certain area. It would allow me to summon the victims from anywhere, even beyond the grave, to do my bidding, similar to a mind control curse. The idea had merit. But it was a tad too drastic for what I had in mind. And it sounded like an awful lot of work. Either way, I researched it, wrote notes and cross referenced everything I would need. Just in case.

And it turned out I needed it.

That fateful morning, I walked out of my office to be met with three wands trained at my chest. I looked up to see three pairs of hard eyes looking intently at me. My eyes darted from one wand to the other, trying to determine the best course of action. I was rather proficient with a wand myself, but facing three opponents at once might prove to be difficult.

"Salazar Slytherin, you have proven yourself to be a danger to the school. You will be removed shortly. Surrender your wand and follow us," Rowena Ravenclaw seriously in that official tone of voice that means you had better watch out. I licked my dry lips. My sharp eyes caught a slight weakness in their line and dashed for freedom. I didn't get far before I heard a shout of "Expelliarmus!". My wand clattered to the floor. I turned to face my coworkers, now truly afraid for the first time. I was virtually defenceless against three angry, wand wielding individuals.

"Sal," Helga said with a mournful look in her eyes. "I'm sorry it had to come to this. But I can't risk my students' safety. And I hope you understand that." I did not, in any way, shape or form, feel touched by Helga's goodbye. Not the slightest.

"Ferte in noctem animam team," they began to chant. "Illustrent stellae viam team. Aspectu illo glorior."
I could feel a magical wind building in the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked in an attempt to sway them.
"Dum capit nox diem cantate vitae canticum, sine dolore actae," they continued, ignoring my words.

I covered my face to minimize the damage of whatever spell they were casting.
"dicite eis, quos amabas, te numquam."

The magic in the room began to pulse.

"Obliturum," they finished. And just like that, the most feared wizard of our age, was gone.

W/N: Thank you to anyone reading this :)
I struggle to keep my story from becoming too long winded. I hope I succeeded somewhat. Stay tuned for more dastardly plans from Salazar Slytherin - greatest of Hogwarts four.
"There is always someone who doesn't agree. That's what keeps the machinery going." Fryndse from "Min hund Grog" (My dog Grog) by Storm P.

The Slytherin Immortal Dynasty

Offline rodeo199

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 09:14:57 AM »
This is really good! It's awesome! I really like how you tied the plot in with the whole 8 generations need to do certain tasks. Bookmarked! :D

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2013, 09:41:49 AM »
I loveee it!!! Such an amazing intro! I'm not usually a Slytherin fan but, go Salazar!
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Offline Emily Redbird

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2013, 10:18:19 AM »
This is really good! It's awesome! I really like how you tied the plot in with the whole 8 generations need to do certain tasks. Bookmarked! :D
Thank you very much! I decided, if anyone is ambitious (and mad) enough to take on such a challenge, it would be Slytherin. And I figured the most probable reason to do it would be revenge.
I hope it wasn't too confusing with all the names flying around :)
I loveee it!!! Such an amazing intro! I'm not usually a Slytherin fan but, go Salazar!
Thank you so much! I had a blast with Salazar's character, making him as self important as possible, relying mostly on his "snob" and "proper" traits. And feel just about the same way; The Salazar Slytherin I admire is far from the Salazar Slytherin in this story. But I decided it would be great fun to see this Salazar grow soft over the course of 8 generations. Good story material, you know.

As soon as I find the courage to start the Dynasty file, I'll be uploading more of Salazar's immoral immortal dynasty.

"There is always someone who doesn't agree. That's what keeps the machinery going." Fryndse from "Min hund Grog" (My dog Grog) by Storm P.

The Slytherin Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2013, 07:06:57 PM »
This sounds really interesting! I'm looking forward to seeing Salazar doing an immortal dynasty. I'm a fan of Harry Potter, so I will definitely be following your story. :)
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Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2013, 11:18:38 AM »
I saw "Slytherin" and screamed.

Finally, a Harry Potter themed dynasty!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2013, 11:27:30 AM »
Fantastic beginning, I'm loving Salazar ^_^
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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2013, 07:01:54 PM »
As Harry Potter fans, I usually more into Gryffindor :P
But, that was interesting prologue. I just can't wait to see more of Sal! Bookmarked!

Good luck with your dynasty attempt! :D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2013, 07:30:54 PM »
I'm a die-hard Ravenclaw fan, but this looks fun.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Offline Emily Redbird

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The Slytherin Dynasty - Chapter one: Alohomora
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2013, 07:47:45 AM »
This sounds really interesting! I'm looking forward to seeing Salazar doing an immortal dynasty. I'm a fan of Harry Potter, so I will definitely be following your story. :)
Thank you very much! I thought it was a little strange no one had thought of this before, and I'm glad to hear you will be reading it :) It really is a great incentive.
I saw "Slytherin" and screamed.

Finally, a Harry Potter themed dynasty!
*chuckles* I hope you didn't wake up the whole house :) I imagine I would have had the same reaction. Hope to see you for the next chapter.
Fantastic beginning, I'm loving Salazar ^_^
Thank you for the praise! Yeah, me too. He's growing on me more than I had predicted. This will be a fun eight generations.
As Harry Potter fans, I usually more into Gryffindor :P
But, that was interesting prologue. I just can't wait to see more of Sal! Bookmarked!

Good luck with your dynasty attempt! :D
Thank you very much. I'm rather proud of it myself. I had my work cut out for me, though, with the screenshots - every time I had placed everything in the right place, Godric and Salazar decide that "Nah, there's not enough room here, let's go somewhere else"! But I persevered!
I'm a die-hard Ravenclaw fan, but this looks fun.
I favour Hufflepuff myself, and Ravenclaw comes second, but I just thought that Rowena and Helga wouldn't be ambitious (and mad) enough to attempt a dynasty. Plus, Salazar is a fun character to play around with ;D
Chapter one: Alohomora
When I regained conciousness, I was lying flat on my stomach. The reason for my awakening soon became apparent, as something resumed tickling me in the nostrils. I snorted, trying to get the little bug away, but it persevered and continued its aggravating activity. I snapped open my eyes with a 'bombarda' at the tip of my tongue, ready to curse the living daylights out of the miscreant daring to disturb me in such a way, only to be faced with...


Had I been a lady, I might have blushed at my attempt to curse an inanimate object, but being the gentleman I were, not a hint of blood rushed to my cheeks. I looked around, praying that nobody saw me. For once, luck was on my side. I was the only one present at what seemed to be a large field, approximately three Quidditch pitches large.

I put my wand back in my sleeve, as the events that brought me here returned with vengeance. The anger in their eyes, the tingling feeling of the spell...

My blood boiled with anger. How dare they banish me from my own school? It will crumble without my help. But they had better watch out, for I am Salazar Slytherin, the greatest of Hogwarts four! I will go through this ritual, and they will be very sorry indeed! I'm going to make them pay!

I was grateful I had the foresight to research the ritual thoroughly. I had not planned to perform it, but neither had I foreseen them committing such an atrocious act. And now, there was no doubt in my mind.

I knew it would take time, I knew it would be hard, I knew I would have to utilize all of my Slytherin cunning, but I also knew it would be well worth it. 300 years I could wait to see the looks on their faces when I had them at my beck and call, when I had complete control over them...

I heard footsteps in the grass before me and saw two legs with white fur. In a flash I was on my feet, my wand pointed directly at the intruder. I did not concern myself with how a yeti managed to come so very far from its natural habitat, my only focus was to incapacitate it before it incapacitated me. However, when it began to talk, I paused in incredulity. Yetis couldn't talk.

"Hello, I'm your friendly mascot from..." it trailed off. "Are you all right, Mr.?"

That was when I saw the human face in place of the huge jaws and black buggy eyes. What in the name of Merlin...

Nonetheless, I put on my charming face and stowed my wand away.

"I apologise, Miss," I said with a disarmingly. "You merely startled me."

"No problem," she replied with a shrug. "Why did you point that stick at me anyway?"

I refrained from pointing out that clearly, she did have a problem, if the yeti costume was any indication. I didn't say anything, however, as my mind what whirring at this new information - I had obviously landed in a muggle neighbourhood. That made my plans all the easier - after all, muggles were hardly known for their intellect.

"An old habit, I'm afraid," I said with a false rueful smile. "I am sorry to have alarmed you. I wish you a good day," I said with the customary bow of farewell. To my amazement, this caused her to giggle and blush. I raised a mental eyebrow and noted it. My manners might prove useful in an attempt to woo a lady in this world.

The yeti look alike waved goodbye and departed. Honestly, muggles have the strangest ideas...

Now, the first order of business would be to start preparing for the age stopping potion, one of the cornerstones of the ritual, as it was the only type of age prolonging that did not harm the user after extensive use. For that, I would need someone proficient at gardening, and preferably one with interest in fishing. The extra potion ingredients would be a rather nice benefit.

But how would I go about acquiring these specialists? Just then, the answer to my question came running up to the mailbox. A pudgy little muggle boy who was, apparently, playing post owl. Most unusual. Not that I minded - I doubt an owl would be able to help me. So I approached the little blighter.

"Good morning, little man," I greeted him.

He looked up at me with heavy, confused eyes. "'lo," he replied.

It took a lot of will power to refrain from strangling him there and then. I would have, had it been one of my students displaying such a lack of... of everything! Decorum, politeness, wit... But, I suspected the little tyke would not be responsive to my usual treatment. So once again, I plastered a friendly smile on my face (which seemed like it would take up permanent residence).

"I just moved here, and I am planning to open an apothecary," I began, but stopped, seeing the uncomprehending look on his face.

"A medicine shop," I amended. His eyes lit up in understanding, and he nodded his thick head in acknowledgement.

"And I'm looking to acquire the services of a gardener to keep my stock replenished."

He frowned in confusion. I sighed inwardly. Merlin, the dunderheads I have to deal with... "A gardener to grow plants for me," I explained. He nodded once.

And said nothing.

"Do you know if anyone in town would be interested?" I asked finally.

"Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright. They live in other side of town. They good at planting. They give me yummy apple. They nice," the troll like youth said.

"That is acceptable. Thank you for your help," I told him with a sigh. "Now scat!"

Well, no time like the present, I decided, flew there right away. I made sure to keep close to the ground, as to not alarm the muggles, and set out to find these Wainwrights, a task that was made nearly impossible by the owl boy's rather sparse directions. I would have failed, had I not thought to use the point me spell.

At my arrival, I found a red haired woman tending to the garden by the house, and I assumed she would be Lady Wainwright. No, not 'Lady'. What did the boy call her... 'Mrs.', that's it. I carefully filed it in my inner library of information, right next to the muggle female's reaction to bows.

"Hello, there!" she called, and it took me a moment to realise she meant me. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?" she asked, wiping her dirty (literally) hands on her trousers and extended her right one to me.

Remembering the yeti's reactions, I pointedly refrained from bowing and took her extended hand instead. "Yes, you are quite right. And you are Mrs. Wainwright, I presume?" I said smoothly.

"Yes, that's me, Susan Wainwright, as a matter of fact. I guess my reputation has preceded me?"

"One might say so. Say, Mrs. Wainwright, I have a proposition for you and your husband..."

I explained that I needed the services of skilled gardeners. She was slightly sceptical in the beginning, but I am not Lord Slytherin for nothing, and I am quick to pick up on what people want to hear. This Lady Wainwright, for example, warmed up quickly when I started stroking her ego, and telling what interesting medicine we could produce together. It would seem she is enraptured by three things: Science, relaxation, and herself. And while I may not particularly enjoy praising her to the heavens, it was a small price to pay for the goal I had in mind.

And after several hours of work, Lady Wainwright ("Just call me Susan") was jumping at the chance to help me build a residence and move in with her husband. I thought it a little unusual for her not to consult her husband, but perhaps this town is matriarchal... I would have to look into that.


W/N: Thank you for reading :) It seems that once again, Salazar has taken control and made the chapter longer than I first intended. Oh, well. I really enjoyed scaring the living daylights out of him with that "yeti". Gotta do that more often ;)

"There is always someone who doesn't agree. That's what keeps the machinery going." Fryndse from "Min hund Grog" (My dog Grog) by Storm P.

The Slytherin Immortal Dynasty

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Prologue: Something wicked this way comes
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2013, 07:56:20 AM »
Bwahaha, that conversation with the paper boy! I hope Susan and Boyd know what they're getting into ^.^
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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Chapter one: Alohomora
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2013, 10:06:00 AM »
This looks like fun! I don't mind if Lord Slytherin goes on and on; he's an amusing narrator.
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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Chapter one: Alohomora
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2013, 10:31:57 AM »
I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the Wainwrights before.

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Chapter one: Alohomora
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2013, 11:09:54 PM »
I don't mind about his narration anyway. His writing style, make me smile. I like it :P
And I'm curious about what he'll do to those muggle couple. 

I'll wait patiently for the next chapter~ :3
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: The Slytherin Dynasty - Chapter one: Alohomora
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2013, 08:19:06 AM »
I don't mind his narration. I like it actually. Cool that you used the Wainwrights, I haven't seen them in a dynasty before.