Author Topic: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty (Move to Graveyard)  (Read 73034 times)

Offline Tilia

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Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2013, 09:12:47 AM »
So I wasn't imagining the Desdemona reference? Also, Freddie with a Faithful moodlet! Excuse me, I'm going to go look for flying pigs.

You certainly weren't.  And yeah, I was shocked when it popped up (though I guess I shouldn't have been!)

Haha, well, I suppose that is the only 'logical' explanation for Freddie's otherwise unprecedented monogamous behavior! *sigh* I can't say I wasn't worried about the name Desdemona, especially after how poignant the Ophelia reference in the Classic's was. I hope things end up well for evil Desi and Sam, although it's certainly an inauspicious name.

I've decided they're going to go to prom as super villains.  Desi looks *amazing* in her formal super get-up.

You really have a thing with the names of your sims, especially Elodie and Desdemona are wonderful. Let's hope this Desi will have a brighter future than her namesake.

Thanks!  I love the name Elodie.  I was planning on using it even before i realized it was perfect for a plant sim :)

*cue long squee* Oh I LOVE this!  lol, I about choked on the tea I was drinking when I saw that Freddie had a Faithful moodlet!  Seriously, though.  This is perfect!  I mean, the crossover itself is just awesome, but the way you're playing them is even better!

Thanks!  Yeah, that moodlet really, really tickles me.  Poor Freddie is outmatched by pretty much his entire household, but he seems pretty darn happy about it.

Oh my gosh. I have so much love for this I can't even say. I love every little part of it. So glad to see you're doing another dynasty. This is perfect and I love it.

I've always thought they'd be great together, but I really didn't foresee just how much autonomous romance there would be.  It's really heartening.


On the fourth playthrough of Clover's young adult birthday, the Watcher finally decided it was time to trade in her mac for a gaming PC.  As she placed the order for a sweet new laptop, Clover seemed to approve.

As did the rest of the family.

After all, it had taken an obscenely long time to play the short days of Clover's teenhood.

She aged up looking rather familiar.

For those of you unfamiliar, this is Freddie's granddaughter, Allegra:

Clover admired her niece, but she wanted her own style.  After many crashes and toying around, she found one that she liked.

She gained her parents' irresistible trait.

And adopted her mother's Eastern style in her formalwear.

And for the rest, well, Clover was a true native of Isla Paradiso.

Though she'd never touched her Daddy's garden or picked up a fishing rod, the magic of the multitab secured Clover a massive scholarship in science and medicine.

Which was well, as she'd decided to pursue her childhood dream of becoming a scientist.

Surprisingly, another member of the household also decided that university sounded like a great idea.

And so, Clover went into her young adulthood with a plan.  She graduated most artistic.

And in an effort to avoid as much sentimentality as possible, planned her move during siesta.

Though there's no escaping a doting mother when a beloved child leaves the nest, even if only for a short time.

And so, Clover Clojo headed toward her future.  And then the game crashed.  But this will play out the same next time if the Watcher doesn't devolve into rage quitting.

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2013, 09:19:29 AM »
Good luck with the new computer! Hearing about your crashes always made me sad.

I was about to point out the resemblance to Allegra myself. I love Clover's sense of style better, though. You can't go wrong with green and aqua!
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2013, 11:25:34 AM »

Huzzah for the sweet new gaming PC on it's way! Seems like you've been struggling with those aging up crashes for forever. I love the sims's cheering over you placing the order. So cute! Clover's style looks great.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2013, 02:27:17 PM »
Wow!  Spitting image of Allegra!  But I do love her style ^^  And woot for a new gaming PC!  It's amazing how well Sims runs when you have something decent that can handle it.  I wish you luck with getting everything loaded and transferred to it ^^

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2013, 02:34:46 PM »
Clover is gorgeous! She does look a lot like Allegra, but with her own style she looks more unique. So, since the j is silent, is her name pronounced Clover Clo?

There's still so much amazingness that I am overwhelmed to write it all, but I guess I'll pick up where I started--having played Desdemona in school, I appreciate the new IF's name. The kids are all lovely. Not surprised she ended up Evil after all that, either. Glad you're getting a new computer. I am too! Yay computer party! I thought it was clever to have that bit in about siesta, since it's such a Spanish island. And I love this whole concept so much!
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By samoht04

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2013, 03:07:13 PM »
Clover is gorgeous! She does look a lot like Allegra, but with her own style she looks more unique. So, since the j is silent, is her name pronounced Clover Clo?

I was wondering that! Or is it 'Cloh-oh'?  Sounds rather Teletubbies.

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2013, 03:14:41 PM »
I was thinking a Spanish J, so Clo-ho.  Though if we wanted to just say hard j and be done with it, I'm sure F&S would understand ;)

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2013, 09:54:34 PM »
Oh. Only you said silent, so--okay, I get it now. Sounds better, I think.
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By samoht04

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2013, 10:41:27 PM »
Oh. Only you said silent, so--okay, I get it now. Sounds better, I think.

Apologies ;)

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2013, 04:19:52 PM »
I was pronouncing it 'Clo - h+phlegm - o' until the 'silent' bit registered.  Go me  :-\.  I like that version the best, in fact :).

Offline Niana

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Lag and Young Adulthood
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2013, 04:23:33 PM »
Wow, so many pronunciations... I was just assuming a hard j because it derived from Dojo, which sounds that way.

Offline Tilia

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Science and Medicine - Pt. 1
« Reply #41 on: September 28, 2013, 10:18:51 AM »
Good luck with the new computer! Hearing about your crashes always made me sad.

I was about to point out the resemblance to Allegra myself. I love Clover's sense of style better, though. You can't go wrong with green and aqua!

Huzzah for the sweet new gaming PC on it's way! Seems like you've been struggling with those aging up crashes for forever. I love the sims's cheering over you placing the order. So cute! Clover's style looks great.

Wow!  Spitting image of Allegra!  But I do love her style ^^  And woot for a new gaming PC!  It's amazing how well Sims runs when you have something decent that can handle it.  I wish you luck with getting everything loaded and transferred to it ^^

It. is. amazing.  I played the entire two weeks of university, including buying furniture and going into CAS without a crash.  Is this my life now?

I was pronouncing it 'Clo - h+phlegm - o' until the 'silent' bit registered.  Go me  :-\.  I like that version the best, in fact :).

Wow, so many pronunciations... I was just assuming a hard j because it derived from Dojo, which sounds that way.

Man, I am seriously questioning my naming decision now.  I changed the explanation of pronunciation in the first chapter.  But you guys just keep reading it in a way that makes you happy, haha.


Clover and Patty arrived at the university sorority house early on a Sunday morning.  Patty's hair had changed because the Watcher got sloppy re-installing her store stuff, but that's fixed now.

For the purposes of university, Patty went to this hairstyle instead.  The Watcher liked it a lot.

Clover immediately found the choices available in the university setting overwhelming.  Little did she know how much this would define her experience as a whole.

She loved the sorority house, though, and got along very well with the girls who lived there.

Patty was attracted to pretty much all of the women in the sorority, and pleased as pie to realize that she had a distinct sexual identity after all those years in the lamp.

She wasn't attracted to Clover, though.  Their strictly platonic friendship was developing swimmingly on the university grounds.  They made a point to go out together at least twice a week.

Clover, much as she did as a toddler, realized yet again that she dislikes not being good at things right away.

She also took a moment to gloat in her moments of success.  But Patty still won.

Clover also met several men that she had extreme chemistry with.  Which was wonderful as the sorority house membership granted her invitations to parties twice a day at minimum.

She found herself drawn to this dangerous, flirtatious gentleman the most, though.

If things worked out between them, she rationalized, she could talk him into becoming human for purposes of the dynasty.  And if not ... well, then it wasn't an issue was it?

Patty opted to throw herself into her studies rather than to date, though she certainly noticed lots of the girls on campus.

She was majoring in technology, though did not have quite the scholastic bonus Clover had gotten.  She'd need another term to finish that degree.

This isn't to say that Clover didn't enjoy her studies.  She was sitting comfortably on the Dean's list thanks to the small garden she kept outside of the sorority house, by the pool.

She found the coursework pleasantly challenging.

And enjoyed how easy it was to spend time getting lost in her own thoughts on campus.  She wondered how she'd ever adjust back to home.

At the moment, everything was perfect.  She had a boyfriend who was exceedingly patient with her stimulus response tests.

And with her general lack of experience in matters of romance.  After all, she hadn't seen Taissa since prom.

The first semester ended well enough.  Though, Clover did fail one of her tests because she spent the whole thing sleeping.  She was still an A student.

As was Patty, who had taken it upon herself to upgrade the entire sorority house to unbreakable while frequently using her genie powers to keep the darned thing clean.

Clover was ready for her final term.  She was excited that she'd get to keep her skeleton, knowing for a fact that Desi would just love something so morbid.

She consciously tried to enjoy every last moment of University life.

Offline Tilia

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Science and Medicine - Pt. 2
« Reply #42 on: September 28, 2013, 10:31:09 AM »
The day that Clover met Kyle, she began to doubt her relationship.

It was a strange thing for her to feel so affectionate toward her fae boyfriend but also roll wishes to kiss this new friend from Biology 202 with startling frequency.

She liked the way he watched her in public places.  The smiles he'd secretly toss her way.  The sweet tremor of his voice.  The fact that he didn't have wings.  And, in a moment of wild abandon, truly proving that she was a product of Shawnya Dojo and Freddie Classic, she made an impulsive decision.

It was well received.

And possibly went much further than she'd intended, especially considering she was still for all intents and purposes, taken.

Of course, Kyle knew that.  But seeing him bombarded by flirtations by the other girls in the sorority house filled Clover with a kind of territorial rage she'd never before experienced.

So she called her parents.

Shawnya was in a tiff about the prom clothing Sam and Desi had chosen and stubbornly stuck to.  Clover secretly thought it sounded awesome.

She talked about school in general.  Patty's newfound bravery and self assertion.

And her strange new fondness for rummaging.

She told her mom about the boys and her delimma.  "I still really care for my boyfriend, that's all," she sighed.

"Oh darling, believe me," Shawnya said.  "I do understand."

"But if you love him, you have to make a clean break of it.  You'll make all three of you miserable otherwise," Shawnya insisted.  "And if you really think this Kyle is something special, tell him."

Clover trusted her mother implicitly and took her advice.  Though she wondered if Shawnya had ever told Freddie just how special he was to her.

She lost her first love and gained someone who made her forget her very core.

And she knew in her heart that it was the right decision.

In the days that followed, both girls received A report cards.

And Clover graduated with a degree in Science and Medicine.  Her studies had imparted her with a new, lifelong eco-friendly outlook.

Her father could not have possibly been more proud.

When she got home, she posted her resume online and hung her diploma on the wall.

And she wondered if she'd finish all she needed to finish in time to make Kyle a permanent part of her life and her legacy.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Science and Medicine
« Reply #43 on: September 28, 2013, 11:01:05 AM »
Ooooo nice.  You go Clover!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Science and Medicine
« Reply #44 on: September 28, 2013, 03:55:28 PM »

It's good to see that Clover is truly her parents daughter, heh! Patty's everyday outfit and hair look awesome, by the way. The prom outfits are just wow. You see, EA, if you won't give us good prom clothes, we're going to get wacky and creative!

