This Project seems awesome! It may be the next thing that I do after I finish up with my Asylum Challenge and other various challenges.
Though did you know that in rule 1 if you have Late Night but not Supernatural you can still turn off the Vampires via the settings menu. At least, I'm pretty sure you can do that. The option to do this came in an update.
Oh cool, I didn't know that. I'll update that in a minute.
I really like the look of this project, Snuffles ! It seems well-structured without being too challenging or drawn-out to play. I'm not sure if I have the time to attempt it right now but I just can't help but wonder about potential spouse combinations. Would I be able to somehow make every spouse an original townie or at least a Sim with unique genes (e.g. WA world Sim, townie offspring etc.)? Is it possible to move in other townies so they can create their own families? Hmmm...
Thinking about it, I'm sure you could. The old, borrowed and blue Sims could all be original townies and the new could be a baby born to original Sims.
I think I can do this one too. But I'm bummed I can't have fairies.. Whenever you change the options, is there a way where it won't effect your other worlds. I always have to remember to switch back and forth.
It's okay to tweak the rules a little if you'd like. The only reason I put it in was because of the extremely long ages of fairies. So if a townie turns into a fairy, they'll still be around for later generations making the 'old' and 'borrowed' categories much easier.
I'm not sure about your question. Is it a particular setting that changes when you play other files? So, if you were to turn fairies off in this game, would it mean that fairies were turned off in all your other files? It's been such a long time since I've played the game, I don't really remember which settings change and which don't.