LOL! Gotta love that nectar XD Love the wedding.
Oh, I cannot wait to see what a half-alien half-genie nooboo looks like! I hope it's blue and has huuuuge alien eyes. Desi's evil pose at the wedding was great. And Elodie: who yawns at a sim wedding? I don't think I've ever seen a guest yawn at one, but Elodie apparently doesn't understand marriages anymore than pregnancy.
Oh man, that would've been amazing. Unfortunately, I think alien genes are extra, super strong. In my lifestates dynasty attempt, ALL of the children inherited their dad's coloring. Same happened here, as you'll see.
I really love Elodie. She has no sense of propriety and it's wonderful.
Patty came to a decision in the later days of her pregnancy.

When the baby was born, she wanted to start her own family in a home of her own. Shawnya was extra supportive, but the others felt she was somehow abandoning them. After a lot of explaining, she managed to make them understand. It was time.

Life moves on and room had to be made. Case in point was Elodie's young adult birthday taking everyone by surprise.

Right at the moment that poor Patty went into labor, too.

Shawnya drove her to the hospital. She spent the time in the waiting room admiring photos of her eldest granddaughter, sent with love from her son. The letter was crinkled from repeated readings, but she read it again and again anyway.
Hello mom,
Enclosed is a picture of my darling Ada; isn't she just the cutest? She's two now, bordering on three, and has quickly become the apple of my eye. Doreen, of course, is already hankering for another. She swirled around this morning and got the beginnings of a baby bump, so it looks like she's getting her wish!
I'm so glad you're doing well. You deserve it--you and dad both do--to find someone more compatible. Not everyone gets to be as lucky as me and get it right the first time! And why wouldn't I approve of you dating Freddie? It's Freddie! Everyone loves the man! I can see why you suit each other so well; you have a lot in common. Oh, and can you believe it? His ex-girlfriend Silvia is dating my daughter Lilith! I also heard this weird rumor that the two of you had gotten married. Can you believe it! "HAH!" I said. "You don't know my mother very well!" How do these ridiculous rumors get started anyway?
I wish you guys could all come visit; I want to meet all of my new siblings! Freddie would just love our horses Jake and Darla. You'd like it here, too, I bet. The sun is always warm and orange here in Monte Vista, like your Island Paradiso. Although, about that, I've actually decided to take a page out of your book and be, well, a little more changeable! We're moving, so that Ada can grow up with all the other kids that are springing up in the family. I've . . . I've also decided to become a genie, mom. Like you used to be. I picked up the vial yesterday at the consignment shop. As I write, it's just sitting there on my desk, staring at me. I confess I'm both nervous and excited.
Give this little sister of mine, Clover, a big congrats for me on her engagement. Tell her I can't wait to meet her and all my other new siblings. Once I get settled into the new place, I'll send you my address, and you can all come and visit me anytime.
Lots of love,
DarcyHer son, a genie! She could see it now. He'd look proper dashing in a turban. Oh, and grandchildren. She liked to fancy that her grandbaby looked just like her at that age, even down to the skintone.

She'd have to write back soon. And make sure Clover kept it up in her absence. She felt very proud. Proud and bittersweet that she wasn't there to cuddle little Ada.
Back home, Elodie was fitting herself into her new young adult wardrobe.

She particularly loved her formalwear, though it made Freddie sigh.

This was also the moment that the watcher realized that Elodie has no belly button. Right on, I suppose. Why would she?

She was ready for young adulthood.

Or her interpretation of it anyhow.

With Patty's departure, she immediately took to Patty's room. She seemed perplexed at Desi's insistence that it was a bit insensitive. And coming from Desi that really meant something. But she was feeling a bit more vulnerable these days.

Hopefully she took to early parenthood better than Patty, who honestly didn't much enjoy the nooboo phase with her entirely alien son, Dylan.

She did move into a fantastic new house, though. And nearby!

Sam was extra excited about his impending fatherhood. Being family oriented like his own dad, he couldn't wait to share the news.

Freddie was pleased to receive the good news after attempting to explain to Elodie about jobs and adult responsibility. She had rolled the chidish trait due to her B in school. Jobs were not something that processed.

"She can work with me in the garden," he finally sighed, pointedly ignoring his wife's stifled chuckles.
"She is just a piece of you, you know," Shawnya said with barely contained seriousness. "A clone, almost."
"Ugh," said Freddie.

Elodie was interested in adult romance, and had no shortage of suitors. Though she found many of their rather human downfalls off-putting.

On a whim she decided to try her luck with Patty during a visit. That didn't go well.

"I changed your diapers!" Patty said, in shock.
"No you didn't, I don't have bladder needs," Elodie said, perplexed.

The family pointedly ignored the special interest the steak plant in the foyer had in her. It was just too weird.

Sam's medical background made him both insufferable and adorable during Desi's pregnancy. He was practically bursting out of his skin to meet his nooboo.

Freddie would've loved his grandbaby. If he'd managed to stick around long enough to see her. but, as in his last life, he died the instant he maxed out his age bar.

His last thoughts were of his son. "Be a good dad," he said in his final moment. "it's important."
It was important. Clover knew that it was because she'd had a great dad. She'd had Freddie.

Shawnya was inconsolable.