Well, I decided to start another dynasty! The prologue to this one doesn't have any pictures, but I spent a long time getting it right, so I hope you like it! Now I just have to start actually playing it
PrologueI am Khalia Everlast. I grew up in Dragon Valley, to a very important family. My father was I guess you could say the monarch. Wait, Dragon Valley doesn’t even have one of those anymore? Strange.. Anyway, here is a bit about me. I’m fairly used to getting whatever I want, when I want it. Although I’ve never really taken advantage of that. I love to garden, and cook. But I was never allowed because I was a princess, and my mother wanted me to act like one. I’ve always had strange dreams.. I have dreams of a time that is certainly not our current time.. I hear voices in my head, that tell me to call them Kay. She helps me to understand the dreams when necessary. But up until my eighteenth birthday, she never told me what the dreams of my future meant. I always had them, dreams of what I would be like years from now. Once, I saw me standing next to generations of my family. I didn’t understand it, and when I asked Kay, she said that I would find out in due time. Every time I have that dream, she tells me I will find out soon enough. On my eighteenth birthday, I had the dream once again. I demanded an answer to what it meant. On that day, I finally got it.
“Read the oldest book in your library. You know the one I mean. Read it, and you will understand.”
“Why can’t you just explain to me?” I asked her.
“Khalia, go read the book. You will understand everything, after you read the book.”
“Well alright then..”
After hours of trying to find this book, I read through it. My eyes grew wide with every word. “Immortal..” I whispered. “You expect me to become immortal?”
“I do not expect, I know you will. For it is your destiny.”
“The last of the immortals.. died off centuries ago.. when they gave it up.” I said, trying to process this in my mind. “And you want me to become the only immortal?”
“Did you not read it? Your descendants shall join you.”
“Right.. Kay.. I do not believe that I am ready for this..”
“You are. You will go forward in time, to the new city of Riverview. All the information is in the book. Bring it with you. You’ll need it to remember what you must do.”
“How can I accomplish this on my own?”
“You shall not be alone, you shall have people to help you. Now, I must go, and so must you.” I stood up.
“Wait! How do I got forward in time? How do I stay immortal? I have so many questions!”
“Your questions will all be answered in time. Now, the book explains how to go to your destination.” I sat back down to finish the book. I have a long journey ahead of me, and a lot of work to do.